Xiaojiu, does it count as me breaking the setting?

Late at night, in the kitchen.

Bai Leshui walked to the kitchen door with a kitchen knife in his hand and took a clear look at Miss player who suddenly fell down. After a moment of silence, he asked 1069: "What should I do?"

1069: "Host, think about what a madman would do?"

Bai Leshui thought seriously for a while, then looked at the kitchen knife in his hand: "Chop it?"

1069 screamed: "Host, calm down, you are not really crazy a! And direct attacks are prohibited in this game!"

Bai Leshui turned back and continued to chop his big Tianjin hemp flower: "Just kidding." He was not really a madman, let alone a murderer. How could he actually chop people into pieces.

"But there is no way to send her back." Bai Leshui put down the kitchen knife, gathered the scattered hemp flower pieces on the plate, and communicated with system while eating. After all, he is a lunatic. If he has no intention of attacking, it would be more reasonable to turn a blind eye. The little girl could only continue to lie on the cold floor. Hope she doesn't catch a cold. Sending a person back thoughtfully will only expose him to all the players.

"By the way, what will happen if I'm exposed?" Bai Leshui asked.

1069: "Ejected from the dungeon, game failure. Host, you have to be steady. Even if your ghost identity is exposed, you can get game coins, but only if the character setting isn't destroyed. If you don't work hard, you won't get game coins after being exposed. Player camp will still have coins even if it fails in novice copy. This is to protect new players. Ghost's own conditions are superior to the players, so there is no such preferential treatment in the novice copy. Host, you don't want to be ejected now just to stearve to death in the paralle world ma?"

Bai Leshui oh indifferently and continued to stuff food into his mouth. When he was almost done eating, he patted his belly, coughed, flicked his water sleeves, and walked out of the kitchen babbling, walked past the fallen girl without looking away.

He wants to maintain the persona of a madman.

If he could go back one day, Bai Leshui believed that his acting skills would be able to crush great gods in the entertainment industry.

1069: "Host, do you want to go back to sleep ma?"

"Why should I sleep? I'm not sleepy at all. Let's go for a walk to digest the food." Bai Leshui asked, "Is this game dangerous to ghosts ma?"

1069: "No. NPCs will never harm ghosts. You guys are in the same group ai."

Bai Leshui was relieved.

Bai Leshui, who decided to go with the flow, waved his sleeves and took small steps from the front hall of the first floor to the second floor, and even went for a walk on the third floor. Familiarize yourself with the layout of the mansion and identify the player's rooms. When he reached the fourth floor, he happened to meet the butler who was walking over with a pot of flowers.

Bai Leshui and Butler Li looked at each other. Bai Leshui smiled, waving his water sleeves, singing "Husband" and rushed towards him. He grabbed the butler's collar and started howling, almost suffocating the butler to death.

The potted flower even fell from the butler's hand. The black ceramic pot shattered into pieces and soil spread all over the floor.

"Let go!" the butler said with difficulty, "Eldest Young Lady, please go downstairs and rest. Let go..." The butler tried desperately to pull Bai Leshui off him, but unfortunately he was already old and his strength was not as strong as Bai Leshui's, a young and energetic fake woman, he could only helplessly drag Bai Leshui to the nearest door and knock on the door for help.

I don't know if the people in the room were asleep or what, but it took a while before the door opened. The messy-haired Third Young Master Qin opened the door while buttoning his clothes: "Who is here in the middle of the night...Uncle Li?"

"Third Young Master, help me quickly." Butler Li said with difficulty.

"Eldest sister-in-law?" Third Young Master Qin was even more surprised, "What are you doing at this time...Eldest sister-in-law, stop making trouble, that's not my elder brother. Let go!!"

Bai Leshui ghost cries and wolf howls.

With the help of Third Young Master Qin, Bai Leshui's claws on the butler's clothes finally loosened their grip.

After straightening the torn clothes, the butler sighed, glanced at the broken flower pots on the ground and said, "Please trouble Third Young Master Qin to send Eldest Young Lady back. I have to clean up here first. Madam likes to be clean, we can't let her see this."

Third Young Master Qin nodded clearly and put Bai Leshui on his shoulders. Bai Leshui, who had the character of a madman, grabbed Third Young Master Qin's back hard. Third Young Master Qin gasped in pain and pinched a handful of Bai Leshui's thigh harder: "Eldest sister-in-law! Please! Don't! Overdo! It!"

Bai Leshui was so painful that he bounced like a fish, honestly remained motionless.

It's so cruel, I was definitely pinched purple, it hurt so much.

Then, Bai Leshui was taken back to the room on the second floor by Third Young Master Qin.

Before leaving, Third Young Master Qin said meaningfully to Bai Leshui, who was lying on the floor: "I know you are unwilling to get married. I don't care whether you are really crazy or pretending to be crazy. I suggest you be more honest. The man you fell in love with is dead. If you stay here, the Qin family will take good care of you. Otherwise...be careful." After that, he closed the door with a bang.

Bai Leshui: "Xiaojiu, does it count as me breaking the setting ma?" Isn't that other sentence a bit suspicious?

1069: "Probably...doesn't count." The system did not receive an OOC warning.

Third Young Master Qin walked to the fourth floor, where the butler was still collecting the broken pieces of porcelain. Third Young Master Qin wanted to help, but the butler refused. Thinking of the people in his room,Third Young Master Qin turned around and left.

From the corner of his eye, Butler Li saw Third Young Master Qin entering the house and locking the door. He stretched out his hand to pull apart the pile of soil, secretly hid the exposed bones in his pocket, then lowered his head and continued to collect the debris.


Rong Zheng stayed in his room this whole time.

He was awake in the first half of the nigh, recorded the information obtained after traveling on the back of the notebook, and the instance information on the front. After doing all this, Rong Zheng began to listen intently to the movement outside the room.

The sound insulation effect of the house is very good, and the sound from downstairs is not clearly heard. I can only vaguely hear the rhythmic sound of "dong dong". After the sound stopped for a while, the singing of opera sounded.

Rong Zheng thought of the crazy sister-in-law whom he only saw once today.

The young widowed sister-in-law was pushed back to the room by Third Young Master Qin and the maid before she had time to show her clear face. Therefore, Rong Zheng didn't know what that person looked like. He only remembered the red costume, there is also the gentle and long 'husband'.

During the day, he saw the maid locking the door. Rong Zheng always thought that the door could not be opened, so this slightly crazy widowed sister-in-law could be quiet for the whole day. How did this person get out now?

The sound got closer and closer, and she seemed to wander around the third floor before continuing to walk upstairs.

After that, there were angry voices and noisy sounds from Third Young Master Qin . Rong Zheng guessed that the crazy sister-in-law was singing on the fourth floor and was discovered by Third Young Master Qin, who took her back and locked her up again. After this, everything returns to peace.

There was no other sound.

And the high school girl never came back.

In fact, she will never come back.

Tian Tian, failed the game, and was ejected from the copy.

All that was left was a fake corpse simulated by the system. As evidence that she has appeared in this game, and her failure death is used as a basis for the remaining players to find clues.

The author has something to say:

1069: Congratulations, one player has been eliminated! Host is indeed excellent and has the potential to become a big BOSS!

Bai Leshui: Huh? I didn't do anything!

A little confused.

  1. They can also be called fried dough twist
  2. 水袖
    Silk extenxion from the cuff in chinese opera. They are worn by both male and female in high social class. They help to better express emotion.
  3. 鬼哭狼嚎 Cry very loudly
  4. 适可而止 to stop before going too far