In this copy, there is a ghost

Bai Leshui open the closet and saw a pile of women's clothes, each them was his size.

Bai Leshui: "The preparation are really thoughful a." He was picking and choosing, not knowing which one to wear. In fact, he didn't want to wear any of them.

"System, there are several types of madmen. Which kind of madman am I?" Bai Leshui asked while picking out a skirt.

1069: "You're really good at accepting ne."

Bai Leshui: "I was originally an actor, although I haven't debuted yet. Not to mention lunatic, fool, rogue, ruffian, split personality, any kind of person can be acted."

1069: "You can play freely. The settings in the game are actually very broad. Not everyone is as professional as you. As long as the players think you are indeed a madman, you can be as crazy as you want. The NPCs in the instance will cooperate with your performance."

Bai Leshui let out an ooh, and at the end of the selection, he found a red Qing Yi costume. He curled his lips and took out the costume: "Then go crazy ba." Qing Yi happened to be a female role, which was in line with the setting of women's clothing boss.

Bai Leshui: "You said before that the name of the copy is 'Mystery of a Wealthy Family'. How many people in the wealthy family, I... um, who am I married to?"

1069: "I'm sorry, but the plot information in the dungeon is forbidden to be disclosed to anyone from either camp, not even ghosts. Everything is up to you to explore on your own. But as long as it meets the settings and doesn't crash, it doesn't matter whether you know the background or not la."

Bai Leshui: "Even people here are not allowed to know? It's too strict."

1069 said vaguely: "Well, actually it was possible before, but not now. This is also to avoid information leakage ma."

Bai Leshui put on his clothes in confusion: "Can I open the mall in the game ma?"

1069: "Yes, but don't do it in front of other players. Although the screen and system sound can only be heard by yourself, once you make strange behavior, it's easy for players to suspect you and reveal your identity. Even if it is a novice copy, there are also a guide player over there, the existence of ghosts is not a secret."

Bai Leshui: "Guide player, you mean old player?"

1069: "Yes. The system of ghost is an one-to-one. There are too many players, so their system is an one-to-many. Moreover, no prompts are given in the novice copy. In order to prevent the novice copy from being wipe out without understanding anything, guidance tasks will be given to old players, and many old players like to take on guidance tasks to guide and explain the newcomers." After all, the subsequent dungeon world is not as easy as the novice dungeon, and it's not easy to earn game coins. Guiding novices can get a lot of assistance game coins. Money taken by lying down, who would be unwilling ne?

"The game starts in three minutes, please be mentally prepared." 1069 became more and more excited, "Come on, let's climb to the top of BOSS together! Look, this is the first step in our fight for hegemony!"

Bai Leshui: ...Yeah.

It feels like System 1069 is more excited than him.


Two more players got on the bus, there were a total of fifteen players in the bus, after, it never stopped again.

The thick fog outside the window gradually dissipated, and the world that was originally only a road gradually became clearer. Rong Zheng could see that this was a road going up the mountain. It is surrounded by mountains and dense trees. No other view can be observe.

No one knows where this is going.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in the mind.

[Welcome players to the novice copy, this copy is 'Mystery of a wealthy family'. The bus will arrive at the dungeon scene in three minutes, so all players are asked to be mentally prepared.

The dungeon lasts for seven days. After seven days, the dungeon ends and all living players will be ejected from the dungeon and enter the parallel world.]

[Copy reminder: You are invited as a guest to Qin family's mansion in the mountains to attend the wedding banquet of Qin family's eldest son. However, when you come to this mountain villa, you find that there is something strange about this house and the people here. The customs clearance conditions are as follows——]

The system beep continued to talk about the three clearance conditions that Rong Zheng heard. Rong Zheng silently remembered it in his heart. As soon as the system beep ended, the bus stopped. The car door opened, and right outside the car was the gate of a mansion in the mountains.

Everyone got out of the car. The little girl at the end didn't want to get out of the car at first, but when everyone else got off, she was even more scared to be left alone in the car, so she could only follow tremblingly.

After getting off the car, Rong Zheng observed everyone. Most of them looked confuse and didn't know what to do.

Like him, they are newcomer.

Only one person was different. With an excited and proud smile on his face, he said loudly: "Ahem, hello everyone. So, let me introduce myself first. I am Qin Ge. Yes, I have the same surname as the owner of this mansion. Of course it's a coincidence, haha."

Seeing that everyone's attention was on him, Qin Ge continued to amplify his voice and said: "I am an old player and also your guide. I will guide you through this novice copy. If you have any questions, you can ask..."

Before Qin Ge finished speaking, a dozen or so people in front of him started asking questions. Although he had brought a newcomer once and had experience, Qin Ge still couldn't bear this situation.

"Where is this? Is what the system just said true ma? Is there a parallel world?"

"What is the clearance dungeon a? Survive 7 days, will it be dangerous?"

"I want to go home. Hey, is this a trick game a? Do you know who I am ma?"

"Brother Qin, I'm not an adult yet ne. I want to go home wuwuwu..."

Rong Zheng didn't say anything, he just watched them making mess quietly and analyzed the current situation.

"Stop!" Qin Ge shouted loudly. Everyone stopped talking and looked at him eagerly.

Qin Ge scratched his head: "I know your problems. Now, I'll tell you one by one. First of all, I'm not tricking you. Everything the system says is true. This is a parallel world. Want to go home? Can a, earn game currency, buy the 'go home' card, then you can go back. As for whether it is true or not, I don't know. I have been here for half a year and I don't have enough game coins to go back. No one I know has saved enough, but I heard that some people have saved enough to go back. As for whether he really went home, I don't know, but he never came back."

"Secondly, this world is not dangerous. The dungeon game is an escape decryption game. Death in the game is just a game failure. You will be ejected from the dungeon and sent to the parallel world. It's just like when you're playing game, game over. The only difference is that you can't get rewards, that is game currency. In the parallel world, money is used for food, clothing, housing and transportation just like in the real world. Money can only be exchanged for game currency. If you cann't get game currency, you will have no money in the parallel world. You can imagine what it would be like to be alone and penniless, so I don't recommend that you just hang out."

"I need so many coins to go home, how long will it take to save them a." A man said with a sad face.

Qin Ge touched his face: "It depends on the situation ba. A powerful boss who scores an S+ rating in the ending can get 10,000 game coins. The guaranteed game coins for surviving seven days are only 100." After speaking, he laughed and said: "What's there to be afraid, life in the parallel world is much better than reality, unless your family has a mine to inherit."

Everyone looked at each other, and the man who spoke asked, "Why?"

"One game currency can be exchanged for 10,000 yuan. One hundred game coins is one million. A high-rise large-scale three-bedroom house in the parallel world can be bought for only about 700,000 to 800,000 yuan, and a single-family villa is only 3 million yuan. Just three games are enough to have a villa, you can buy all kinds of luxuries at will, and you can also hire NPC bodyguards and servants. The gaming time is freely choosen, you can arrange the rest of the time as you like. This kind of life, how many people are willing to leave?"

These words made several people present feel moved, thinking that traveling through would not be a bad idea, while the remaining few people missed their families and still did not want to stay.

"Is everything you said true ma?" A woman with big curly hair and scantily clad clothes asked, "All the players are playing the game, and the houses and living facilities in the parallel world..."

"They are all managed by NPCs, including shops, commercial buildings, public facilities, etc." Qin Ge said, "It feels like a world of robots ba. We are served by robots. I don't know and understand the nature of this world. But life is pretty good. You'll know this when you clear the customs. Now there's one last thing I want to tell you."

Qin Ge continued: "About the last article: There is a very special existence here. Find it and expose it."

Rong Zheng raised his eyes slightly and looked at Qin Ge.

Qin Ge: "In this copy, there is a ghost."

As soon as he finished speaking, the crying little girl behind immediately screamed: "There's a ghost? I am most afraid of ghosts!"

"It doesn't mean that kind of ghost." Qin Ge reassured, "It's the name of the players from the opposite camp. We call them ghosts. Just like us they cross over, but we are escaping. Their mission is to eliminate us, stop us from successfully escaping. It is a living person who mix among NPCs. Our task is to find their identity and expose it. To be honest, this is my first time encountering a ghost I'm also not clear about the exact operation."

Rong Zheng: "First time? It's been half a year since you traveled through. How many times have you played the game?"

Only then did Qin Ge notice Rong Zheng standing at the back and glanced at his handsome face. Qin Ge touched his rough face and felt a little jealous, but he still explained with all his heart: "I enter the game instance once a week. , it must have been a few dozens of times ba. There're far fewer people in the ghost camp than us. Some people have traveled through and haven't encountered them once in several years. I didn't expect that I met them, and they were still in the novice copy. That ghost must be a newcomer too. Most ghosts can't adapt when they first arrive, and they are easily discovered if they are not used to disguise. You're luck is really good."

Little girl: "Ghosts will attack us?"

Qin Ge: "There will be no directly attacks. In the dungeon, it's not allowed for players to attack NPCs including ghosts, or for ghosts to attack players. Only NPCs can directly attack players. We use cards to eliminate ghosts. I have never played against ghosts, I'm not clear. Don't worry, I guess you won't encounter few ghosts after you go out this time. It doesn't matter if you don't care."

The little girl lowered her head: "I've always had bad luck."

"That's okay." Qin Ge said nonchalantly, "Some people have estimated that there is only one ghost for ten thousand players, and the chance of encountering it is less than one thousandth. Even if you encounter it once, there should be no second time. "

"Okay, the explanation is almost done, I will take you in." Qin Ge opened the door, "The game time starts when you enter here, and the half hour I just spent explaining does not count. Also, I am just the guide, you can ask me questions about the game and parallel worlds, but you can't ask questions about the dungeon. You still have to rely on yourselves. It's okay, novice dungeons are very simple."

Several people present nodded and followed Qin Ge into the courtyard of the mansion. As Rong Zheng at the back stepped into the courtyard, the door behind him closed, and the sound of the broadcasting machine was heard.

[Novice copy: Mystery of a wealthy family. There are fourteen players, one guide and one ghost.

Copy time: seven days, countdown begins.]

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: Xiaojiu, do you think I should paint my face?

1069: No time, just go out like this ba.

Bai Leshui: That's right. How can a madman paint his face well, the costume will also be wear casually? Fortunately, I studied opera for a while. Ahem, Hus~band~ah~~~~Hehehehehehe


Very good, it looks pretty crazy.

  1. 青衣戏服
    青衣 can mean servant role or young woman role in chinese opera
    戏服 stand for costume
  2. Used to describe man wearing woman's clothes
  3. Fromthe ghost camp
  4. Doing nothing
  5. 加油 (jiayou, add oil) is commonly used to encourage someone, like cheer up
  6. I think he mean to be the best among Boss
  7. 秦阁
  8. 大哥 big brother, doesn't have to be true brother
  9. Crying sound
  10. Originaly in english
  11. 1 293,37 Euro
    1 393,42 American Dollard
  12. 139341,8 American Dollard
    129 285,74 Euro
  13. 90 500,02 to 103  410,75 Euro
    97 537,86 to 111 471,84 American Dollard
  14. 387 790,33 Euro
    418 019,4 American Dollard
  15. Little 9
  16. He's asking if he should put on make up