~Uncle, love me deeper~

Selena’s POV.

The match began after 15 minutes. Mia and her group sat on the bottom row, while I sat in the first row.

I'm sure she's enraged, despite the fact that she's dressed in a pair of dresses. I'll apologize to her after the game.

Jack was having a fantastic game. Our college has been the basketball champion for the past two years. I'm confident in Jack's ability to lead us to victory in this game. The game lasted an hour, and our college triumphed once more.

All the students started shouting.

Mia instantly dashed over to Jack and hugged him. I just stood there, staring at them. Mia kissed him on the cheek. Everyone swarmed around him in a flash. I took a long, deep breath.

I'll meet him in the locker room if he comes outside. He'll undoubtedly show up. But if he didn't like Mia, then why did he allow her to kiss him?

With a shake of my head, I expressed my resentment at the situation. What am I thinking, exactly? It's his decision. I'm just his friend and nothing more.

After a little while, they began to enter the locker area. Jack smiled as he yelled my name, "Selena."

"Congratulations!" I answered with a smile.

He gave me a warm hug and said, "What brings you here? I was on the lookout for you." "Everyone was looking forward to seeing you. So, I thought about meeting you here," I said.

Mia said unexpectedly, "Yeah, today Jack played so well, huh, Selena?" Mia appeared from behind him.

Jack had also brought her here.

"Mia, you're right. He performed admirably," I also added.

"I'd like a treat, Jack. When are you going to throw it?" Mia said as she clutched his arm. They appeared to be a new couple. Ron appeared out of nowhere and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You've never thrown a party for us, Jack. You took Selena out all the time, but you never took us."

Yes, he has always done so, but the situation is different now. Maybe Jack would take Mia instead of me, I thought to myself as I glanced at Mia and Jack.

"What? Jack, say something," Mia asked.

"Okay, I'll consider it. Guys, you know how much I dislike it. Selena, please say something," Jack urged me.

I was absorbed in his thoughts. I'm not sure why I'm sad or why I can't see them together. I came back to my senses because of Jack's abrupt interruption.

I said, "Yes, Mia, Jack isn't fond of it. But don't worry, this time he'll host a party."

"Selena," Jack said helplessly.

"Mia, you see. Jack only listens to Selena." Ron burst out laughing as he said this.

"Shut up, Ron," he muttered as he approached his locker. I took a glance at Mia, who didn't seem to be in the best of shape. She appeared enraged. She smiled as she glanced at me.

[The scenario moved to Ivy’s plot]

"Then tell me, who am I to you?" Ivy said. Her tone was solemn.

"Tell me, who am I to you?" She added again in an angry tone.

"Ivy!" Aaron called out in a quiet voice, his face surprised.

"You can't say, can you? You don't have an answer, right?" Ivy asked.

"Why can't you answer me, Aaron?" She shouted angrily.

‘I shouted at my uncle, my love, and everything I'd admired throughout my life. My eyes welled up with tears, but it wasn't because I was hurt; it was because I was angry.’~ Ivy’s thought.

"Ivy!" Aaron extended his hand to grab her arm, but Ivy sprang out of the car and bolted.

"Ivy, wait; listen to me," Aaron said. He was calling out her name.

‘No, I'm not going to come to you. You don't care about me; you care about Arona. I'm sure you'll patch things up again.’ Ivy thought as she dashed out of there.

Aaron yelled, "Ivy, stop there!" Ivy took a shortcut to get home. After a while, she couldn't hear his voice. She simply cried and ran the entire path.

Aaron murmured, "Ivy, where have you gone? I'm sorry, but I couldn't answer your question. It's impossible, you know. It is not going to happen."

After a time, Ivy returned home, and seeing her like this, her mom attempted to stop her. But Ivy ignored her and went to her room to lock the door.

"Ivy, what's wrong?" Tati said. Tati began knocking on the door.

"Why are you so upset, honey? Did you fight again?" Tati asked. But Ivy couldn't hear anything since her head was engrossed in Aaron's thoughts.

‘I don't give a fu'ck about your ex or girlfriend. All I want to hear is that you only love me. Why can't you express your feelings for me? Why are you so indifferent to my feelings? Why are you unable to accept me?’ Ivy pressed her lips together.

Tati abruptly asked, "Where is Aaron, Ivy? Isn't he supposed to be there?"

"Please leave me alone, mom," Ivy begged. Tati sighed, took out her phone, and dialed Aaron's number.

On the other hand,

Aaron returned to his car and drove as quickly as he could.

‘Where does she go? It's all your fault, Arona; you did it on purpose.’

His phone abruptly rang.

"Aaron, where are you?" Tati said, as he quickly picked up the phone, "sister." He was ready to say, "Sister, I lost Ivy she..." But Tati replied not to worry.

She responded, "Don't worry, Ivy is in her room."

"Thank God, sis, I'm coming."

"She is-," Tati was about to say, but Aaron abruptly ended the call. Tati sighed and knocked on the door once more.

Ivy brushed her tears away and opened the door after a while.

"What's the matter with you, honey?" Tati asked.

"Mom, there's nothing. I'm just a bit depressed. I'll be alright shortly," Ivy replied.

"Are you sure, honey? You are open to sharing with me," Tati explained.

"No," Ivy said with a nod. Aaron appeared out of nowhere. Ivy looked at him and saw that he was panting.

Tati said, "Aaron." Before he could say anything, Ivy shut the door. Ivy simply does not want to talk with him.

To be continued.