A cruel joke

It's a cruel joke in front of her, a forged signature of hers accepting millions dollar loan, it's a cruel joke cause she has never believed in taking loan, she knew she never signed this, but what now?.

"What's this?' Serene asked ,her breath coming out in shallow and the horror evident in her voice and wide eyes.

"This is a joke isn't it Edward, what's the meaning of this?" She asked waving the papers in front of Edward as fear used it bony fingers creeping on to her skin and gripping her heart, squeezing it to assure her of the reality of what's going on and her fateful outcome.

"Of course the evidences of the loan you signed Ms. Louis " Edward replied to her emotionlessly and with a glare as if she's really the dumb person who couldn't understand and simply cooperate.

"I never knew life is this cruel" she mumbled her eyes still etched on the papers in front of her as she stare at the words and her forged signature with tear stricken eyes enlarged by pins if fears and anger.

"Or maybe it has always been, it just wasn't my time, I was in the queue without knowing and now it finally my turn to taste the edge and bitter grip of life" she continued with sorrow in her eyes, her body trembling with the horror of her now life and she lifted her eyes from the papers.

Her red eyes filled to the brim with anger as she bared her invisible fangs at the two possible couple in the room with so much hatred incomparable to measure and she state venemous words she never knew was true.

"And I never knew the Devils lives and walk among us till now, you guys will forever rot..."

"You dare Serene?" Rosy, the light blonde haired beautiful lady with piercing light green eyes like that of a venomous snake interrupted Serene with cold threatening voice that she never in a million years expect the innocent friend of hers to posses.

She involuntary shuddered at the cold glare but she immediately retorted with clenched teeth.

"I will not sign anything, I won't hand over my properties to you bitches, you can go fuck off in hell" she spat at them glaring at the two, she didn't even know where the surge of confidence came from but either way, it was soon extinguished as John stood from where he was sitting and approached her while the other three men's eyes in the room darted around in confusion,fear and eager, they don't want Serene to go talk, who knows the kind of justful judge they will meet but even if she did, John can handle it and Serene doesn't even have anything with her now, not even the money in her account as it has been frozen and she can't asses it while all her assets are with them now just waiting for her to sign in order to make everything look legal.

John walk up to Serene and leaned down to her height on the couch and she involuntary shudder at his proximity not from joy but fear as she felt it grip her and her back break in cold sweat and chill run down her spine as she look up to his cold piercing blue eyes that stare at her with nothing, devoid of affection as if they were not lovers for the past three years.

"You know I want everything to go simple after planning for ages and waiting for you to fully scale the ladder. This is the plan A and it had went smoothly till now, I don't wanna resort to plan B as it will need me to get my hands bloody Serene" he muttered to her so only she could hear him and she had no doubt that he will really kill her if she give him problem and continue to be stubborn just judging from the cold eyes glaring down at her as if she's nothing but a measly ant that he will crush with his fingers if she try to bite him.

The fear in her intensified and her body trembled uncontrollably as silent tears roll down her cheeks from her red eyes continuing their downpour, he patted her cheek a few times and stood up signalling Edward to give her the papers and pen to sign as he stood waiting for her to complete everything.

Edward quickly got to his business after all he will be paid high lofty amount and he placed the pen on her trembling hands as she sign the papers. She immediately let go of the pen after her signature was completed and evidently, she use her palms to close her mouth as a heart wrenching and sorrowful cry flew out of her mouth as the reality start to settle on her.

She has lost everything except her carrier which at this point she isn't sure of it and of course John has to put the tablet on her face to finish her off with the last blow leaving her vulnerable and wounded.

An email from her company, the contract is exterminated and john has confirmed she has already signed everything including that.

She felt her world turning upside down, No!, it was breaking into pieces in front of her like and enclosed cyclic crystal breaking down before her in a painful and agonising way fate can ever punish poor souls like hers.

Her body hijacked and tremble furiously as breath start to come out in shallow puff and she grip her heart feeling the pain come all over her at once after the confirmation she was waiting for.

"Why?" She breathed out the question in a whisper like but enough for the people standing in the silent room watching her body hit the ground to hear, she pant in shallow breath clutching to her chest but none of them came to her rescue or showed any sympathy.

"That's just how life is pretty, the stronger ones seize the opportunity from the weaker ones once found. The world is like a jungle where you either be the predator or become the prey" John said to her as he crouch down and brush her hair that covered her sweaty face.

Serene watch the two must important people in her life with blurred eyes as they walk out of the penthouse with smug smiles of joy from success.

Fear of her inevitable life, no, sorrow from the lie and insult of the life she lived and the intense emotion of betrayal all attack her small heart without mercy and knocked her into an unconscious state.

After hours of losing consciousness Serene woke up with a ringing in her head as if she was hit by a trailer, her blurry eyes tried to make out her whereabouts and situation.

After minutes of analysing the room and her position, her eyes cleared up and everything flooded back to her in a painful wave adding to the painful headache she's feeling and she quickly rush out of her living room to the bathroom emptying her churning stomach although there was nothing to empty as she hasn't eaten since the morning before today.

She cleaned herself up and left the bathroom with her hand clutching her stomach as she felt like it being ripped from the inside but she has no appetite or desire to enjoy the pleasure of food or even a drink.

She walked sluggishly to the living room to find her phone and call her boss for explanation which she has no idea why she still need it when everything was relayed in front of her. She took the phone and a message from her boss caught her attention straight away and she immediately clicked in to see the full contents with an anxious beating mind.

"You should move out quickly cause the place has been assigned to another".

The content of the message read, Serene's hand trembled at the news, she felt her knees went weak and couldn't hold her as she fell down luckily on the couch still staring at her phone and the message in daze.

She dialled his number deciding to call him but it wasn't picked and on the third call it was blocked. She felt her breath hitched and she dazedly stare at space as another fresh set of tears roll down her cheek on sad adventure. Not even a home to stay now, the thought aloud.

She stood up with a heavy heart and start shoving some clothes into a travelling bag and any light valuable thing as it provesthey have taken all her expensive items. She closed the bag after putting some of her clothes and zip it up and walk out of the house she had lived for the past years handing the guard the keys as she hailed an uber she booked leaving the upper class part of the city.

"Where are we going ma?" The urber driver asked the gloomy lady at the back seat of his car staring at the passing view.

"To the nearest bar or club" she muttered enough to be picked by his ears and he speed up the car to their destination and she went back to her depressing thoughts sinking herself deeper into the abyss of darkness.

The car drive through the city and after few minutes stopped at a bustling club which Serene came down and went in with her face shielded from people's view to avoid criticism now instead of admiration chorus and fans squeal.

She managed to get in after showing her special card and with the bouncer promising to keep her travelling bags safe as it isn't allowed inside, she went inside without anyone noticing her and went straight to the bar to take in something strong that'll momentarily blur her shattered life's images.

"What do want dear?" The young man at the bar asked the person in front of him hiding behind the large black hoodie.

"Something very strong" a hollow monotonic voice sounded with an eerie voidness.

"Are...you sure?" He asked slightly worried and also scared at the hollowed tone of the lady whom he can't even see her face.

"Yes just bring it" she replied again but this time with a hint of impatience and slight pleading with didn't go unnoticed by the young bartender as he tried to understand the strange lady is really in a sad depressive mode.