Are you really hungry?

[Novice Copy: Mystery of a Wealthy Family. There're fourteen players, one guide and one ghost.

Copy time: seven days, countdown begins.]

"Xiaojiu, can everyone hear this broadcast?" Bai Leshui said in shock, "Then am I already half exposed?"

1069 is very calm: "Don't worry, only novice dungeon will clearly state the number of participants and camps, reducing the difficulty. In future dungeons, the number of players and whether there are any ghosts will not be announced again."

Bai Leshui: "Oh, that's good... No, this is simply reducing the difficulty for players and increasing the difficulty for ghosts ba."

1069: "Don't you still have me ma? I will remind you at any time da!"

Bai Leshui:...

Okay ba, I hope you can be somewhat useful.

"Now that the game has begun..." Bai Leshui put his hand on the door handle, "Can I go out ma?"

1069: "Yes. But please be careful, because..."

Before the system finished speaking, a tall and thin woman in a maid uniform strode over. When she saw Bai Leshui going out in Qing Yi costume, she frowned and reached out to grab Bai Leshui's arm, wanting to push people back into the room.

1069 continue his unfinished words: "NPC's attitude towards ghosts is based on the character setting. You are a madman. And madman..."

"If there's no problem, don't come out. How did you open the door?" the maid said with a look of disgust.

1069: "Won't be treated kindly."

Bai Leshui:...

"Host, don't lose your character setting, quickly go crazy a!" 1069 immediately reminded. This kind of silent apparence is definitely not acceptable. It's not a big deal to be a little OOC in front of NPCs, but players are already here a!

After hearing this, Bai Leshui immediately opened his mouth, smiled loudly and sharply, grabbed the maid's arm and started singing: "Husband ya~~" It really takes a lot of lung capacity to sing while being pushed around like this. Fortunately, he has always been excellent in vocal lessons.

The maid's face turned dark, her fingers trembled slightly: "There is no husband of yours here, go in. Third Young Master, don't just watch, help me quickly a."

Bai Leshui was still babbling and singing, he glanced at the hall downstairs from the corner of his eyes. He happened to see about ten people being led into the room by a man in suits and leather shoes. When he heard the maid's call, he raised his head. After a moment of silence, he finally went upstairs, pushed Bai Leshui back to the room with the maid, and then closed the door with a bang.

Bai Leshui who returned to the room:...

"Xiaojiu, is this okay?"

1069: "Don't worry, the character setting will never be an obstacle to the ghost. There will be a time when he can go out. Now, it is better to explore this room."

Bai Leshui: "Huh?"

"Host, please note that you know nothing except being a newly married widowed sister-in-law and the setting. This is your room, it will definitely leave you some information. Ah, of course, it is also a clue for the player to reveal the secret. Perhaps clue about your own's identity, or find the right props ne?"

Bai Leshui: "Are there any cards?"

1069 replied in second: "No."

Bai Leshui: "...then what are you looking for? Didn't you say that knowing the background doesn't mean much ma?"

1069 replied: "There is nothing else to do ma."

Bai Leshui:...

Very good, very right.


Rong Zheng followed those people into the mansion, and was welcomed into the mansion by a man who called himself Qin Lan. The style of this mansion is a simple European palace style. Standing in the lobby on the first floor, you can see the corridor on the second floor. Unlike these people who are blinded by the luxurious decoration when they come in, Rong Zheng has been to all over the world because of his profession. To him, such a palace is extremely ordinary, so when others are surprised by the luxury of the mansion, Rong Zheng is observing other things like the servants here, the number of rooms, the signs on the doors, etc.

Then he saw everything that happened on the second floor.

A crazy woman in the mansion?

This place does have a lot of secrets.

Every NPC here looks the same as a real person. He even thought they were living people.

Third Young Master Qin, who finally locked the 'crazy woman' in the room, straightened his clothes, went downstairs and came in front of everyone, said with a smile: "It's really rude for you to see this scene."

"Who was that person just now a?" a short man among the players asked curiously.

Third Young Master Qin seemed a little embarrassed and sighed: "That's the eldest sister-in-law."

"Eldest sister-in-law? She's the newlywed one..."

Third Young Master Qin nodded: "He just misses the deceased elder brother so much, that he became so sorrowful. However our Qin family will not dislike him because of this. Marrying him was my elder brother's wish before his death."

The little girl at the back widened her eyes.

Be-before death?

"Everyone just come here, so you must be tired." Third Young Master Qin smiled and ordered, "Uncle Li, take them to the room first."

Mr. Butler, who had been standing silently, nodded, glanced at everyone and said, "Follow me."

Everyone looked at Qin Ge and asked silently whether they should listen to the NPC at this time. Qin Ge touched his nose. He couldn't tell these people the key to clear the level directly, but he could set an example. He was the first to follow.

As a guide, he only needs to pass the first condition and survive for seven days. There is no need to decrypt or catch ghosts. If he did these two things, not only will he'll get no points, but he will also get points deducted because he robbed the newcomers of their chance to pass the level in the novice copy.

However, the novice player's clearance is closely related to his final reward. In addition to the game coins given by guiding, if these players receive additional rewards, as the guide, he can get a share. It's just that... few newcomers can do that much.

It would be good to live.

Butler Li designated a rest room for the guests who came. There were fifteen guests and eight guest rooms. If two people shared a room, one of them was destined to stay alone.

In addition to guide Qin Ge, there were fourteen new players present, including seven young men, three young women, two middle-aged men, and the remaining two were very young and looked like they were only in high school. Among them, the boy was wearing a school uniform, and the other was the little girl who had been crying since she got in the car.

Two of the eight rooms must have been allocated to these three young women and the high school girl. The remaining few had to draw lots. Everyone wanted to share a room with Qin Ge. After all, it was safe and convenient to have experienced players follow. At this time, no one would consider whether it was comfortable to live alone.

The last person to get the blank sign was Rong Zheng. Some people looked at him with sympathetic eyes. Rong Zheng smiled slightly and got the key to the last room on the third floor without any care.

After settling, Butler Li took them around the mansion. In fact, apart from the guest rooms on the third floor, he only went to the front hall, kitchen and back garden. He didn't take the players to other places and just told them casually.

This mansion has a total of four floors. The top fourth floor is the residence of the masters, the third floor is the guests room, and the second floor where you can see the corridor from the front hall is the servants' room. Surprisingly, the crazy widowed sister-in-law was also placed on the second floor. According to Butler Li, it would be convenient for the servant next door to take care of her at any time.

Recalling the previous actions of the Third Young Master and the maid, who forced the crazy sister-in-law's head into the room, Rong Zheng expressed deep doubts about this sentence.

If you have nothing to do, don't disturb the masters on the fourth floor. Also, don't go to the basement. There's nothing interesting to see there. This is a warning from Butler Li.

After this stroll, Butler Li took people to the front hall on the first floor again, where the maid had already brought delicious meals from the kitchen. Rong Zheng and other players finally met all the masters of this family, except for the crazy widowed sister-in-law who was imprisoned.

The hostess of the mansion, Mrs. Qin, was a gray-haired woman. She only glanced at everyone present but did not speak. Sitting next to her was a gentle-looking man with glasses who was the second young master of the Qin family. He introduced himself and clearly expressed his welcome to everyone present.

According to what he said, tomorrow is the wedding banquet. All guests are asked to get up early tomorrow and gather in the hall.

Everyone nodded. The newly arrived newcomers did not dare to ask anything. Only Rong Zheng asked with a smile: "We are here to attend the wedding banquet. The groom has passed away, so is it a ghost marriage ma?"

As soon as Rong Zheng's question came out, the players present held their breath, glanced at Rong Zheng and then looked at Second Young Master Qin cautiously, for fear that he would get angry on the spot.

Second Young Master Qin was not angry and answered Rong Zheng's question with a smile: "If the marriage between the dead and the living is called a ghost marriage, then it is indeed a ghost marriage."

Rong Zheng: "Oh, thank you for letting me know."

Second Young Master Qin: "You're welcome."

After the dinner, everyone returned to their rooms, and once again received a new rule from Butler Li: Do not leave the room casually after eight o'clock in the evening.

Back in the room, Rong Zheng took out a small notebook. It was his habit to carry a notebook with him to take notes. Fortunately, the notebook followed him to this different world.

It can also prove an aspect. His whole body was pulled through time and space.

Trancending time and space, existing in a strange space, how magical.

Of course, it is also possible that everything is false, just a simulation of the real thing, but... Rong Zheng touched the rough edges of the pages of the notebook. There were creases on the notebook from last time, as well as coffee marks that had been accidentally dripped on it, and the usual feeling to every dent in the cover.

If today's simulation will be so advenced, these things he know it all himself. If it's something reflected from the human brain, well...

While Rong Zheng was fumbling with his notebook, several speculations ran through his mind.

It is somewhat difficult to deduce a result from this clue.

It's better to record the relationship between characters in the dungeon first.

When Rong Zheng was about to write, he heard a girl talking coquettishly outside the door. Rong Zheng put down his notebook and leaned against the door to listen for a while. It was the crying high school girl who was begging the woman she slept with to accompany her to the bathroom.

Rong Zheng remembered that the roommate of this high school girl was a mature woman in her thirties, and from the moment she met her until now, she had a bit of anger and impatience on her face. She was by no means the kind of woman who would be considerate of little girls.

As expected, the woman rejected her coldly, saying that she didn't have time to play the trick of going to the toilet together to build a good relationship. The high school girl went the another women's room for help. It turned out that the two women in that room were worried that going out after eight o'clock would have dire consequences, so they didn't agree at all.

The high school girl hesitated for a long time and then went alone. No thought was given to asking any of the men for help.

After Rong Zheng listened for a few times, he went back to the room and continued taking notes. He was not a kind-hearted person and was too lazy to care about this girl's life and death. And more than that, he was more curious about the consequences of the girl going out at this time.

It's already a quarter past eight. What will happen if you go out after eight o'clock?

Tian Tian felt very uncomfortable. She was scared, but she couldn't help not going to the toilet. It sound very unlucky, she was in her period during this time, so she did have sanitary napkins in her bag, and it came with her. She had mysophobia, and even if she didn't, the white-collar woman in the same dormitory would definitely not agree to her changing that kind of thing in the room where she sleep.

Because she was so shocked and frightened by the cross over, she didn't care about it at all. She didn't think about her embarrassing situation until now when she returned to the room and felt sick to her stomach.

But it's already past eight o'clock.

Just endure it like this?

But in addition to changing, she really needs to go to the toilet a.

It should be fine ba. The old butler didn't say anything would happened. Tian Tian carefully opened the door and walked out.

The toilet is on the first floor. To get there, you have to pass through the front hall and kitchen.

It's fine.

Tian Tian told herself carefully while quietly going downstairs.

The light from the wall lamp was very dim, just enough for Tian Tian to clearly see the steps under her feet and the road in front of her. The more this happened, the more fear filled his heart. Passing by the front hall, in front is the kitchen. Behind the kitchen is...

"Husband a~~"

A melodious singing tune suddenly sounded, making Tian Tian tremble. In addition to this gentle voice, there were also harsh and heavy sounds.

Listen carefully, it is the sound of a kitchen knife chopping something.

The sound came from the kitchen.

Tian Tian was so timid that he nudged the kitchen door carefully, intending to go to the toilet pretending she didn't know anything and didn't hear anything. But somehow, she couldn't help but glance over there.

Today is the full moon, and the faint moonlight shines through the transparent glass, allowing Tian Tian to see clearly the person in the kitchen.

At that moment, Tian Tian wished she was blind.

A tall woman with half-long hair and a red costume was holding a kitchen knife in her hand. The corners of her mouth were raised and her eyes were smiling. She was chopping something with the kitchen knife while singing. The thing was long and round and couldn't be seen clearly. Tian Tian didn't dare to think about what it was.

"Ah~ Husband ah~ I'm really very hungry~~ I'm very hungry. If I can have a bowl of soup, just snatch you to make soup~~~" The woman was still smiling and singing, but suddenly she made a move, The kitchen knife hung high in the air and stopped, turning her head this way.

Tian Tian rolled her eyes and fainted.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: So hungry, no food to eat, abusing madman.

1069: Let's go find some food, there's still some left in the kitchen.


Bai Leshui: Where is it? There was only one Tianjin hemp flowers left, the extra-large one. How hard to chew!

1069: It's okay, you can still eat it if chopped into pieces. Look, the kitchen knife is there.

Bai Leshui: ...Tsk.

1069: Quick, go crazy, no, hum something, pretend to be crazy.

Bai Leshui: Husband~~I'm really hungry~~

1069: Host, this is a song, not an opera.

Bai Leshui: Madman still cares about this?

1069: Oh, you go ahead.


Have you ever bought that kind of super big hemp flower? The kind that is extremely big, thick, and hard. It feels like it could kill someone.

I bought it once and chopped it with a kitchen knife.

Then I decided not to buy it again.

It's really troublesome and not easy to chop.


The lyrics are from the classic song Du Shiniang. Of course, I changed the lyrics blindly.

I recommend listening to the original version, the tune is beautiful.

It's not the magical tone of Wulin Gaiden, it's really not, the original version is very nice.

  1. 小 Little 九 nine
  2. Her face turned gloomy.
  3. 秦斓
    I really wonder why did the autor gave him a name if it's for calling him Third Young Master Qin permanently
  4. In China, the 1st floor is the ground floor.
  5. 大嫂
    Qin Lan is ranked 3rd in the familly so BLS is married to the oldest.
    If it was the second, he would say 二嫂 for second sister-in-law.
  6. This is not an error. 他 (he) and 她 (she) sound the same in chinese.
    Qin family's member refer to him as he.
  7. 秦阁
  8. There's no name. Anyway, he'll be called Second Young Master Qin
  9. 田甜
  10. What he say is 我真的是饿得慌 which can be translate into "I'm really hungry into panic" but it doesn't sound good in english.
  11. Traditionnal chinese snack from Tianjin
  12. 杜十娘
  13. 武林外传
    I don't know what it is