Council members

"Hello mrs. Zara Cyrus am Serene Louis"

"You came on time" mrs. Zara the manager and owner of Zara's cuisine nodded as a form of greeting to the dimmed star whose reputation has gone down the drain but choose not to jugde her based on the media just as her favourite chef requested which luckily to the dimmed star's recent unlucky turn of events for her, the boss of the cuisine isn't judgemental person and doesn't define people by what the media states or human gossips.

They quickly step into her office to conduct the interview

"So..why should I hire you ms. Louis after the scandal that spread 'bout you?" Mrs. Zara started by testing the water.

"I believe those scandals have nothing to do with my talents in the kitchen.." Serene's witty side got unintentionally unlocked as she answered with a newfound confidence of an experienced person that she almost lost.