~Uncle, love me deeper~

"Uncle," Ivy said, "it's not a kiss."

"Here, here," Ivy said, touching her lips to show.

Aaron instantly smiled, and at that exact moment, someone knocked on the door.

"Shit," Ivy said as she stood up and sat on him on purpose. "Ivy," he called her name, astonished by her quick move.

Ivy grinned brightly and said, "Oops, sorry." As she was ready to run to the porch, he grabbed her hand and asked, "Where are you going?"

Ivy pointed to the porch and said, "I'm going to my room."

"You..." Aaron was about to say something, but then a maid called him "Sir."

Aaron saw that Ivy was no longer there. Aaron took a deep breath, walked up to the front door, and prodded it open.


Aaron was all set to drive Ivy to college. He was waiting for her in the car. Ivy got into the car with a smile on her face. Aaron took a peek at Ivy. Ivy was sure he was checking up on her. She was wearing a proper outfit. Ivy observed his satisfied expression.

"Are you happy today?" Ivy asked. Aaron grinned but said nothing.

They were on the way. "You should read more, Ivy. I heard your college offers opportunities for talented students," Aaron abruptly stated.

Ivy gave him a sidelong glance. "How do you know that? Did my mother say anything to you?"

He responded, "Nope."

"Then?" Ivy asked once again.

"You will come and read to me starting today. I can help you with your studies." He said.

"To you?" Ivy said, her eyes widening.

Aaron said, "Do you have a problem with that?"

‘Oh, my goodness! Will he be teaching me every night? At the very least, I'll be able to spend some time with him.’ Ivy thought.

"Yes, yes, I will," Ivy said with a smile. "If you want me to get the scholarship, I will try my best," Ivy added.

Aaron smiled at her. "Uncle," Ivy politely said, "then I will come every night."

Aaron sighed, pleading to God to please grant her a brain. Aaron abruptly braked the car and stated, "Your college." Ivy took a glance outside before turning to face him.

"Yes, you can!" Aaron said.

Ivy was pleased and kissed his cheek, saying, "Thank you, uncle."

"Bye," Aaron replied, with a smile. "I'll come pick you up."

‘What is happening in this world? What exactly is he saying?’ Ivy thought as she said, "I have no problem." Ivy walked away from him. ‘It's the most wonderful day I've ever had.’


[In class]

"Weirdo, let's go somewhere after class," Ame whispered slowly. "No, I'm busy and have a lot of studying to do," Ivy explained.

"What?" Ame asked, surprised. Ivy whispered, "Shhh, listen to his lecture." "What's wrong with her?" Ame murmured, her eyes narrowing. Ame gave a dismissive nod to Joe.

‘What's the matter with her? This isn't our Ivy, though.’ Joe thought.

[After class]

Joe called Ivy. As soon as Ivy heard the word, she turned back.

"Yes," Ivy said.

He said, "Are you ignoring me?"

"No, I'm just exhausted. I also have to study," Ivy said.

"All right, but will you go out tomorrow?" Joe asked.

"I'm actually not sure. I'll tell you later. " After saying this, Ivy went outside to visit Aaron. Ivy noticed he was waiting for her outside. She smiled at him and was ready to walk away when she spotted Arona. Ivy came to a halt when she saw what that jerk had done to her uncle.

Her thoughts had gone blank. First, she hugged him and then kissed him on the cheek. ‘And why is Uncle so taken aback?’

Suddenly, Ivy arched her brows and made her way there slowly.

Aaron's thought was, ‘Ivy, where have you gone? Am I late? I told her to be patient and wait for me.’ Someone abruptly screamed out his name, "Aaron."

"Arona?" Aaron wondered as he turned back and narrowed his eyes after seeing her.

"Aaron," she said as she jumped on him and kissed him on the cheek. Aaron was taken aback since he hadn't expected her action. He instantly pushed her.

"What are you up to, Arona?" He asked.

"How are you doing, Aaron? I have a lot to say to you, you know," Arona said.

"What are you doing here?" Aaron asked as he moved his gaze away from her. She answered with a smile, "I'm the music instructor at this institution."

"Aaron, you know how many times I messaged you and how many times I mailed you? But I have not received a response from you. I'm sorry, but I made a mistake. But this does not mean that you have forgotten everything. Is there a chance for me to try again?" Arona added. Ivy abruptly called him "uncle" in a loud tone.

Aaron replied, "Ivy, I've been waiting for you for too long."

"Because you came early," Ivy said.

"Oh, well, maybe I am. Now let's go," Aaron stated. Ivy was going to leave when Arona suddenly grabbed Aaron's hand. When Ivy saw that, her heart began to ache, and her anger began to boil in her veins.

‘Who is she, exactly? What gives her the right to touch my lover?’ Ivy gave Uncle a sidelong glance.

"Aaron," said Arona.

"What are you up to?" Aaron asked.

"Let me talk first. Ivy, could you just give me a moment? I have something to tell your uncle," Arona said.

"Stop it, Arona. Let's go, Ivy," said Aaron. Arona grabbed him from behind and said, "Aaron, please. Please, sweetie, listen to me," she begged.


Ivy gazed at Aaron with widening eyes.

"Arona, stop it. We broke up a long time ago," Aaron said angrily.

‘Then she is his ex-girlfriend. What does she want now, though?’

"Break up? So many times, we've broken up. But, did you forget, we patched it up?" She grabbed Aaron’s collar.

"Arona, that was in the past. We've grown up now," added Aaron. Ivy first looked at Aaron, then at Arona.

‘Bitch, there's no way. He is solely my possession. If you dare to embrace or kiss him again, I will forget you are my instructor.’ Ivy thought.

"Please meet me tonight, just once," she asked Aaron.

‘What?’ Ivy moved her gaze to the other side and stated, "I think it is time for me to leave. Uncle, I'm leaving."

"Ivy, wait," Aaron said as he pushed Arona and took Ivy’s hand in his. He said, "Let's go home." Arona called him her "babe."

But he replied in such a vehement manner, "This is too much, Arona. Next time, don't try to touch me."

"What?" Arona shouted angrily at Aaron. Aaron got into his car and started driving.

‘Aaron, how dare you? You have never been that disrespectful to me before. Do you already have someone in your life?’ Arona thought

In the middle of the way, Aaron came to a halt and looked back. He stated, "Why are you there? Come sit next to me."

It was absolutely silent inside the car. Ivy’s mind was screwed up. She was Aaron's ex-girlfriend. Ivy sighed and gazed out the window. ‘You had a fiancé, and now you have an ex-girlfriend. And she wants you back in her life.’

‘Why is Arona here? Can't she just leave me alone? We broke up, but she's still trying to patch things up. She is so careless with everything, and now she has hurt my Ivy.’ While thinking, Aaron caught a glimpse of her through the rear-view mirror. He noticed her two stern eyes and her angry expression. He braked his car and said, "Why are you there? Come sit next to me."

Ivy didn't say anything and just gazed out the window.

"Ivy, come here," he said once again. ‘No, I'm not going to sit next to him. He has till today to tell me how he feels about me, or I will not talk,’ Ivy thought.

"Ivy," Aaron stated.

"I'm too exhausted, uncle. I'm in desperate need of rest," Ivy said. Aaron’s heart began to ache as he heard Ivy's voice. It was the first time he had heard that tone.

‘Is she upset with me? I think. I understand how much she depends on me.’

"Believe me, Ivy, we aren't together," Aaron said. Ivy stated, "Uncle, I'm not in the mood to talk."

"But you need to know," he said.

"Then tell me, who am I to you?" Ivy said her tone was solemn.

Selena’s POV.

I was waiting for Jack outside after my classes. Today is his match, and he told me to meet him first. But what is it that is taking him so long? In the meantime, all of the boy's players began to gather in the boy's locker room.

"What are you doing here, Selena?" Ron asked. He is a friend of Jack's. I looked around and was about to ask him about Jack when I noticed him.

"Are you looking for Jack?" he said, suddenly smiling.

"Yes," I said, with a nod.

"Don't worry, he's already here. He was talking with Mia just at that time," he stated.

Mia? But what really is the issue? My expression suddenly changed.

"Oh, there he is," Ron said.

When I turned back, I spotted Mia and Jack. I felt a bit sad when I saw them together, not because they were together but because Jack was smiling with her.

"Jack," I mumbled as I tried to smile.

"I'm sorry, Selena. I was just talking to your best friend," Jack explained.

"Best friend?" I said.

He added, "Yes, Mia."

Mia stared at us, a little taken aback, and said, "Are you guys all right? What are you doing here, Selena?"

I glanced at Mia and responded, "Yes, Mia, we're OK. It's certainly Jack's match. Why haven't I shown up?" I said.

"Oh, I see," Mia murmured, as if she hadn't expected me to show up.

"Selena, didn't I tell you we were going to dress up as a pair today?" she said, her brows narrowing. Jack stared at me with one eyebrow arched.

"I-I am sorry, Mia. I'd want to b-," I was going to say, but Mia stopped me.

"But you don't care for those gifts, do you? It’s OK," she said, walking away from there after saying this.

"Mia, hold on a second," I said, ready to stop her, but Jack grabbed my hand.

"It's not her day," Jack stated.

"But I think she is mad," I said.

"So, what, Selena? You've come to see me, not her." He even said. I let out a sigh. "Oh right, weren't you the one that was pleasantly talking with her?"

"Oh, you mean me? I was talking with your closest friend, so why are you so jealous?" He said. I narrowed my eyes and smacked his chest.

"Mia isn't bad at all. Why are you so uninterested in her?" I asked.

"I know she's not bad," he replied with a smile, "but I simply can't see her next to you."

Mia’s POV.

I bolted from there, furious. I thought Jack was enraged with her. But, no, the relationship remains the same as before. I turned back, but no one was there. That bitch isn't coming over to talk to me, and Jack isn't either. Damn it!

Kyly abruptly called my name "Mia."

Kyly asked, "Mia, is everything all right?"

"You didn't tell him anything, right?" I said it angrily.

Kyly nodded.

"How did they get along?" I asked.

"Believe me, Mia," Kyly responded, "I didn't tell him anything."

"Mia, I think Selena said him," she added.

Yes, I should have been more careful. Maybe Selena sent him a message. I thought she was a moron, but she isn't. She's smarter than I expected.

To be continued.