Chapter Eighteen.

After nine painful months my baby girl was finally here. I say painful because my pregnancy wasn't as smooth as my last one. I had so many mishaps but all for a greater good. After nine months of hell my princess Leigh Majesty Kingston was finally welcomed into the world. As usual Josh's parents shared the happiness of Leigh's birth with us. They brought gifts as the always did and pretended to be the proudest parents of the year.

A night before Leigh was born I texted my parents to let them know that I was having another child. I had no hope for them to show up but I wanted them to know anyways.

To my surprise my mother and my father showed up. They were empty handed but I was grateful for their presence none the less.

When my parents walked into my hospital room the atmosphere around us changed. I know my parents hated Josh and they made it so obvious. After half an hour of cherishing the moment with their second grand child, my mother couldn't help but cut the pretending.