Chapter Nineteen.


For months on end I was filled with guilt. I slept with Ibrahim twice. The first time I met with another man on that high level of intimacy I had my boyfriend to blame. I pinned my disloyalty on his faults and his mistakes. The first time I slept with Ibrahim I chose to make myself believe that I was pushed to do it. The second time Ibrahim and I got physical Josh was actually putting his whole into making amends. Josh cancelled trips to spend time with me, to spend time with the kids and fill us all in with a love he never did before.

I had never in so many years seen our family this close. I regret that night I betrayed my relationship yet again. I hate that allowed myself to stab the man that I loved in the back.

Two months earlier


Kingston kitchen.

"Hey....are you headed somewhere?..what time is it?" Josh asked me question after question when he popped up into the kitchen.