~Uncle, love me deeper~

Kyly answered over the phone to Mia, "I did what you told me, Mia. I didn't tell him."

Mia said with a smile, "Great, I want Jack to break their bond by causing misunderstandings, and then I'll gradually enter his life."

"Yeah, we'll find out tomorrow," Kyly remarked. "I also heard Jack has a match tomorrow."

Mia replied, "Wow, then I have to prepare myself as well," as she hung up the phone. ‘Tomorrow is Jack's final match, and I need to make the first move by talking to him.’ Mia thought.

[Ivy’s POV]

I went upstairs to see Aaron after Rosina had left. Rosina isn't bad, and I'm glad she ended the relationship. But the question is how Aaron will react now.

I was going to knock, but my mother called me for dinner.

"Mom, you always interrupt my precious time," I murmured as I dashed downstairs. I was expecting Aaron to come down, but he didn't. After a little while, I noticed mom had taken Aaron's dinner to his room. As soon as I saw her leave to walk upstairs, I began eating. After a time, my mother appeared and told my father everything.

"I think we don't want to interfere in their business," Dad stated.

"Yes, I think so. I didn't even tell Aaron about it," Mom explained. Hearing them, I rolled my eyes. It's as if Aaron is smitten with Rosina. I don't think Aaron loves her. I grinned as I thought, He just loves me.

I went to my room after finishing my dinner. I wanted to go inside his room, but I had something else planned. I was waiting for everyone to go to bed. And now it's my turn. I stepped out of my room and took a glance around. I stood in front of his door, about to knock.

No, no, I know Aaron very well, and if he knows it's me, he'll never open the door. I sighed and returned to my room. I dashed to the balcony and peeked; his light was turned on. I leaped onto the railing and walked over to his balcony. Through the window, I peered inside his room. I was speechless when I saw Aaron's back, when he was changing his clothes.

"Oh damn," I said, although a bit loudly. But suddenly, Aaron looked back.


Aaron's POV.

I heard someone's voice, so I looked back. I was taken aback when I saw her. How did she find her way here?


Aaron said, "Ivy," with a surprise.

"Uncle," I said as I opened his balcony door with a smile. I walked into his room, wearing my sexy nightdress as usual. I sat on his bed and lifted one leg over the other. Aaron stared hopelessly at me.

"I've come to see you," I said.

"You see me. Now go. I'm sleepy," Aaron stammered.

"Why are you stuttering?" I asked.

"When?" he promptly retorted.

I added, "Right now."

"No," he said, frowning.

"Ivy, I'm sleepy," he stated once again.

"But," I said, "I'm here to tell you something."

"At this time? Can't you tell me tomorrow?" Aaron said.

"It's very urgent," I said with a nod. When Aaron heard me, he sat on the sofa rather than on the bed.

"Uncle, your fiance just broke up everything," I smirked.

"What?" he asked.

"Yes, Rosina came while you were asleep today. She clarified she does not want to marry you," I said.

When Uncle heard me, he jumped up and asked, "What exactly are you talking about? How could she say something like that?"

"Why are you questioning me? I do not know. Maybe she doesn't care for you," I said. Aaron looked at me for a minute before getting up and picking up his phone to call Rosina.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I approached him and grabbed his hand.

"I'm calling her; she needs to explain this to me," Aaron stated.

"Uncle, take it easy; she might not want to marry you. And I'm sure you don't like her either," I also said.

"It's not about love, Ivy. Do you know that if she breaks it, my brother will lose a big project?" He even said I looked at him for a while and asked, "So you're doing this because of my dad?" Aaron fixed his gaze on me. We exchanged passionate glances.

Aaron, when will you think about yourself? When are you going to think about your happiness? He didn't respond and moved his gaze away from me.

"You do not need to be concerned. They weren't going against the deal. Rosina stated she does not want to marry you because she is in love with someone else," I remarked as I sat on the bed.

"Don't be worried about the deal right now. Dad is also fine with it, and he is quite concerned about you. He didn't want to tell you right now because he was afraid it would shatter your heart," I added sarcastically.

"What?" Aaron added, "I'm not an 18-year-old boy who will cry over a breakup."

"I know you won't, because you've never been in love with her," I said, a smile on my face. Aaron looked at me with a remorseful expression on his face.

"I know you're pleased as well," I said.

"Ivy, I'm sleepy," he murmured, rolling his eyes.

I changed the topic and replied to him in a seductive manner, "Did I tell you not to sleep? Please come here."

"Sleep with me," I said as I patted the bed.

"What? Ivy, have you lost your mind?" Aaron's eyes widened.

"Why? I can't leave you to cry on your own," I murmured, a naïve expression on my face.

"I will not cry. Please leave immediately," he said.

"No," I said, with a nod. "We used to share a bed. Don't deny it now."

Aaron sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Ivy," he muttered.

Aaron's point of view

Damn you, girl! She's been making fun of me since the morning. I can't seem to control myself any longer.

To be continued.