Saved again

"Vil?" Melvil turn to look at the bouncing boy next to him watching his twinkling eyes and the way his curly hair bob up and down as he jump with mischievous smile plastered on his face.

"Yes Ashton" he replied to the bundle of joy who's his younger brother and the only family he considers.

"Are we gonna live with Serene?" He asked hope filling his grey doe eyes.

"I...I don't really know" Melvil sighed as he answered the boy not wanting to break his enthusiastic brother's hope of living with his favourite star.

"But you know how you found her, what if she still wanna give up on living after we let her go?" He asked now sounding worried at the thought of losing her.

"Don't stress your cute mind Ash, everything will be fine, okay?"

"Okay brother" Ashton responded to his brother and they resumed back to their daily walk to school but the insecure feeling of all is not right that started after Ashton's concern didn't go away from Melvil's mind as he continue to think of the possibility of that eventually happening.

They eventually reached their school separating from each other at the hallway as they all approached their group of friends, more precisely Melvil approached his group of friends and they walk up to their locker getting their books for the day.

As the first class start, Melvil completely zoned out the teacher falling into thoughts of the dimmed star he left at home who almost killed herself if he hadn't saw her last night, then it will be different news circulating today.

'What if she still hasn't give up on taking life? What if she left and commit it? What if she do it inside the house? What if it isn't safe to leave her alone as Ashton said' Melvil continued to have all these 'what if' thought to the extent his head start to hurt.

'It wouldn't hurt to check on her, will it?' He thought before he was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder.

"Melvil are you okay?" His bestfriend beside him asked looking into his eyes with worry but instead of answering, it was as if Melvil was electrocuted on his seat as he quickly got up taking his bag and running out of the room with a yell of...

"I'm okay, I'll see you around" and he bolted out of the school running home without his brain even suggesting his friend to give him a ride home.

He ran down the lower class street as his heart continued to hammer loudly in his chest and that nagging feeling overwhelming him with the possibility.

Melvil ran into the house immediately after reaching his street and start to frantically search the dimmed star in the small apartment, he searched the living room and kitchen in case she was in there, and when he didn't see her, he called her name walking into his bedroom.

"Serene? Serene " silence fell upon him as the name bounced back to his ear in the quiet house and panic start settling in him before he quickly calm himself with the thought of her being in the bathroom although the voice inside his head keep saying 'why didn't she answer him, after all the apartment isn't that big for his voice to get lost without reaching destination '. The voice wouldn't quite down until his eyes set on the unpacked luggage of Serene that he brought with her last night.

Melvil walk up to the door in the room which is the bathroom and gently knocked on it calling Serene's name waiting for response.

"Serene? Serene are you in there?" He asked but no response came making him frown as worry and fear start crippling his mind.

"Serene am coming in now!" He declared opening the door and jumping into the bathroom.

Melvil jumped back letting out a short gasp shrouded with horror as the sight before him matched and confirm the nagging feeling and possibility of 'what if' that has been on his mind.

Melvil rushed to Serene who's in the tube filled up with red water from her blood as the slitted hand rest at the edge of the tube.

He frantically searched her in hope of finding a heartbeat to prove she hasn't slipped away from the real world.

"No, No, come on" he rambled finally finding a slow unnoticeable heartbeat and he immediately took out his phone not knowing what exactly to do before he quickly remember to call the emergency number.

"Hello! How can we help you?" The other line asked softly.

"S-she cut her wrist...a-and blood is everywhere, but there's a faint heartbeat, what should I do?" He stammered asking for help.

"Stop the blood flow outbreak and tie the wrist, what's your address we'll send the ambulance now" the other line said and Melvil stated the address taking out a first aid kit and wrapping an amount of bandage to Serene's wrist to stop the bleeding.

Few minutes after, the ambulance arrived and the paramedics rushed in taking Serene with Melvil to the hospital, they quickly arrived at the hospital and the doctors proceed in with her to give her the needed treatment to stabilise her heartbeat and fix back the slitted vein.

Melvil paced up and down in the hospital corridor as time pass by waiting for a doctor to come out and give him a report, he was restless and he couldn't point out why he cares about her when he don't even know her enough to care but maybe it was because he felt a connection to her and don't want her to leave forever.

'What if she died under his roof? What will he tell the reporters and the world? And what if that man find him? He has done everything to get away from him, he can't let anything get back to square zero' he thought.

Anxiousness chew on every vein in him as he wait outside the emergency room and after hours of agonising wait, the door open up and a doctor came out of it with a relieved look making Melvil release out an involuntary sigh of relief at the silent words of success.

"Can I see her now?" He asked the young looking doctor.

"Yeah, she will be transferred into another room in few minutes then you can see her, but please keep an eye on her, it was hard saving her as she didn't wanna be saved" the doctor said with a worried look.

"It was like she gave up on living" he added to the grim looking young man before tapping his shoulder and leaving him with his thoughts.

'Does she wanna die this bad' Melvil thought taking a seat and getting lost in his thought thinking if he had done her justice saving her before he was awakened by a nurse who gave him the room number of Serene and he walk up to it.

He watch her ashen skin and skinny body in the blue outfit on the bed melancholy to which he had no idea why he cared so much to someone he only knew in movies.

He gently pushed open the door and went in taking a step at a time, his eyes still glued to the figure lying on the sick bed looking like someone that was snatched away from a death door which in reality is the truth.

He sat next to her bed facing her and gently took the stitched bandaged hand she slitted looking at the wrapped wound somberly, one will think his lover was saved from death.

"You know, you look so brave and amazing in movies. There was a movie you said 'I'll never give up, no matter what the circumstances, what the world offer me as a trial, I'll face it head on and fight my way to freedom'.

"So why are you giving up in reality, uhm silly girl?" He asked the unconscious lady with a weak smile.

Melvil sat there dazedly looking at the dark brown haired beautiful lady on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask on her, she laid there motionless with only the slight movements of her chest rising up and down from breathing.

His phone rang breaking the silence in the room and he quickly got it out of his pocket not to disturb the patient on bed and quickly answered the call seeing his younger brother.

"Hello brother, where are you? School has been over and you're not at home. Rider said you left school in a hurry, is everything okay? Because Serene isn't home" Ashton immediately complained after the call was picked and he added the last part in fear and extreme worry as his idol is no where to be found in the house.

"I'm fine Ashton and...about Serene" he paused to gain confidence to relay the bad but good news at last.

"Serene is in the hospital, am with her" he finish.

"W-what? What's wrong with her Vil? Is she alright?" Series of questions flooded after the whereabouts of the idol is leaked.

"Yeah, she's now".

"Then I'll be there now, text me the address of the hospital" Ashton declared already getting up ready to leave for the hospital.

"What? No Ash, I'll stay with her".

"No am coming that's it" the argument was closed as Melvil knew he can't convince him to stay home and the call ended on that he will come check on her before going back home.

Looking through the window, Melvil realize how time has flew by seeing the sun ready to set and Serene is still sleeping, well it's good thing instead of not breathing at all, he thought before glancing at his phone and that's when he saw multiple missed call he missed from his bestfriend Rider since morning, that should be when he found Serene in that condition.

He must be overtuned with the beat of his heart from anxiety that he didn't even hear the phone rings.

He dialled his best friend's number calling him to assure him he's alright and stop freaking out, how lucky he's to have him and his brother.