Grey-eyed Hero

The two people with different past trauma stroll leisurely in the neighborhood street basking in the silence of the night provided and the cold air of autumn although not the freshest of it in the downtown where criminals can be found living their livelihoods or the entire city itself.

They walk slowly on the empty street letting the sound of their footsteps and their cold ragged breathing accompany them under the gloomy moonlight and after minutes of walking they reached a playground and sat on the bench without uttering a word to the other still deep in their thoughts.

"Am I a fool to not have seen through their kind and friendly act?"

"They hid it too well, people like them hide their true intentions towards others and are good at it" Melvil's deep voice answered the gloomy lady beside him.

"Am sorry for insisting you go outside"

"You did it in a goodwill, so it wasn't your fault" Serene quickly calm the young man without looking at where he was seated close to her as she can feel his unnatural complete presence and soothing aura. His presence always calm her pressuring mind, maybe because he was her saviour, or maybe he unconditionally cared either way, it's the only good thing in her empty cold life.

"The night breeze is cold, let's go back before you catch cold and I have school work to do" Melvil stood up and stretch his hand towards her and she look up to his outstretched toned hand and then to his face.

Melvil realised the strange questioning look Serene was giving him but didn't drop his hand, he tilt his head innocently asking her 'what's wrong' and she just sigh and took his big calluse warm hand against her cold small ones, she wonder how his is warm when they were outside together.

The feeling of electric spark from nerves when Serene's soft small hand touched his made Melvil smile breaking his cold poker face, the size, the softness of her hand against his big calluse one felt so right to him and he felt giddy inside, but lucky enough to him, the darkness hid his face away from her as he looked down and walk to their home.

'Home' he thought again and smile feeling his chest emerge with a type of warmth he never felt before, he never loved anyone apart from his brother and bestfriend, so he had no idea of this kind of feeling, but he knew, he's surely attracted towards the dimmed star Serene and not Serene Louis the star of the Industry.


"Baby shouldn't we just eliminate her out of the world? What if she do something even if it's in the future, her existence itself is a threat to us" the blond beautiful woman snuggled against the handsome dirty blond man said as she caresses his naked chest drawing small circles on it.

"You shouldn't worry love, she has nothing to go against us and no even evidence" he replied to her softly caressing her naked back as he stare at her green eyes with so much tenderness.

"But am paranoid baby, she's disturbing my mind" Rosy whined pouting her small pink lips and snuggling her naked body closer to his, he took in a deep breath and answer her almost breathless.

"I'll take care of her" and he dived in capturing her sinful lips devouring them into heated kiss that lead to a passionate night.


Under the pale moonlight, a lone figure of a lady walk slowly with wary eyes darting around the empty quite street with only the sound of her footsteps and crunch dry leaves that haven't been hugged by dew. She came to stand at the end of the street where the darkness outstretched it blanket covering everywhere from the eyes of the human except for the mercy of the moonlight that guides he who walk in the dark.

She step her foot forward and involuntary walk forward toward the dark field, step by step she moved accompanied by her heavy breathing and footsteps echoing in eerie dark surrounding as she move guided by the moon above.

She abruptly stop moving and her heart momentarily stop beating, her muscles tense, her stomach churn, her throat burn and tighten and her eyes bulged out in fear and horror.


The name engraved on the tomb stone she was standing glistening under the pale moonlight more than the rest of the tombstones in the graveyard she came to realise.


"Are you alright?" Melvil's sceptical voice asked seeing Serene drenched in sweat with a panicked and fear stricken face, she fisted the cloth on her chest as if suppressing the pain in her heart and breathing narrowly as if she ran a thousand miles which will have been thousand times better than what she just dreamt of.

'Her tombstone' what does that mean? She asked herself.

"A-am, am not fine" she managed to stutter out in between her breath.

"Oh! Let me get you water" he stood up from the couch he was lying on to get her water from the kitchen when he heard her whimper.

"Please don't go!" She pleaded with tear filled eyes tugging at the string of his heart.

She look so weak, vulnerable and fragile, a look that can make any stubborn hearted man wish to protect her and he knows it isn't a pretense or an action she wanna put but found herself in it, she really must be going through alot, he thought walking up to the bed.

"Will you please lay with me?" Serene asked the silver grey eyed young man meekly in a whisper that can almost be brush off by the wind.

Melvil felt the wind knocked out of him and his body stiffened at her request, his limbs moved on their own accord tired of standing and he eventually found himself on the small bed laying close to her.

Her shivering body still didn't completely relax even with him next to her on the bed and he realise she's still hyperventilating with dilited eyes staring into space.

"Serene, Serene?" He call out to her loudly breaking her out of her trance and she jolt out turning to look at his grey eyes before fully realising she's really back into reality.

Melvil gentle pushed her down on the bed and tucked her in before joining her, he took her small shivering hand in his and gently drew circles on it and pat her head in comfort.

"Sleep Serene am here" and that was the assurance she needed, someone by her side sincerely staying to offer a helping hand without any ulterior motive.


The next morning Serene woke up to the serenity of the house, the house was quiet without any movement making her suspect their absence. She slowly got out of bed but stopped at the bedside drawer next to the bed where a small piece of paper was kept and a pen on top of it.

"Please don't hurt yourself or do anything like giving up!" She involuntary sigh at the message kept by none other than Melvil.

'But what if it's Ashton' she thought before she quickly shook her head getting rid of unnecessary thought and went into the bathroom to cleaned up.

She looked into the mirror at her reflection void of the recent constant eye bags and she felt refreshed, she really had a better sleep last night and she felt grateful for the grey eyed boy who cared enough to help a degraded stranger like her and even slept on the same bed holding her hand to reassure her he's there.

She went out of her room after cleaning up and walk into the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Your breakfast is in the microwave, warm it" a note plastered on the fridge and she subconsciously smile.

After warming her breakfast she took it out to the small dining table and sat on it digging into the waffles with much vigor of a hungry person, her phone dinged with a message notification beside her on the round table and she stopped eating, confused and curious as to who will look for her.

She glance at the phone that has already went blank and her gaze linger on it creating different thoughts on her mind.

'What if it's them' she thought aloud and her confused face morphed into fear and she start to fiddle with her fingers nervously, her mind at war whether to pick and check or not but the earlier won and she outstrech her trembling hand picking the phone in an arm length distance away from her. She clicked on the message with trembling hand and racing heart.

"It's Melvil. Am sorry I didn't ask your consent before taking your number but wanna make sure if you're okay in my absence ".

It's Melvil, she release a breath she has been holding waiting for the worst. She subconsciously smile as her nerves calm down after seeing the name of the unknown number.

"Ding" another message came in and Serene laugh warmly seeing the content.

"Are you awake and alright?" The worry can be detected in the words and she immediately saved the number 'grey eyed hero'.