His lordship

Glass shattering sounds echoes in the beautiful dining room from a temper flare and Rosy quickly got out of her seat caught by suprise at John's sudden rise in temper.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" He barked furiously his anger contorting his handsome features to a scary one.

"Is everything alright honey?" Rosy tentatively asked but didn't get an answer from John as he continued seething in his phone call.

"Did you task an incompetent fool to do the work? How could you when I told you she walking on this earth isn't supposed to and needs to perish at all" Rosy's feature immediately shift to anger as she got the hang of the situation.

"The bitch is still alive" she muttered disgustingly before cat walking in her night gown to John, she place her long manicured nails on his arms and squeezed them to calm him down.