Is he really just a novice ghost?

When he heard the system prompt, Bai Leshui was completely confused. He didn't do anything ba. Why was that girl eliminated from the game?

"Wait a minute, is it possible to be eliminated if you are frightened into fainting ma?" Bai Leshui asked in shock.

1069 answered naturally: "Of course not. Again, this is an escape game. The only thing that can be ejected from the game is 'death'. Ghosts cannot directly attack the player. They all indirectly put players in danger and then eliminate them, that is, assist. Host, by scaring the player into fainting, you gave the BOSS an opportunity to take advantage of it. Even if ghost only exerts a little force when the player is eliminated, it will be regarded as a meritorious deed and will be settled when the instance ends!"

Bai Leshui understood: "That girl was frightened into fainting by me. I didn't care about her, and then she was 'killed' by the passing BOSS. That's what you mean ba."

1069: "That's right. Correct answer."

Bai Leshui: "How did she 'die'?"

1069 hesitated: "The way of death is not very good. Anyway, host will know tomorrow. Then you can see for yourself."

Bai Leshui suddenly didn't want to know that much anymore.

Early the next morning, someone was heard screaming. The sound was so loud that Bai Leshui could hear it even if he didn't step out of the door.

Bai Leshui wanted to go out and take a look, but no matter how hard he turned the door handle, the door wouldn't move, it couldn't be opened at all.

System said that this was a set restriction on ghosts in the game. His identity was the crazy widowed sister-in-law. She just went crazy last night and was locked in the house by Third Young Master Qin. Therefore, Bai Leshui should not be able to go out now.

Of course, in order for ghost to have a certain freedom of movement, a time limit will be added here in the setting. Before that, Bai Leshui could only wait patiently.

It was noisy outside for a while, and the thumping footsteps came downstairs. Bai Leshui guessed that they were players. Later, he heard a man's voice, and Bai Leshui guessed that it was an NPC in the game.

He has obviously been in the game copy for a day, but he still doesn't know who the owner is, how many people are in this family, and who he is 'marrying' to now. Instead, one of the players was indirectly eliminated by him. It's really hard to tell if his game progress is fast or slow.

There was already a commotion in the hall.

Although it is speculated that travel through is real, and we know that we exist in a world that is difficult to explain scientifically, so far no one has a real sense of time travel in the game, until now, someone has died.

Generally speaking, death should be a very scary thing, but if the corpse that appears in front of you is not a real corpse, the fear will be greatly reduced, especially when Qin Ge said that 'death' is not the real death but is the time to be ejected from the game, everyone will feel happy and fearless. It felt like nothing was a big deal.

This is a game. People around you who are not players are NPCs. Oh, there is also a ghost mixed in.

However, it's too real.

Now, with a fake corpse lying in front of them, they finally felt like they were playing a game.

In fact, the corpse was made very lifelike. Whether it was the figure, face, or the appearance of the tragic death, they were exactly the same as the real Tian Tian. Even the clothes she wore were exactly the same. It's just that the body is made of wood. Even if it is painted, you can still see the faint wood grain. What really makes people feel fake is the wooden puppet's mouth, which is like a puppet used for acting. In order to facilitate speech, there are obvious joints at the corners of the mouth, extending all the way to the chin.

It looks weird, but it's much easier to accept than having a real corpse hanging there.

"Tian Tian" was hung on the huge glazed chandelier on the roof of the front hall. The rope hung from the chandelier and was tied around its neck.

Players who were first shocked by the sound gathered around and started talking.

"What is it screaming so early in the morning? Scares me to death."

"But..." The female player who was passing by the front hall when she got up in the morning and planned to go to the toilet had tears in her eyes, "I just took a look from a distance and thought it was real..."

"So she was hanged?" A player asked, "Who share a room with her a?"

Everyone present looked at Bai Wan, who was in the same room as Tian Tian. Bai Wan frowned impatiently: "She wants to go to the toilet all by herself, and I'm not willing to take the risk with her."

"Why didn't you ask or look for her when she didn't come back?" someone asked.

Bai Wan rolled his eyes: "If it's you, will you come out?"

People who have just traveled through time know nothing about this place. Who knows whether what Qin Ge said is true or false? Who knows whether you will really die if you fail the game? Who knows what you will encounter when you go out after eight o'clock? Bai Wan doesn't know Tian Tian, she is too lazy to care, and she is not willing to take risks for a stranger.

The person who accused her stopped talking.

"It's not her fault." Qin Ge said, "The rules mentioned by the NPC in the game copy are very important. You can't take risks for trivial things." As for whether to obey or violate the rules, you have to judge for yourself. Novice dungeon is relatively simple. The secret to clearing the level is to listen carefully to the NPC's advice and don't seek death. You will usually pass the level.

If you don't obey and do the opposite, you may find the truth hidden in the copy.

No matter which choice you choose, it is not a certain death. On the contrary, challenging the rules for a trivial matter without courage or strategy. That is the stupidest thing.

However... Qin Ge glanced at the hanging puppet corpse in confusion. Even if it was without courage or strategy, it was just a novice copy. Someone shouldn't have game over on the first day a. Could it be the ghost's doing? Neither ghosts nor players have cards in the novice copy. With such a neat and fast method, is it really just a novice ghost?

Or is he an extremely smart ghost?

On the other side, Bai Leshui, who could no longer hear what was going on downstairs, was playing with his water sleeves in the room, not knowing that he was overestimated.

"Brother Qin, what should I do?" The novice players didn't know what to do with this puppet, and they all focused on Qin Ge.

Qin Ge said: "Wait for the master to deal with it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Third Young Master Qin came down from upstairs. He saw the hanging puppet at a glance and was shocked: "What... is going on? Why is this Miss hanging here? Quick! Put her down, where is the doctor!"

All the players looked at each other, and finally let him go according to Third Young Master Qin's words. Third Young Master Qin came over to check the puppet's breathing, shook his head and sighed.

Someone asked Qin Ge in a low voice: "Does he think this is a human being?"

Qin Ge answered in a low voice: "In the eyes of players, corpses are just puppets, but in the eyes of NPCs, they are people." Then he looked at the boy who was also a high school student: "Don't laugh, you will be regarded as the murderer."

The young man coughed and turned his head.

He just thought that the scene of Third Young Master Qin earnestly and eagerly rescuing a doll, and then sighing helplessly and sadly was so interesting.

Rong Zheng didn't find it funny. He was thinking about a question. If the corpse is real in the eyes of the NPC and a puppet in the eyes of the player, what about it in the eyes of the ghost ne?

Rong Zheng asked Qin Ge about this question, but unfortunately he did not get an answer. Qin Ge has never encountered a ghost before, and he doesn't think he will be lucky enough to face a ghost one day, so he never cares about such issues. It would be good to know that ghosts exist.

The guest died in his own home. Third Young Master Qin was very regretful about this. He said he didn't understand why the Miss named Tian Tian couldn't think lightly and must hang herself.

Hang herself?

Who would believe this? Hung at such a high place with no place to step on, how could it be suicide?

It's just that no player raised this question. They watched Third Young Master Qin order the butler to arrange the puppet, and asked them to keep it from the hostess, the mother of the two young masters of Qin family, secret because she was old, had a bad heart, and could not bear stimulation.

Everyone, including Qin Ge, agreed. It wasn't really a dead person, so they didn't think there was any problem.

It was during breakfast that the other masters of Qin family showed up, including the elderly hostess. She did not express any doubt about the lack of one visitor. She was like a woman who was beginning to become confused. She only cared about whether the morning meal was enough to maintain her health and whether she had one more wrinkle on her face.

Finally, it's about the eldest's wedding banquet.

"It's been three days, let Qing Zhuo out ba." After dinner, the hostess wiped the corners of her mouth and said to Butler Li, "That child is a miserable person. I wish I had agreed to their marriage earlier. It wouldn't have to get to this point."

Rong Zheng asked: "Excuse me, Qing Zhuo is..."

Butler Li answered on behalf of the hostess: "It's Eldest Young Lady's name."

The hostess laughed and said, "It's a very artistic name ba. Don't look at him now. He used to be a child who was very good at reading and could also write poems ne. He used to write poems to the eldest, but I couldn't put up with it at that time. Obviously it's could it be together. Hey, now that people are old, and the eldest is gone. Instead I just move on, thinking why is it necessary ne. Causing trouble now that the eldest is not here, he is like that again..."

Second Young Master Qin pushed up his glasses and said, "Don't be sad, mother, third child and I are both here ne. Eldest sister-in-law is probably hungry too, I'll go and help deliver the food first." He stood up as he said that.

The hostess glanced at him and said, "Sit down. It's rare to have a conversation with me. You don't need to bring meal to Qing Zhuo." Then she winked at Butler Li, who nodded and ordered the maid to fill up a bowl of warm porridge, took a stack of side dishes, turned around and went upstairs.

Inside the room on the second floor, Bai Leshui finally waited until the door opened.

The time limit was up, the door was opened, after eating, he could resume his activities.

The author has something to say:

Second Young Master Qin: I want to go and deliver food to my sister-in-law.

For example, give a plate of dumplings.

  1. 白挽
  2. 无勇无谋 From the idom 有勇无谋 which mean 'only courage, no strategy'
  3. 想不开 to be depressed, can not figure out things
  4. In fact, the word used are 上吊自杀
    上吊: to hang oneself
    自杀: commit/attempt sucide
  5. 老大 is also used to adress boss and leader
  6. 清酌 it is littelaly the wine used to workship gods
  7. 想开 to avoid dwelling on unpleasant things / to accept the situation and move on
  8. TBH, this paragraph is extremely confusing so I tried to keep it as close as the raw possible
  9. 老三
    三 mean 3