

Vanessa foster

-20 years old

-5'3 inches tall

-brown complexion

-petit body

-British accent

-straight black hair

-brown eyes

Joshua Kingston (Josh)

--6'2 inches tall

-brown complexion

-hazel eyes

-short hair


-British accent


-light skinned

-brown 3A hair

-brown eyes.

Camden town, London.

Rise high apartment building, third floor, apartment number 23.

Vanessa's POV

As I walked up the stairs of Joshua's repulsive apartment building my neck felt as though it was strapped to a string of nails.

As I walked those poorly furnished floors my eyes were red swollen from all the crying I did in the taxi headed here.

I was all packed up, suitcase and everything. No more family, no more college or a future I always pictured for myself just a boyfriend. A boyfriend that barely made enough to take care of himself.

Well now he had to figure out how he'd take care of three people because I was pregnant.

When I finally got to apartment number 23, I rested my hold off my suit case and bag before I opened the door.

This building was very noisy and it occupied such a large number of people. To cut the staring of Joshua's dozens of neighbors I opened the door to his apartment and let myself in. He never locked his apartment.

"Ahhhhhh! " a little girl in the room screamed when she saw me. She looked approximately five years old. She had a lighter skin tone than I did and I thought her hair was beautiful. It looked well kept. She had on a cute sun dress and converse.

After the screaming the little girl backed away from me to the furthest wall, shaking in fear.

"Hey... Hey..... I'm not going to hurt you. "I told her and looked back at the door number for confirmation because for a second there I thought I was in the wrong room. This was Joshua's apartment. Maybe she was lost. "Are you lost? "I asked her but got no response in return. I closed the door and sat on the couch. I tried to make conversation with the child that seemed to be in a trance of terror because of me, but she didn't reply at all. I stopped trying and we both just stayed at our spots until she tired out after half an hour. She walked over to me and sat beside me on the couch. There was only one couch in this tiny apartment so she pretty much had no choice.

After about three hours the little girl told me she was hungry so I cooked her up some macaroni and added some cheese. Joshua barely had anything in his fridge but Mac and cheese worked just fine.


"Ro Ro...... Guess what daddy got us? "I heard a voice say when I was in the kitchen space with the child I found at the apartment. During our meal I learned of her name. She was Royalty Kingston..... She better be his sister or cousin.

It was Josh that just walked in. After four hours of waiting he finally showed up. When he walked into the kitchen he had four grocery bags in his hands. When he saw me his face straightened and his body froze.

"Daddy. "The little girl called in excitement and went over to Joshua and hugged him.

Daddy?.... This had to be some bloody set up work because Josh and I have been together for four years. He didn't mention a thing about no child.

"Hey sweetie....... Uhm go sit in daddy's room for a second while I talk to the lady here. "He told Royalty.

"Can I have your phone? "She asked before she left. Josh put the groceries on the tiny round table in front of me, gave his daughter his phone and watched her leave.

"I had a lot of questions but since you've answered most of them already I wanna understand something.......... When did it become legal to leave a child alone for hours? "I asked Joshua and got off my chair and crossed my arms. "Cause I wouldn't have been here...... In fact I wasn't supposed to now was I? "I continued. Joshua just stood quiet, looking at me knowing all too well that he couldn't defend himself. "So when were you going to tell me about her?..... Whose her mother?.. Better question where is her mother?" I asked Joshua but he just stood looking at me in silence. "Well? "

"I know leaving her alone was reckless but the woman next door knows her...... I told her to go to her if she was hungry or needed anything..... And I was going to tell you about her..... Time just wasn't in my favor. "Joshua told me leaving out some questions I asked.

"Where's the mother of that child Josh? "I demanded.

"Dead...... She was buried just yesterday..... She over dosed. "Josh told me.

"Was she white? "I asked.

"How does that even matter. "Josh replied.

"For my imagery. "I answered shrugging my shoulders.

"Why are your bags here? "He asked me. He knew why I was here. I literally had a whole suitcase and bag but I guess he wanted to hear otherwise.

"My parents kicked me out of the house...... I couldn't think of anywhere else that felt like home but here. "I told him hoping to flatter him. However all I got was anger.

"Bro I don't even make enough money for myself..... How am I supposed to take care of two other people? Don't you have law school or something? You got in yah? Isn't your first semester ongoing?" he asked me with a frown on his face.

"I'm pregnant Josh. "I told him. No smile, no hug or kiss Josh just walked away from me. I didn't expect any sort of happiness but his reaction hurt my feelings. Men will never understand the dilemma women go through during early pregnancy especially when their support system is against it.