The Eldest Young Lady is a man!

After that farce, Butler Li's face looked very ugly, but everything needed for the wedding banquet was still prepared and completed. It was just that there was no time to redo the wedding cake, so he only brought ordinary pastries to cope with it.

Butler Li kept staring at the pastries on the plate, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

Players was quickly called down by the maid again. Everyone except the hostess and Bai Leshui gathered in the hall. The two young masters of Qin family had already taken their seats. Rong Zheng counted the remaining seats. Except for the masters' main seats in front of him, there're a total of thirteen guest seats left.

Among them, players, except for Tian Tian who was eliminated, there are still fourteen people left.

The number of people is wrong.

As an old player, Qin Ge also noticed this problem. He immediately looked at the newcomers behind him and asked, "Is everyone here ma?"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally the young man in high school uniform said: "The uncle who lives in the same room with me hasn't come back yet."

"Hasn't come back?" Qin Ge asked, "Where did he go?"

"Who knows ne." The high school boy replied expressionlessly, "He said he wanted to look for clues and asked me if I wanted to join him. I played games for a while last night and slept late, so I didn't have the energy." After that, he also yawned. "It's a pity there is no signal here, I can only play stand-alone game. I hope I can connect to the Internet in the parallel world." The boy took out his mobile phone and muttered. It is really the most painful thing for an Internet-addicted teenager to be without Internet access.

Qin Ge said oh, stopped talking, found a seat and sat down by himself. As soon as Qin Ge acted indifferent, other novice players would no longer care about the missing player's life or death. Again, since you won't really die, then there's nothing to worry about ne.

Just treat it like a holographic game bei.

Pretend until wherever you can.

Seeing Qin Ge sitting down, the scantily attired woman with an dusty aura immediately come to the seat next to Qin Ge with quick steps and sat down. She smiled at Qin Ge, whispered: "Brother Qin, my name is Xiao Xiao, can I ask a question ma?"

Qin Ge looked at her.

When Xiao Xiao saw that he had noticed her and there was no impatient look on her face, she moved closer and rubbed his arm lightly with her tall chest: "I have played games before. Nowaday, don't all games have offline game groups or alliances? If I enter dungeon later, can I form a team ne?"

Her question attracted a lot of people's attention, Rong Zheng also listened. Everyone turned to look at Qin Ge.

Qin Ge: "Few players have noticed this problem."

Xiao Xiao smiled shyly. Only herself knew her little plan.

"You can add friends, and there are game alliances. I am an old member of the alliance. You can form a team in dungeon. However, there is an upper limit on the number of people in the team. As for how to add friends to join alliance, you will know after you exit game. The system will tell you." Qin Ge said.

Xiao Xiao: "Then can I join you ma? Brother Qin, I want to follow you~" The woman's voice was low, and her eyes were shining with deep hints.

The person sitting opposite her was the white-collar woman who was in the same room as Tian Tian. She snorted and looked down on Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao only gave her a look, not caring about the other party's contemptuous gaze.

She was a show lady in the original world, she had seen this kind of look a lot.

If she really cared about these things, there was no way she could continue in that profession. As long as you can live a better life, you should throw away some things. This is what Xiao Xiao has always believed.

Qin Ge looked at her and guessed what the other party was thinking. He sighed in his heart. If he was still the stupid young man who had just joined the game, he would definitely be carried away by Xiao Xiao's act of thrwing herself in his embrace. As for now...

Qin Ge smiled distantly and said: "Our alliance is very focused on strength. You must have cleared at least five dungeons and obtained at least an A rating before you can join. The review is very strict, and newcomers cannot enter."

Xiao Xiao said coquettishly: "Can't you just pull me in ma?"

Qin Ge smiled regretfully and said, "No, I don't have that authority." Even if he had, he would not bring in such a person who was obviously just here for hugging thigh.

The alliance under the system settings has a level and number limit, and there is no room for those who fish in troubled waters.

"A rating?" Rong Zheng asked. "How to get an A rating? Solve puzzles?"

Qin Ge smiled and nodded.

Rong Zheng was about to ask again when he heard steady footsteps. He looked up and saw that it was the old lady of Qin family coming down from upstairs.

Mrs. Qin changed into a crimson dress and came out. Her hair, which was originally casually scattered, was pulled up into a very delicate hairstyle. She was wearing a hairpin and a pearl necklace around her neck. Even though the years have left deep marks on her face, the grace she once had can still be seen in the face she worked hard to maintain.

Mrs. Qin must have been a beauty when she was young.

Not only her, but the attractiveness index of the two sons of Qin family who standing at the dining table were both online.

Even the man in the posthumous photo, the Eldest Young Master of Qin family, held in Mrs. Qin's hands was very handsome, with a sunny smile on his face.

"What a pity." The white-collar woman looked at the person in the photo and whispered.

The somewhat ugly man sitting next to her sneered at this: "Then you are willing to marry him? A dead man?"

The white-collar woman's eyes widened and she whispered: "I didn't say I wanted to get married." She just said it was a pity. Is this person sick ma?

"I don't think he is a good person." The man continued to mutter, looking at the other two young masters of Qin family with a slightly unkind look.

The white-collar woman dragged her chair to the side, far away from him.

This is definitely a loser, a failure.

Before Mrs. Qin finished walking the stairs, Butler Li stepped forward to support her and whispered: "You can ask me to take down the photo of Eldest Young Master."

Mrs. Qin shook her head and touched the photo in her hand: "I hope to take him to his wedding in person. When he was young he said, the day he gets married, he will definitely let me see that moment with my own eyes."

Butler Li lowered his eyes: "Eldest Young Master's spirit in heaven, will know about it."

"Yes a." Mrs. Qin said quietly, "I hope so. Where's Qing Zhuo?"

"Eldest Young Lady will come out right now." Butler Li said, and then motioned the maid and the manservant to go upstairs together.

Bai Leshui was rolling around in the room and humming a tune. Suddenly the door opened, which startled him. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief when he saw two servants coming in, he saw the manservant holding a thick rope in his hand and said: "Offend, Eldest Young Lady." Then slowly approached him.

Bai Leshui:!

What to do? Is he running away? Or scratch?

The maid glared: "He doesn't understand what you are saying. He has already gone crazy. Do it quickly!"

The manservant's hands trembled: "But... isn't this bad? How about you do it? After all, I am a man, using violence against women..."

Maid: "What woman? Eldest Young Lady is a man!"

The manservant was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Maid: "You don't know ma?"

Manservant: "I...I just came here a week ago a."

The maid seemed to have thought of something, and covered up her own embarrassment, quickly said: "Stop talking about those useless things, can you still strip him while I am here ma? I still have to change him into a set of festive clothes ne. Why did he wear an opera costume? Okay, let's do it quickly ba, don't keep Third Young Master waiting too long."

The manservant said "oh" and stared at Bai Leshui carefully. Sure enough, he saw an unobvious Adam's apple under the high collar. He breathed a sigh of relief and then rushed over with confidence.

The author has something to say:

Manservant: I really want to refuse this job today. But Second Young Master said that if you tie it tighter, you can get a big red envelope.

Bai Leshui: Greet your mama with a smile using a middle finger.

  1. 呗 modal particle indicating indicating lack of enthusiasm
  2. Don't understand this sentence but I guess it mean that they will pretend until they can't.
  3. 风尘
    In ancient China, woman rarely leave their house for more than 3 steps. Those who do are engaged in job generaly not allowed by morality.
    So this term is used to label woman with unconventional behavior.
  4. 宵箫
    Is this because they are only canon folder so they have this kind of random name?
  5. 出台的小姐
    Today I learned that 小姐 not only mean young lady but is also a slang for prostitute. Context is really important.
  6. 投怀送抱 to throw oneself at someone
  7. 抱大腿
    It's a very popular saying which mean to climb someone powerful, influencial, reliable etc
  8. Originaly in english, the next one is in chinese but I will change it to avoid repeat.
    BTW the 'game over' written before were also in english
  9. Formal you
  10. He is making an apology for the offense
  11. Pocket money
  12. Autor used 麻麻 which have nearly the same prononciation as mom 妈妈 to avoid cencorship (I guess)
    In China, you have to respect your elder. So they have a set a insult like your mom or your uncle and the like