Still alive and why?

The beeping sound of a monitor was the first thing Serene heard as she comes to her consciousness, she opened her heavy eyelids to a blurry vision of wherever she's as she couldn't see anything with her hazy eyes.

'Huh! Why is my sight blurry? Does spirits or souls also have blurry sight when they wake up?' Serene thought subconsciously furrowing her brows.

'And why is there a sound of a machine in heaven?' After several seconds of blinking her hazy sight she begin to make her whereabouts. Seeing the white ceiling and glasses of a hospital and the beeping monitor next to her that read her heart beat confirm her whereabouts, she's in the hospital. She look to her hand which was attached to the ivy transferring blood to her and drip and that's when her line of sight caught a figure sitting next to her bed with his head leaning on the chair as he sleep almost peacefully if not for the dark eye bags decorating his eyes and the lines of stress in his young handsome face. It was a familiar figure, the hero in her story who saved her from committing suicide and if she's not mistaken then twice, she really isn't dead and has been saved again.

She groaned inwardly in frustration but realized that it came out as the young man next to her quickly stirred and their eyes clashed again making Serene inwardly roll her eyes which lucky enough really happened mentally.

She tried to adjust to a sitting position and she loudly groan from the soreness of her muscles and aching back which must have being from her lying at the same position for long.

Melvil quickly scrambled to her at the sound of her groan and glance at her twisted face in slight worry, considering how he doesn't show his emotions, it was a new look to see on his face to Serene.

"Are you in pain?" He asked stopping his outstretched hand to hold her and Serene raised her brow in question manner.

"Why must you be a godamn hero?" She whispered enough to be heard by him, words laced with confusion, frustration, irritation and slight embarrassment, she watch his stoic face ease and soften.

"I can't stay back and watch you die under my sight" he simply stated as if it was the obvious thing that she couldn't grasp and not because he's trying to be a hero or gain anything.

She nodded solemnly and mumbled a request for water and he poured it to her in a cup giving it to her before calling the doctor to check her first and report her current condition.

After hours of check ups, advices,warnings and more, the doctors decided to let them free.

Melvil's steps falter when he came to face with the two people trying to enter the hospital, his brother and bestfriend. They gave him a sheepish smile and then turn towards Serene with worry and concern painting their beautiful faces to which Serene found odd considering her identity and she shifted from foot to foot uncomfortable with the sympathising gazes.

She knows she's weak and isn't even trying to work up to be strong rather giving up, but could anyone blame her after what she experienced. Some people have encountered worst and still fought and live, but fate, destiny, deities, God gives the hardest battles to their strongest warriors and every one according to the capacity of his heart and mentality but her, it isn't anything near what she could endure, she's tired of the miserable life that people love, fighting everything in one way or the other all the time.

The lucky ones win, survive and some even live, but those unfortunate like her it's another story as every person is different and has his or her own way of coping with miserable fates and she Serene, choosed to give up and she wouldn't stop till she achieve the freedom she yearn which only the scythe of death could be generous enough to grant her and others like her.

"We can go back together since I brought my car no need for a cab" deep ocean blue eyes look between Serene and Melvil as he spoke raising a brow at his silver-grey eyed bestfriend who's still standing like a plank of wood and the younger boy nervously fidgeting at his side.

"Sure" Melvil quite monotone voice mumbled and start to walk before glancing back at Serene who stood there gazing through space and lost in the dark void.

Melvil sigh shaking his head before slowly walking up to her and he gently put his warm hand at her cold back bringing her out of her dark world as he nudge her to walk helping her into the car before he joined her.

The blue eyed young man sigh at his best friend's hospitality and his raked his hand through his silver dyed hair which was showing the real color of the hair from the root; ebony black, his friend always had a soft spot for depressed people and those that wanna give up on life. He ran to the car entering it with Ashton before the cold silver-grey eyed guy glare at him for taking his precious time.

Melvil helped Serene out of the car after nodding goodbye to his bestfriend and they walk into the small apartment with Ashton silently tailing behind.

They entered the house and he helped her sat on the couch before he left for the kitchen to prepare them something to eat.

He moved around the kitchen like a professional chef as he cook after all he had been cooking his little brother's food and his for as long as he remember, if he don't want him or his brother to starve then he had to cook himself as they had no one who cares to do it for them.

Minutes after he finally finished making the simple meal; bacon and scrambled eggs, he took it out to the people in the living room, there he saw his brother on the love seat watching the TV and occasionally glancing at Serene in worry whose attention was glued on the screen but it was obvious as light in daytime that she's not watching the play but staring through it deep in her thoughts further breaking her mind.

He walk up to her and place the meals on the table at the centre of the living room closer to Serene who hasn't snap out of her thought.

"Serene?" He called and gently tap her on her shoulder with a finger.

"Huh!?" She snapped out of her thought quickly and look up to him staring at the two fantasy moons trapped in the young man's eyes.

"What are you thinking of?" He quickly asked, his stoic features softening a little bit worried at the depression eating the young woman's mind.

"Why?" Her soft voice asked in a whisper like sound but he caught it.

"Why what?" He asked her confused seeing her dazed look, 'is she thinking of the people that did that to her' he thought.

"Why won't you let me die?" Serene asked now her dazed attention on him intently looking into his stormy grey eyes that are like the devouring storm for an honest answer.

Melvil felt his heart skip as he looked into the soulless eyes of the dimmed star whose look won't let him say anything other than the true.

"I think... I want you to stay, even though may sound cruel to your made up mind but... I feel I don't want you gone" looking back into the bottle green eyes of Serene, Melvil answered in a whisper according to his heart without the accordance of his mind. All these feelings are unplanned.

Why does he suddenly care about someone when he had only loved two people in his whole life, his brother and his bestfriend, they're all boys who lacked familial love, he isn't ready to give someone a space in his fragile heart, but things like this happen in an unexpected moments in life.

"You should eat now and rest, you look skinny and tired like a walking breathing corpse" Melvil stated bluntly looking at Serene's face examining her tired features.

"That's because I'm not different from that" she mumbled enough for him to hear to which he sigh shaking his head but still urged her to eat and she eventually complied joining the two brother who are her God sent knights.

They quietly eat the food made by Melvil accompanied by silence as no one spoke and when they were done, Serene offered to help with the dishes but Melvil denied shooing her away to go and rest with Ashton as a guard so that she wouldn't do anything stupid according to Melvil which was already true.

Serene sat back down on the bed with the pillows supporting her head and the blanket draped on her from her legs to her waist. She sigh closing her eyes to rest her numb but busy mind but couldn't stop the depressing thoughts and after minutes of pondering with still the the presence of the young boy in the room monitoring her via the older guy's request she opened her eyes slowly and turn to look at him on the couch facing the bed from the left side of the room.

Green eyes locked with grey and he quickly look away embarrassed of being caught blatantly staring and his cheeks got red with the overflow of blood in the area and Serene found herself smiling softly at the adorable boy who couldn't even look her in the eye because of his diffident.

"What's your name?" She found herself asking the cute shy boy without the consent of her brain as it kept warning her of not getting attached since she still has no will of living in the world in general, but she couldn't help herself but ask the adorable boy who has been like this since they met, always shying away from her eyes.

She wonder if he had consented to her being here or if he has no say in what his brother does or he just doesn't care.

"A-Ashton" he answered her question timidly avoiding her eyes.

"Ashton! Huh" she said his name giving him a soft smile as he quickly look up to her hearing his idol say his name.

"B-But you can Ash?" He quickly say as if asking her if she want to with the tone of question at the end.

"Okay Ash, am Serene, and it's nice meeting you. You're adorable" Serene said making Ashton's white face turn red like a human tomato, but the giddiness in him can't be described into words as his idol introduced herself and even called him adorable.