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For the days before the result reveal, I worked and so did Malcolm.

We came in and out of the house at different hours barely seeing each other.

We didn't talk or even greet each other when we did see each other.

We still shared a bed, but with a huge gap between us.

The Kids had school and extracurriculars so they didn't really notice the awkwardness.

Malcolm put all his trip calls on speaker making sure I knew that he was missing out and because of me.

To be honest, at first I felt guilty but now all this was annoying and immature.

If his upset he should leave the relationship, not kill me with guilt.

Hospital, doctors appointment.


Caesar, Malcolm and I arrived at the hospital at the same time.

Malcolm and I shared a car and Caesar followed behind.

At 5:30pm, the truth would come out and I was panicking.

The three of us were in the hospital room we were in the last time we visited here.

We sat separately again and in silence.