~Uncle, love me deeper~

"Do you want to go? You can, dear, but I'm not sure if she'll open her door or not." Tati handed Aaron the tray after saying that. He smiled and walked upstairs.

He came to a complete halt in front of her door and knocked. Ivy instantly shouted, "Didn't I say I didn't want to eat? Won't even bother me."

Aaron swallowed his saliva and said, "It's me, Ivy. Open the door."

[Before some minutes ago]

Ivy was standing on the porch, observing Aaron's room. ‘Aaron, why are you so cruel? Do you have any feelings for me? I try to confess my love to you all the time, but you constantly give me the cold shoulder. Am I really that bad? Is it probable that I'm not deserving of your attention?’ Ivy thought with a sad face.

But someone immediately knocked on her door again. ‘Dammit! I told her I wasn't feeling well and that I didn't want to eat. She came to knock on my door.’ Ivy murmured angrily.

Ivy shouted, "Didn't I say I didn't want to eat? Won't it even bother me?"

"Ivy, it's me. Open the door." It startled ivy to hear Aaron's voice. Ivy took a glance at the door and thought,

'What exactly is he doing here?'

Ivy dashed toward the door and opened it in a hurry. When she saw Aaron in front of her, her heart started racing. Aaron came with the tray.

Ivy stuttered, "Un-uncle." He entered the room and placed the tray on the table. As he sat on the bed, he asked, "Why don't you want to eat?"

Ivy was, though, thinking about the door. Should she lock it or leave it open?

"Ivy," Aaron said, and Ivy turned to face him in shock because she was engrossed in her thoughts. "Yes," Ivy said.

He asked, "Why don't you want to eat?"

"Uncle, I'm not feeling well," Ivy answered.

He said, "Does your head ache so much?"

"Yes," Ivy said with a nod.

‘When you start talking to me, I lose all sense of speech. At that moment, all I want to do is stare at you and listen to everything you say.’ Ivy thought as she lowered her head and puckered her lips.

"Come here," Aaron abruptly said. Hearing him, Ivy looked up at him.

‘What exactly did he say? He just ordered me to come to him. I said nothing because I couldn't think of anything more to say.’ Ivy became shocked as she heard.

Aaron frowned and said, "Ivy, I'm telling you to come to me." Suddenly, Ivy became jittery. She approached him carefully and sat alongside him, her gaze falling to the ground. Aaron got into bed and sat there unreservedly.

"Come here," he urged, tapping his hand on his lap.

"Place your head here."

Ivy widened her eyes as she gazed at his lap. She then moved her focus away from his lap. ‘What am I thinking?’ As she thought, her heart began to pound so fast that it appeared as if it would burst at any moment. Aaron called her again, "Ivy."

"Yes," she responded, looking at him.

"Come," he tapped once again. Ivy took a deep breath and slowly peered down. She put her head on his lap slowly. She raised her eyes to him. He was staring right at her. Her gaze was drawn to his, as was his. Ivy was startled to feel his thumb on her forehead. He began rubbing her temples. He didn't look away from her or move his gaze away from her while he was doing it. He was so good at it, he forced her to close her eyes.

"Umm," Ivy muttered.

While doing so, he asked, "Did you eat something outside with your boyfriend?"

Ivy responded, "Umm, no," while also closing her eyes. For a while, we remained silent. "And one thing, Liam is not my boyfriend," she said abruptly, closing her eyes.

After saying that, Ivy enjoyed his exquisite massage.

‘Finally, I asked her what was going through my head. She merely said no. So he wasn't her boyfriend.’ Aaron thought, and he felt a surge of joy in his heart. It seemed that something heavy was moving away from his heart. Aaron smiled and pressed his thumb to her forehead.

Ivy murmured, "Umm, Aaron."

It startled Aaron when he heard her. Ivy just called his name. He unexpectedly heard his name from her mouth after all these years. His ears turned red. It sounded exciting. He observed her features. Ivy had grown into a stunning woman. She was not only stunning, but she was the most gorgeous girl Aaron had ever seen.

Aaron stroked her cheek with a shaky hand. ‘I'm not sure what I'm doing. But Ivy, I'm dying to touch you. I've never felt the need to touch a girl before, but you? I can't seem to keep my hands away from you,’ Aaron thought while stroking.

For a short instant, his gaze was drawn to her lovely lips. Unknowingly, he touched her lips. It was really soft. Aaron inhaled deeply and shifted his sight away from her.

‘Crap! Aaron, you can't think of her. She is your niece, and you have Rosina in your life,’ Aaron thought as he felt his heart suddenly pierced by a sharp agony. He stared at her with a sorrowful expression. After a while, he tried to put her head on the cushion.

"No," Ivy murmured as she took his hand in hers.

"Do you want to sleep on my lap right now, girl?" Aaron said. He was going to wake her up, but he came to a halt.

‘Let her sleep on my lap for a while. Now that she is so peaceful, I'll enjoy your stillness for a while.’ He thought as he touched her silky hair..


"Brother," Rosina said to Franklin, "I have something to tell you."

"Yes, Rosina," he replied.

"Brother, I'm sorry, but I can't say it over the phone," she said.

"There's no need to be concerned, dear. You are welcome to visit me at my home or office at any time," he stated.

"All right, brother," Rosina responded.

"Is there something urgent?" he asked.

"Yes, it is. I truly want to inform everyone about it," she responded.

"What's the matter, Rosina?" he asked.

‘What I'll say to you, brother, is that I'm done with your brother and I'd like to end this relationship.’ Rosina took a deep breath.

"It's nothing, brother," she responded, wiping away tears.

"I'm hanging up; I'll see you guys tomorrow," she said as she hung up the phone. ‘Aaron doesn't love me, and he never will. He hates being forced on him, which I have already done. I made him love me, and I made him accept our engagement. But now is the time to set you free, Aaron. You'll soon be a free bird. You have the freedom to choose your love,’ Rosina murmured.


Ivy was peacefully sleeping in her bed. Aaron was tidying at Ivy's table at that time. How could she be so unwieldy? Aaron couldn't believe what he was seeing. He tidied up her table and put her books on the bookshelf. All of her dresses were spread across the couch and chair. He also fixed her dresses.

‘I'm sorry, but I'm simply peeking inside your closet without your permission.’ Aaron murmured, and when he opened her closet, all of her clothing tumbled to the ground.


Aaron sighed and turned to face Ivy. 'Yes, it has been proven that you haven't changed a bit, Ivy,' he murmured.

He began folding all of her clothes. His eyes blurred as he saw her garments.

‘Ivy, are you serious? This is the style of dress you wear. I'm hoping you didn't wear it outside.’ Aaron said.

He angrily re-hung all of her dresses in her closet. After tidying her room, he left a note on her table.

"Please eat your food when you wake up."

Silently, he walked out of her room. "

"Uncle!" Jack called out from behind. He was astonished to hear him and said, "Jack."

He smiled at Aaron and asked, "Did you manage to get away from her?"

"What did you mean?" Aaron asked, frowning.

"It's nothing, uncle," he responded with a grin. "But please keep a safe distance from her. Ivy is a seductress."

"Really?" Aaron asked with a smile. "How many boyfriends does she have?"

He began chuckling and replied, "It's countless, uncle." Aaron smirked upon hearing him.

"She doesn't have a boyfriend. And don't tell her I was talking about her," Jack said.

"So you're afraid of her?" Aaron asked.

"Never, uncle," Jack sighed. "I'm simply afraid of her shouting."

"Now I've come. You don't have to be concerned about her shouting, okay? Just remember to tell me about her secret life, okay?" Aaron said.

"Uncle, yeah. I'll keep you updated on everything. When I first saw you, I thought you were the only person who could deal with my wicked sister." Jack said.

"What?" Aaron said, surprised.

Jack hurried to his room, saying, "It's nothing, uncle."

Ivy opened her eyes and looked around. "Did I oversleep?" Ivy murmured as she rubbed her forehead.

Ivy murmured, "Uncle." She widened her eyes as she looked around.

"Is it my room?" Ivy wondered. She sprung from her bed and glanced around. Her books and clothing were all there. Who did the cleaning? She saw the tray on the table and noticed a note on it. She smiled when she read the note.

"Ivy, you haven't finished your dinner yet," Mom stated abruptly as she suddenly opened the door.

"Oh, mom, I'm sorry, but I dozed off. But don't worry, I'll eat." She grabbed the note in her palm and began to eat after saying. Tati rolled her eyes inside Ivy's room.

"Ivy, oh my god." As Mom called her name, she chewed and stared at her. "Did my baby tidy her room by herself?" With a surprising tone, Tati asked.

"What? Didn't you clean my room while I was sleeping?" Ivy asked. "No, I don't have time to touch your dustbin right now, darling," Tati said.

Ivy widened her eyes. ‘Is that you, Aaron?’ Ivy thought.

"Mom," she said. Mom's brows furrowed as she listened to her. "Actually, your Aaron did," Ivy responded with a smile.

"What? Now you're asking for Aaron's help to do your chores. How dare you, Ivy? How can you allow him to clean your room whenever he is your uncle?" Tati said angrily.

To be continued.