For two whole weeks Malcolm was out of the country.
He was in Rome at his trip.
I texted him everyday to ask how he was but he never answered.
When he texted me it was for Trey and Zala and when he called it was for Trey and Zala too.
I however got a thousand text messages from Caesar.
I replied to Caesar's messages at my own time because I was done fooling around.
I had to think straight at all times because the fate of my life was in my hands.
Zala and I argued more in these two weeks.
I carried the frustration from work and brought it home. I don't know where Zala's frustration was coming from but it had me angry most of the time.
Trey missed his dad for sure. Every night he knocked at my door asking for him.
I never got tired of explaining to him where Malcolm was.
I slept with Trey every night and made sure he didn't miss his dad too much.
In the midst of Malcolm's absence I called my grand parents in DC.