Unveiling a non existent secret

"Yes it's true Serene cheats on John behind his back and she does drugs" her bestfriend stated breaking into sobs at her own words.

Serene felt like she's watching a movie play when it was her life, she squated down with her phone on hand staring dazedly at her bestfriend spouting nonsense and lying through her teeth perfectly about her. She felt like she was given another different heavy blow, a new lightening struck on her, never in a million years will she imagine this or believe she'll experience this or even believe a story like this if told to her.

Her bestfriend, the person she considered family, her twin flame, is now on the screen unveiling a secret of hers which never existed, she believed on the video she earlier saw of herself and another man but this, she has never cheated on John before or done drugs in her life, no amount of peer pressure has ever made her fall into a victim of drug abuse but Rosy is lying through her teeth, lying about her.

She quickly took her phone to call John but another false revelation was revealed which her eyes fell victim to it and she felt like she was thrown a blanket of icy water in the middle of snow environment.

"Before we started dating, Serene as i knew used to sleep with many people in order to get to act, that's how she became famous and successful, I really had no idea she still does, I never knew she's sleeping with men behind my back" it's a video of John, her boyfriend and agent speaking another lie, accusing her of what she never did and lying about her career dedication, painting her prestigious image a horrible black.

Serene felt her body trembling and hot tears streaming down her cheeks like a made up passage has been created for them and they flow nonstop. She quickly wipe the tears out but that didn't stop them and she let them flow since that's the only thing she could do in this moment as she couldn't even cry with her voice, it's as if she has lost it.

She frantically stood up pacing in the beautiful white and black living room of the penthouse as she lost or actually has no idea on what to do. She can't call her lover as he's deeply related to her pain nor her bestfriend since she is also involved, then who should hug her, who should whisper sweat nothing to her when those that suppose to are the reason for her tears.

Strucked by an idea, she quickly went back to her phone since it seems like her brain has decided to function again to look for outcome rather than dally on the inevitable.

She frantically search for the contact almost missing the person she wanted to call 'her boss' and the CEO of the company. She dialed the contact immediately and waited feeling her heart beat faster and harshly in every second the phone wasn't answered.

The call cut off after the time out and he didn't pick, she quickly dialled it again and he finally picked on the third call.

"Mr. Siose?"

"Serene am..." the other side of the phone stopped and exhaled a breath.

"Am sorry I can't help you now...I don't know what..."

"Wait! Let me explain...they're really lying about me..." she heard the phone disconnect and she stare at it in confusion, sorrow and anger.

He that suppose to help her is also trying to throw her away now that she doesn't have a good image and will now only bring them loss than profit.

It's at that moment that Serene realize she's really alone with no one to support or help her, Rosy and John has pushed away anyone who tried to get closer to her saying they all have ulterior motives but time has revealed who the biggest greedy hawks are, watching the naive chicken from above and waiting for a perfect time to catch it prey.

She has no friends, no family or anyone to support her, she never realize how alone she's till now when she needed a shoulder so much, she don't know who to call for help and even so for what, to ask what? For her image to be washed, for clarification? How can she deny this, how will people respond to this when the scandal was arranged and said by none other than the ones everyone who knows of her knows them as her only close ones, her boyfriend and bestfriend.

Serene found herself laying on the carpeted floor as she felt her temperature rising to an alarming rate, her body shiver as if in cold winter and her head heavy pounding with a sinful and unrelentlesss pain shooting to every nerve in her brain cells and making her mind foggy and eyes blurry as she curled herself up and let her eyes close into darkness with fresh tears on her face.

She didn't know for how many hours she has been unconscious but when she got out of it without anyone's help, she saw the city lit with artificial lights and the sky darkened looking eerily gloomy and sad just like her, but she felt more than that. Hurt, sadness, betrayal, confusion and regrets are the common emotions toiling with her mind keeping it on auto operation without letting her have a moment of peace which has been snatched away from her just hours ago without any prominent reason.

She has no idea what she has done to them to deserve this result.

She dragged her trembling body and went to bed burying herself under the soft blanket and squeezing every warmth that's possibly available by curling into herself more. She didn't bother to call Rosy or John as she don't know why she should and what to say when everything has been clarified to her through their videos but she can't help but still wanna hear it from them to her.

Her body finally fed up with the stress and overthoughts gave up and drose to sleep without a due, her depressive thoughts and heart lulling her to a lone world of darkness with no warmth but coldness and no one to provide it to her.

The next day Serene got up at mid noon with pounding headache and high fever and trembling numb body, the chill traveled to every cell in her when she placed her feet on the cold floor and she immediately shuddered but still nonetheless got out of bed and sluggishly cleaned up.

Today she's gonna meet John and Rosy to hear everything from their own mouth, the masochist part of her brain decided although she knew the pain she will recieve hearing it from them will be unbearable but she won't back down till she did and fortunately for her she won't have to go in search of them as they're now in her house.

She stepped out of her bedroom, the bedroom she shared with John, it used to be their bedroom not just hers but not anymore, she thought growing emotional and she blinked her eyes to extinguish the burning tears trying to roll down her cheeks and burn them opening the wound she's trying to heal.

She walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen to find something to give to her protesting stomach even though she has no appetite and she hasn't eaten since last morning but she need the energy so as to walk and maybe yell.

She reached to the living room which she had to go through to reach the kitchen and she immediately froze after seeing the people in her living room all dressed in suit except the beautiful lady holding unto the arm of the handsome in blue suit.

Two unfamiliar men in black suit and her lawyer also in black suit sitting on the same couch while John and Rosy sat on the couch next to them leaving no inch between them as she hold his arm looking like the best couple that the celebrity gossip can ever find of the year.

How did these people come into her house without her knowledge, she thought to herself looking at the people in the room in suprise and confusion before her frozen mind melt and answer her, of course Rosy and John, they're the only people with spare keys of the house and they are without a doubt the ones that opened the door for the rest.

"Is everything alright Mr. Edward?" Serene asked feigning calmness and looking composed when actually she's internally battling with anger and fear of the unknown seeing as alot is happening to her in the last hours and not in a good way but extremely bad way, she feel so unfavoured by fate who must be looking at her with pity or mockery.

"Please take a seat miss Louis let me explain before we start" the short chubby man with bald head who's her lawyer gesture her to sit and Serene reluctantly comply sitting herself down on the couch facing them all feeling her hard and heavy heart beat in her ears and wondering if they can all hear it seeing the way they're looking at her like wolves that caught their prey after years of wondering and scheming traps in the forest.

She faced her lawyer with a look demanding explanation and the bald man sigh as if pitying her which was nothing but a lie from the way he's looking at her with nothing but greed in his eyes.

Why is he like this or has he always been like this but she never noticed? She wasn't the one that assigned him as her lawyer but John seeing as he does everything for her before she ever asked or thought of it or if she needed it, she always thought it was sweet and caring of him. That only mean they were plotting together now she wonder which kind of hole has she dug herself into but it isn't like she's the one who brought him into her life, but he jumped into it with a good look and friendly smile, true evil indeed hide behind beautiful mask.

"It's about your bank where you collected a huge loan from and you still haven't paid so they have decided to take your properties as..."

"What!?" Serene shouted flabbergasted, her face contorted from confusion to anger and horror. Spoiling her image and dignity isn't enough, now they're trying to take away all her possessions, what has she done to these people to deserve this.

"I-is this a joke? It's right? When have I ever took loan and for what?" She babbled the questions, eyes searching frantically from John and Rosy to her lawyer and the two men sitting beside him.

He stood up and handed her the documents he was holding but she stare at him and the others searching for atleast a straw to reveal this is nothing but a dream but the touch of the documents against her hand and her ragged breathing with the pain piercing her heart confirm the true reality of everything to the extent she could hear the wicked laughter of her fate and the visual images of her poor unbecoming life her mind is portraying is too much to handle that she felt her hand tremble and her eyes become moist with emotional lava.

She could only stare at them as they smile evily at her, were they all like this? Looking at her with fake smile and greedy eyes? She couldn't shout nor fight as she felt every energy in her slowly dissipate like a fire extinguished by snow.

She originally don't know how to fight or shout, if she shout then it's out of impulse or suprise. That's the type of anger she has, a silent one. Some think she's just naive and stupid and now she really believe them, she's indeed naive and stupid.