Chapter Seventeen.


Josh and I weren't in the best place on most days but I tried my best to hold us together. I was still seeing Ibrahim at our usual pick ups but I kept my distance ever since him and I kissed. I didn't like the decision I made regarding us but I was in a relationship with a man that I loved. Amani often come home with the kids and I because Ibrahim was working a lot. I didn't know how true that really was but I was kind enough to take Amani along. I know that Ibrahim was only holding onto that excuse so that he could see me twice everyday. Leigh and Amani were practically best friends. When Ibrahim came over to take his daughter from my house it was usually at 6:30 sharp. Josh was always at the studio at that time. I know Ibrahim knew that. I must have mentioned it at some point.

When I picked King, Leigh and Amani up today, we had lunch out first and then went for ice cream to pass some time. We were home at 6:10pm which was just in time for Ibrahim to pick Amani up.