Romance novel

After a desperate struggle, in the end two fists can't defeat four hands, Bai Leshui was tied up.

Hair messed up, clothes wrinkled, and red marks on the face from being slapped by the maid. Bai Leshui was in a very embarrassed state. Even if he doesn't say anything or do nothing, his image is not much different from that of a madman.

No special performance is required.

But Bai Leshui was very indignant.

"Xiaojiu, this NPC actually beats people!" Bai Leshui was tied up with a rope by the maid, beeping in his mind to the system, "She is the maid and I am the Eldest Young Lady, right ba? Why does it feel that the status is opposite ne? "

Having only stayed in the game copy for two days, this Miss maid's attitude towards him can be said to be extremely bad.

1069 coughed: "Host, this is the setting of the maid. Who makes you a madman ne?"

Bai Leshui:...

Blame me?

Besides, even if he is crazy, he is still the crazy Eldest Young Lady. What is going on with her attitude of scolding and beating whenever she wants?

"Host, relax, you are doing much better than the people in the player camp." 1069 said calmly, "The worst way an NPC in the game can treat you is to slap you. Players have to face the NPC's knife directly. And the pain sensation has been reduced by 80%, it actually doesn't hurt much, host."

Bai Leshui:...

There's really not much pain sensation.

Very good, you succeeded in silencing me.

The hard slap given by the maid to Bai Leshui, not only stunned Bai Leshui, but also frightened the manservant next to her.

The manservant astonishely said: "Chun Hua, you hit him like this, Madam will be angry."

The maid glanced at the manservant: "As long as you don't tell, no one will know."

"But his face is swollen." The manservant looked dissatisfied, "How can I explain this?"

The maid let out a disdainful sneer from her nose: "He fell down and hit his face. What does it have to do with me?"

The manservant who didn't expect the maid to tell lies so openly was stunned on the spot.

The maid looked at him with disdain and said, "If you don't hurry up, the people below will have to wait impatiently."

The manservant glanced sympathetically at Bai Leshui, who was looking down at his toes with dull eyes, and gently pulled the rope to lead him downstairs. Such a gentle move made the maid look sideways, and the corners of her mouth turned down. If she hadn't already walked out of the door and appeared in the sight of everyone downstairs, she would have continued to curse these two people fiercely.

Men with men, what kind of thing they are. How disgusting.

"Everyone is here, let's start ba." Mrs. Qin only glanced above and frowned slightly at Bai Leshui's messy image. She finally chose to ignore it and told Butler Li, "The auspicious time will come soon. Don't let the eldest wait for too long."

Butler Li responded and pulled Bai Leshui forward. The butler who was close to Bai Leshui could clearly see the redness and swelling on his face. He glanced at the maid with disapproval. The maid stood there with a calm expression, chest raised, without any hint of guilt.

Butler Li glared at her.

No one in the Qin family expressed any opinion on Bai Leshui's appearance. Only Rong Zheng frowned and said, "I believe, wedding is a very solemn event."

Everyone stopped and turned to look at him.

Rong Zheng let out a smile: "Qing Zhuo... Young Lady's makeup seems a bit messy."

Mrs. Qin seemed to have just discovered it: "Oh, it's a bit. Go and fix it for him." She casually ordered the maid.

The maid reluctantly stepped forward, reached out and pulled Bai Leshui's hair back, revealing her miserable face.

"Did I see it wrong ma? Why do you think... there is a slap mark on the bride's face?" Rong Zheng asked, "I heard that there are many people who abduct people as wives..."

"You are wrong." Mrs. Qin said immediately, and tried her best to smile again, "This wedding was approved by Qing Zhuo's parents, we also made a contract. Qing Zhuo will marry the eldest, from now on, the Qin family will be responsible, we will take good care of him..."

Rong Zheng said nothing, but looked at the slap mark on Bai Leshui's face with meaningful eyes. It seems to be asking, taking care like this ma.

Mrs. Qin could no longer speak. She took a deep breath and turned to ask the maid: "What's the matter with the red mark on Qing Zhuo's face? I asked you to take him downstairs. I know that tying him up is a helpless move. Qing Zhuo's brain is not clear, but I didn't tell you to hit him."

The maid raised her head and said, "Madam, we didn't use any force. He accidentally fell down. The mark was caused by the knock."

Rong Zheng chuckled. Who would believe such obvious five-fingerprints?

Mrs. Qin's face turned slightly red. No one knew who she was angry with. In short, all her anger was vented on the maid.


In a very loud sound. The maid's face was hit on the side, the silver hairpin on her head fell to the ground.

"When I ask, admit it honestly and don't act clever in front of me." Mrs. Qin's chest and abdomen heaved angrily.

The maid lowered her head: "Yes, madam."

"Go down." Mrs. Qin ordered.

The maid knelt down, picked up the silver hairpin, and stepped back.

"I'm really sorry, guests." Mrs. Qin turned around and immediately put on a smile again, "The tutoring was not strict, which made everyone laugh. It was also because I was too nice to her in normal times, which made her temper bigger. She actually bullied a weak person." In a few words, this matter was brushed aside.

Rong Zheng: "If it were me, I would never use a servant who bullies his master like this again."

The smile on Mrs. Qin's face faded a little, and she twitched the corners of her mouth stiffly: "Unfortunately,these past few days were busy, there are not enough manpower. I will use her first and then fire her."

"If there is no problem, let's continue." Mrs. Qin said.

Rong Zheng: "...No."

Mrs. Qin nodded, gave Butler Li a look, and sat down at the table a little tiredly.

The wedding, which had gone through several farces, finally began. It was said to be a wedding, but because one of the two parties only had photos and the other was crazy, it was simplified too much. He just sang the ritual words awkwardly, poured the wine, and then spilled both glasses on the ground.

Later, Bai Leshui was taken away again. Because the maid was send out, the manservant and the cook came to help, and they helped Bai Leshui to a room on the fourth floor.

The cook is already in her forties and has worked in the Qin family for more than ten years. She is the oldest one here. She also knew a lot about the master's family and was familiar with the three sons of Qin family, especially the eldest son of Qin family. Therefore, after the cook sent Bai Leshui into the room where the Eldest Young Master Qin once lived, seing the decease things make one think about him, she couldn't help utter few words.

"Almost half a year has passed. If Eldest Young Master hadn't left, he would have happily come to greet you now. Why are we, two unrelated people, sending you off?" the cook said, glancing at the red print on Bai Leshui's face, secretly angry, "That Chun Hua really doesn't know the severety of her hand. The temper is bad, when no working she boss around other. If she hadn't relied on Third Young Master, I would have told Madam to expel her. She came from a small place, haven't read a book for a few years, what's the use of being only good-looking? Third Young Master really doesn't know how to look at people."

Bai Leshui lowered his head and remained silent.

The manservant asked: "It's time to go ba."

"Why go, don't be in a hurry. I'll help Eldest Young Lady apply his face first. Anyway, we don't have anything to do down there." After saying that, the cook went out to find a clean towel, wrapped it in ice cubes and wiping it gently on Bai Leshui's face.

After hearing this, the manservant really stayed where he was. After squatting next on the side and waiting for a while, he seemed to be bored with the waiting and looked around the room.

There are many books in the Eldest Young Master's room. There is a bookcase on one wall of the room, and there're photos of the Eldest Young Master on the desk next to it. Several books were placed there. The manservant saw the book at the bottom, opened it and flipped through it, and saw a piece of paper tucked inside.

"Xiao Zhang, what are you doing ne?" The cook immediately asked after noticing the manservant's behavior.

The manservant put the things down and scratched his head in embarrassment: "I was just curious."

"These are the relics of Eldest Young Master, don't touch them," said the cook.

The manservant thanked, put the things back, and asked casually: "I saw that the Eldest Young Master's room is full of books about economic management. I didn't expect there is a romance novel hidden here. Is that also the Eldest Young Master's?"

The cook glanced in the direction he pointed: "I don't know, should be ba. Okay, don't ask so many questions, let's go ba."

The manservant thanked him, and before leaving, he looked at the table again. Eldest young master's book? On the first appendix page of the book, the word "Qing Zhuo" was clearly written.

He inquired and found out that Eldest Young Master didn't like reading novels, especially romance novels. The person who likes to read romance novels, is obviously his brother.

At the same time, he is a man who has been missing for several months and once worked as a manservant here.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: I'm unhappy, want to take him away. System, can I take away an NPC?

S3876269493: Keep dreaming.

Rong Zheng:...


You don't like the Qin family, do you?

It doesn't matter, the annoying ones will basically die.

  1. 双拳难敌四手
    No matter how powerful someone is (cultivator and superhumaan doesn't count), it's hard to fight back when outnumbered.
  2. I don't think I made a note for this, but 哔哔 is the sound made when TV and such censor some not very family friendly things.
    So in this context, BLS is most likely cursing the maid to the system.
  3. 春花
  4. 睹物思人
  5. 小张