~Umcle, love me deeper~

"Someone is waiting for you. She is eager to meet my uncle. But Uncle has a fever and is asleep. So I told her that my uncle was not at home. Now she wants to talk with you," Ivy said.

"But who?" Tati asked, her face puzzled. Ivy said, "Rosina."

As soon as Mom heard the name, she dashed downstairs. "Rosina," she smiled as she welcomed her.

"Sister," she said with a smile, and they hugged.

"Franklin said you'd come, Rosina. What's the matter, dear?" Tati asked.

"Actually, sis, I simply want to say it in front of everyone," she said, looking down. "I don't want to create any misunderstanding."

"Is everything okay?" Tati asked. Rosina paused for a moment. Ivy took a deep breath. She could not wait to hear from her. ‘I don't know why she's taking so long; I should have locked Aaron's door. If he comes here at any time, I'm doomed.’ Ivy thought with a nervous face.

"Sister, I know it will be hard for you, but I feel keen on taking this step," she said, regretfully looking at Tati.

"Rosina, tell me. Is it something to do with Aaron?" Tati asked. Ivy turned her gaze away from Rosina. "Actually, I'd like to end our relationship. I don't want to marry him," Rosina said.

‘What?’ Ivy widened her eyes.

"What?" Tati said it loudly with a shocking face.

Tati gave Ivy the same look she gave her. Ivy’s heart was bursting at the seams with excitement. ‘Is it probable that I misheard something?’ With glittering eyes, Ivy thought as she glanced at Rosina.

"What are you saying?" Ivy said as she sat alongside her and grasped her hand. "Are you serious?" Ivy asked.

Tati said fiercely, "Ivy, stop it!" Rosina smiled and nodded to Ivy. Ivy looked at her mother. "Are you serious, Roxana? If you have an issue, please let us know, and we will help you," Tati added.

‘Please, mom, don't do it right now.’ Ivy sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Not at all, sis. We're just laid-back. I simply want Aaron to be a friend in my life, not my husband," she explained.

"Does Aaron know, Rosina? Tati asked.

"No, sis. That's why I wanted to tell everyone about it."

Ivy carefully stood up from Rosina’s side and walked over to her mother's side, whispering, "Now is not the time for you to tell Uncle. He'll be sad if he hears this. And you know well that he's not in good health."

"You are right," Tati said with a nod.

"Did you tell your father?" She asked Rosina, smiling.

"He's well aware of it. But, sis, I don't want our family's bond to be affected because of my decision. And I'm sure Aaron will be upset when he hears this. He will not want to end this relationship," she said.

"You don't have to be worried, Ms. Rosina. I'll take care of him," Ivy abruptly spoke out. When she heard her, she smiled and said, "Ivy, you are such a stunning girl. I know Aaron will listen to his niece."

Hearing her, Ivy narrowed her eyes. ‘What niece? Soon, I'll be his girlfriend. But this is not the time to be upset. It's wonderful news for me, and I'm going to celebrate right now.’ Ivy thought.

"Aaron said a lot of things about his niece,'' Rosina unexpectedly stated.

‘What?’ Ivy turned to face her. ‘Did Aaron tell his friends about me?’

"Uncle," Ivy mumbled.

"Yes, your uncle," she responded, a smile on her face. Ivy’s interest piqued, she asked, "What did he say?"

"Stop it, Ivy. Rosina, kindly wait. I'll be joining you shortly," claiming that Tati went to call the maid.

"What did he say?" Ivy said as she moved closer to her. Rosina stated with a bright smile, "He said he has a beautiful niece who is very naughty and chatty."

"What?" Ivy groaned..

Ivy sighed and sat unhappily at her side. ‘He described me as chatty and mischievous.’ Ivy thought.

Rosina gently touched Ivy’s hair and murmured, "He also stated he loves his niece very much." As Ivy heard her, she turned to face her.

‘Uncle?’ Her heart began to pound at a breakneck pace. ‘Uncle, did you say this?’

Ivy lowered her gaze and tried to smile. "Ha-ha."

‘Oh, my goodness! Uncle, did you really mean that?’

"That's why I was so excited to meet this little Ivy," added Rosina. After she had a glance at me, she said, "But I found that his niece is a very lovely and interesting person. Anyone can fall in love with this girl."

‘Why am I blushing so much?’

"Ha-ha, thank you, Ms. Rosina," Ivy replied. She said, "Don't call me Ms. Rosina."

"Then I'm not sure what to call you. Listen, I'm not going to call you aunty. You know, my uncle is just 5 years my senior. And, from my point of view, you're two or three years older than me. So I'm not going to tell you, aunty," Ivy responded.

‘Humph! No way, I'm going to make you my aunt.’

"Then call me Rosina." Rosina chuckled when she heard Ivy.

"All right, Rosina," Ivy smirked. "But don't call me a small girl; instead, call me Ivy."

"OK, Ivy," she replied, and Tati came. "I hope Ivy didn't disturb you, Rosina."

"No, sis," she replied, "she is a funny person with whom I enjoy conversing."

"Mom, Rosina is a friend of mine. Don't say anything terrible about me to my friend," Ivy said sarcastically.

"Don't mind her, Rosina,. Tati sighed. "Please take it."

‘Humph! Mom has always treated me like a spoiled brat.’ Ivy asked Rosina, "Can you go out with me tomorrow?"

"Yes," responded Rosina.

[Side story]

Selena’s POV.

Mia drove me to the shop. She bought a lot of items for herself and for me. I'm not sure why she's doing this. She dropped me off at home when she finished shopping.

"Thank you, Mia," I said, expressing my gratitude. "How come you're thanking me?"

"You're my friend, so I can give you gifts, right?" Mia said this with a smile on her face.

Yes, you certainly can. But what you gave me was out of my price range. I can't afford it, so I won't be able to give you such extravagant things.

"Selena, please put on that pair's dress. All right, I'll wear the same one," Mia responded. I didn't say anything to her; I just smiled. She immediately departed. I entered my room and placed the bags to one side. My phone immediately buzzed. I double-checked the message, and it was sent by Jack.

"Are you at your house?"

I smiled and dialed his number. I sent him a message telling him not to wait for me. When he found out I was with Mia, I thought he'd be angry with me. But, thank God! He didn't say anything.

After some time, Jack received a call and said, "Are you at home?"

"I've just come, Jack. I'm sorry I couldn't join you today," I said.

"Yeah, it's fine. The problem is, why does she want to be your friend? I forgive you now, Selena, but I won't do it every day. Mia isn't my cup of tea. I don't want her to be your friend," Jack snarled.

"Yeah, I'm not sure why Mia wants it either. She bought all of my pricey items for me," I said.

"What? So you took it?" Jack asked.

"I said no, but she forced me," I explained.

"When I handed you anything, you didn't take it. But now you accept her gifts," Jack said.

"I'm sorry, Jack, but next time, I promise, I won't take it." I added.

"Humph! Did you eat?" he asked.

"No," I responded, "I have to read right now."

Jack abruptly turned on his video camera. He said, "Let me see you." I turned on my video as well.

"Let me see what she gave you," Jack said.

"So you switched on the video due to this?" I chuckled.

"I am, indeed." Jack said, "First, you should not have gone with her, and second, you should not have accepted her presents."

"Alright, okay, I know," I said as I began to show him the dresses.

"Is she for real? I'm warning you, Selena, not to speak to her again," Jack stated.

"I'll try," I responded.

"Okay, but my final match is tomorrow. I'd want to see you there, okay?" he said.

You have a match tomorrow, I know. It's impossible for me to forget.

"Of course," I responded, "I'll get there on time." Jack hung up the phone with a nod. I sighed as I stared at the pair of skirts. I'm sorry, Mia, but I can't.

To be continued.