~Uncle, love me deeper~

"Hello here, girl. What are you thinking?" Jack said while narrowing his gaze.

"I don't like it when you make this upset face," Jack said as he squeezed Selena’s face.

"Ah! It is hurting me," Selena said.

"I don't give a damn. I enjoy squeezing your smooth cheeks," Jack said. Selena laughed and replied, "Okay, now please stop. Don't you have to meet with the couch?"

Jack came to a halt and said, "Fuck it! I've forgotten about it. Thank you so much, Selena. I don't know what will happen to me if you aren't with me."

Selena gave him a kind smile. "Okay, I'm leaving. Alright, I'll see you after school." He went, as he stated.

Selena was the only one in the hall. While walking, she started thinking about Jack and her first meeting.

"Do you remember how we initially met, Jack?"

[One year ago]

"What is this four-eyed creature doing here?" Several of the girls teased Selena. She glanced down and was about to ignore them.

"Hey, are you trying to leave?" a girl said, who appeared out of nowhere in front of her. That was Mia. Selena lowered her gaze because she knew she couldn't fight them.

"Please leave me alone. I have classes to attend," Selena said.

"Oh, my goodness. Our four-eyed girl wants to attend class," Mia mockingly stated. Selena was like a statue standing there.

"Hey, tie my shoes," a friend of Mia's said abruptly. Selena lowered her head but said nothing.

"Don't you hear me?" she said abruptly.

"Can't you tie your shoes?" Selena stammered.

"What exactly did you say? You've learned how to argue with us now, haven't you?" Mia said.

"Mia, I'm not arguing. I'm just telling you to leave me alone," Selena replied while lowering her gaze.

"How could you speak to us in this tone?" Mia said angrily. She gestured for her companion to grab Selena’s hand in hers.

"What are you guys doing?" Selena asked, her eyes widening.

"You will know it soon," she replied with a smirk. Selena noticed some of them came with a bucket. They spilled the water on her in a flash. Selena got completely drenched in cold water. They began to chuckle when they saw her in that state.

"Don't you ever raise your voice against us, girl? You are more aware of the limitations." Mia clutched her face and walked away. Selena was sitting alone with tears streaming down her face.

But someone's jacket suddenly fell on top of her head. She widened her eyes and turned back. She noticed a tall boy standing in front of her. Selena’s glasses were completely ruined. She tried to see him by wiping her glasses. But, all of a sudden, he asked, "Are you dumb? Do you want to get sick?"

Selena lowered her gaze, but stayed oddly silent. "Put on my jacket," he said as he walked away. She smelled his clothing, which had a quite good fragrance. She turned around, forgetting to ask his name.

"What class is he in?" Selena murmured as she inhaled deeply and checked his jacket. She unbuttoned her shirt and put on his jacket. She could go home, at least. She came out of the room but heard a voice.

"Are you done?" The voice took aback her. He was still there. She thought he would leave.

"Yes," she said with a nod, her voice trembling.

That was the first time she had seen his face in its entirety. He had drawn brown eyes, a sharp and drawn nose, and such tall and silky hair. Selena’s heart skipped a beat. She began stammering, "I apologize, honestly."

He said, "Come on, let's go."

"What?" Selena gasped.

He turned back to her and said, "So you aren't mute. You are able to talk."

Selena lowered her gaze because she felt embarrassed. He burst out laughing and replied, "I'm sorry. I won't be able to offer you my pants right now. Can you attend class while wearing a damp skirt?"

Selena turned around and looked at the other side.

‘He's right; I can't go to class with this damp skirt.’ Selena thought as she held her skirt in her grips.

"Don't be too serious. If you don't follow me, I'll be late for class," he said.

"Okay, you may go to your class. I think I'll be able to go home," Selena added with a smile. "So, you don't want me to drive you home?" he asked, cocking his head.

"That was not my intention. I simply do not want you to be late for my class. You also helped me by giving me this jacket," Selena stated.

"Then don't mind if I drive you home. Quickly follow me," he urged as he took a step. Selena tried to stop him, but he disregarded her. So Selena had no choice but to follow him home.

He was the one who drove her home. She thanked him and offered to come with her.

"It's all right. I'll come to your house another time," he stated.

"Please come. It won't take long to dry your jacket," Selena said.

He said, with a smile, "You don't have to be concerned about my jacket. You may give it to me tomorrow. What is your name, by the way?"

"I'm Selena. What's yours?" She asked with a smile.

"Jack," he said.

Selena had heard of the name before.

"So, bye, Selena; we'll meet up tomorrow." He then drove away after saying it. Selena took a glance at his path.

‘So he's Jack. I heard about him. Our college's most attractive boy,’ Selena murmured while taking a close look at his jacket.

‘I was with him. Oh, my goodness,’ Selena thought as she widened her eyes.

[Flashback end]

"Jack, that was our first meeting." Selena murmured, and she headed to her classroom with a smile on her face.

"If you weren’t there for me, I don’t know what I would do at that moment."

To be continued...