Dream fulfilled

Cheers and the sound of popped opened champagne collided erupting noise in the white lit room and glowing light chandelier with beautiful decorations all around the room, people in expensive suits and silky gowns with smile adorning their beautiful faces. The blond beautiful lady in the middle served everyone the opened champagne with a bright beautiful smile on her face that illuminated the room further bewitching them with her innocent face and humble gestures. They click glasses with cheers erupting again before everyone gulped the expensive drink then congratulating her and the handsome blonde man next to her who's now known as her new boyfriend and Agent.

The ladies huddled close to her although envious but still couldn't miss the chance to gossip.

"Oh my! You so lucky Rosy, I wish I'm you".

"You really got to act this big film project, I'm jealous"

"Thank God that bitch is not here if not no one will ever get a chance to shine when she's all around seducing people with high positions".

"That whore that gives herself out just to become famous, she's disgusting and shameless" they all continued back biting and insulting the dimmed star in front of the now rising star.

"I think you guys shouldn't say that about her even with all she did" Rosy interjected, her beautiful face painted in sadness.

"Oh my you're so kind"

"Yeah miss Flair is humble that bitch must have been keeping you behind overshadowing your talent" they eventually continued like a group of mediaval period nobles trying to gain favour from the heroine and crown prince after overthrowing the villainess.

Rosy watch them in hidden amusement, her heart flattering with happiness at their behaviour, she's happy they have finally plucked out the thorn and won out, she will finally be the face of Hollywood and the superstar that will appear in every mega hit. She glance at her new agent, former agent and ex boyfriend of Serene Louis, her true boyfriend and they smile in satisfaction, he gave her a gentle look and kissed her forehead before leaving to.meet with his friends and socialize with others.

She watched his back as he walk away and got swallowed by the sea of people before she release a quite sigh of relief, she's finally gonna have the kind of life she dreamt of with the person she love beside her, the evil grin on her face broke the innocent look of hers but luckily went unnoticed by everyone.


"Rosy Flair has signed the contract of 'Face Of The Rising Star' industry with the duration of 5years and she has been picked as the actress of the upcoming hot movie of director 'Roderick Russel' the famous and most amazing director currently in the wood". The news on celebrity gossips read out to everyone concentrating and watching the celebration videos that shows the moment of the signatures and the party, everyone's concentrating was enthralled by the lady on the TV and the new gossip.

"Wasn't she Serene Louis bestfriend. That hypocritical actress that act like she's more innocent than anyone".

"Yeah there were friends, I had that she's no more in the Industry".

"Rosy and John are now together, the villainous actress must have been overshadowing her talent".

"It's good that all her horrendous acts were exposed and there's no news of her again"

"I pray she just die" everyone state his mind regarding the couple and insult the already dimmed star painting her evil and a villainess that needed to be eradicated, unknown to them she's among them and sitting close to the window side hearing all their insults.

Her heart constricted with pain and her body trembled, her eyes moist with unshed tears and her throat clench with bitter feeling. It's painful hearing people that once loved and admire you suddenly hate you because of something they saw of you which you were actually framed, this people used to love and praise her, they adored her so much.

She was an inspiration to many, her words were motivation, the fuel to drive forward, her actions were idolised to the extent many copies her lifestyle but now, she's nothing but the villain in Rosy and John's love story.

"What can I get for you boys and...oh my! Serene Louis!" The voice of the waitress brought her out of her thoughts and calling the attention of the people in the small restaurant.

Suprised gasp echoed in the place as everyone turn around to the figure in hooded shirt, they couldn't see her face but the shock expression on the waitress face said it all, it really is the fallen star.

Some quickly stood up and walk to her with their phones taking pictures of her as she try to conceal her face further while others start to murmur, wondering what she's doing here and giving her scornful gazes with little to none giving her pitiful looks.

The overwhelming feeling of anxiety struck every nerve in her without mercy travelling to every part of her and she ducked down her face shielding away from the camera light. She felt all alone in the middle of wolves, her breathing start to waver as she found herself breathing harder than normal as panic start to settle in her, tears roll down her cheeks and her trembling body enclose by her two arms in an effort of bringing protection to herself.

Their voices were the only thing she could hear and her ragged breathing, she felt devoured by the darkness in her mind and the hurtful words from the people around.

The anxiety and terror of not knowing how to get out from the people engulf her as one of the people walk closer to her stretching his hand to remove her hood and the panic in her increase and she thought she was done for until a familiar tanned muscular hand suddenly out of nowhere hold the man's hand restricting him from moving further and cutting Serene's breath, she watch everything happened in a slow motion.

She remember she wasn't alone but with the two brothers, and relief wash over her chasing away the panic attack threatening to unleash but the anxiety still didn't leave even after, till the back of Melvil appear in her vision broad and wide shielding her away from the scornful gazes of the people.

Melvil turn to her and place his warm big hand on her small back guiding her away from the group of people and out of the restaurant with Ashton following them.

The cool air was the best she felt in a while as it hit her face immediately after they stepped out of the restaurant cooling her frozen nerves and calming her racing heart and battling mind. She was beyond scared inside surrounded by strangers insulting her, mocking her and taking pictures of her.

It was different when she was the shining star, people take pictures of her out of love and adoration, the cameras were symbol of her fame, the smiles on the strangers faces and joy dancing in the eyes of her fans were what always lift her mood, whatever, whenever, and from whoever, it was a beautiful life full of love she thought, but everything is destroyed by her ex boyfriend and bestfriend.

The people that adored and admired her now hate her, scorns took away their smiles and hate, mockery and disgust took away the joy of seeing her in their eyes, it's now an ugly life that she's not ready to face.

Melvil guided her to the cab Ashton stopped and they all hailed in with Serene still clutching to Melvil's hand for assurance and leaning on his shoulder for support, he gradually put his warm hand on her back to reassure her he's there and won't leave her, her heart rate start to stabilise to normal and her anxiety start to fade leaving her body with slight tremor from the shock.

Rosy and John, they really are a couple and without a doubt they love each other and match as villainous couple, she thought without stopping her mind to wander to her destructors but it isn't like she could help her train of thought.

She still know of their existence since they're the only thing that occupy her mind every day, hour, second, taking all her time from reality and increasing her depression rate.

She wish life wasn't this cruel and she still have her parent with her who cares, love and adore her, she wouldn't have ever thought of giving up and committing suicide if she still have that iron wall that can never be broken down, shielding her from all the bad things in life.

She was a princess when they were alive, they treated her as so but jealousy of fate can never be washed away and it decided to take them away. They were killed without a doubt but why? It was never found as the case was swept under the carpet like their life didn't matter and the killer was one with no identity to be found.

The cab reached their apartment and Melvil got down helping Serene out before paying the driver.

"Wanna have a walk?" The ever young man of few words asked tugging the dimmed star's hand and jolting her to reality. She nodded and he signalled Ashton to go in which he nodded and walk away after glancing at his idol in worry.