
Bai Leshui was tied up and placed on the bed in the room. At this time, he was looking at the ceiling with a sad face: "Xiaojiu? Am I just going to stay like this ma?"

1069: "Host can choose to sleep for a while."

Bai Leshui: "Xiaojiu a, this dungeon give me too little freedom, can I eliminate players like this ma?"

1069 said: "Because it is a novice dungeon ma. This dungeon is used to guide newcomers. It would be good if new ghosts who have just arrived can maintain their personality and not be discovered by players. Do less, less mistakes. You can basically make no mistakes by following the instructions of NPC. I didn't expect you, host, to be so capable, this kind of help has become a constraint for you."

Bai Leshui:...

Right, moving or not result of being shut off and locked up, he can't meet players at all. It would be weird to OOC.

"It's okay da, host. Even if you eliminate players in novice copy, the rewards given are not much. It's not as much as the official copy ne. Just treat here as a vacation bei." 1069's lazy little voice remembered, " It's good to lie down comfortably in novice copy ya."

Bai Leshui glared: "Where do you see me feeling comfortable?"


The system shut up.

Bai Leshui struggled to move his arms: "It's very uncomfortable to stay like this. At least unbind the han... hmm?"

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong ma?" 1069 asked.

Bai Leshui lowered his head, looked behind him: "This seems to be a slip knot a."

1069: "Huh?"

Bai Leshui moved again, and sure enough, he touched the knot of the rope. With a hook of his fingers, the rope that seemed to be tied tightly loosened.

"Maybe it's not fastened tightly?" 1069 said.

Bai Leshui rubbed his slightly sore wrist, not tightened? He doesn't think so.

In short, it is a good thing to be free. Bai Leshui stood up and stretched his muscles, looked in the direction of the door. Although he didn't have any expectations, he still walked over and turned the door handle. Unexpectedly, it opened easily. Bai Leshui hesitated for a moment, closed the door, and returned to the room.

1069 is confused: "Host, the door is seldom opened, you're not going out ma?

"What am I going out for? Go crazy again and then come back to be tied up, this time with a death knot?" Bai Leshui said, "Forget it, I'll take a break."

1069: "Oh. Then host, you should have a good rest."

Bai Leshui hummed. It's called resting, but in fact it's impossible to really lie down and sleep. After entering this world, everything he had on his body (except clothes) wasn't brought with him, including the mobile phone that Bai Leshui bought a year ago. It's impossible to play a single-player game.

Bai Leshui looked around the room, first went to the bookshelf on the wall. However, all the books on it were extremely professional books. Bai Leshui only glance at them a few times then look away.

A performer has no idea about economic management information or anything like that.

Then remember the romance novel the manservant said before he left. Bai Leshui became a little curious.

The book is white, with plum blossoms and a letter drawn on the cover, full of the style of a novel.

Bai Leshui doesn't mind it. If a good-looking little fresh meat like him wants to be popular, it's best to attract a group of girlfriend fans. The first step towards the entertainment industry is to act in some love idol dramas. So Bai Leshui has actually read a few romance novels.

Before reading, Bai Leshui flipped through the book. He was very concerned about the piece of paper that the manservant was staring at.

It was a bookmark with flowers and plants printed on it, and a few lines from the Book of Songs 'The Reed' were written on it, in a very regular small script.

Sere sere reeds grow,

White dew frosts slow.

The one I seek,

Across the flow.

Upstream to cross,

Too far to go.

Downstream to cross,

Mid-flow shoal they show.

Bai Leshui looked through the bookmark carefully and found that not only was a poem written in calligraphy on the front, but there was also a sentence on the back: Hope that one day, join hands with you, to take a small boat, and travel far away.

Sign, Qing Zhuo.

Bai Leshui blurted out: "This person want to elope a?"

1069: "Host a."

Bai Leshui: "Huh?"

1069: "Qing Zhuo is you ai."

Bai Leshui: "Huh? Huh!! It's me!"

"So this is 'my' love poem bookmark for Eldest Young Master Qin? Wrong a, didn't the glasses guy just say that the person I like is not Eldest Young Master Qin, but the person I like is already dead ma?" Bai Leshui asked doubtfully, "It's a bit confusing."

1069: "Host, it's more than a little confusing a. You see, you and Eldest Young Master Qin are married, and then Second Young Master Qin is obsessed with you. The maid who got together with Third Young Master Qin is very unfriendly to you. Blue face disaster!"

Bai Leshui: "I won't say anything about the first two. I don't know why little maid Chun Hua doesn't like me, but it must have nothing to do with Third Young Master Qin."

1069: "Then it has something to do with Eldest Young Master Qin?"

Bai Leshui thought about this possibility and sighed: "...You'd better stop talking about it."

The more entangled it becomes, the more chaotic it's, just like a mess that cannot be sorted out and will remain chaotic.

"No wonder it's mytery of a wealthy family, you have to draw a picture to sort out all these messy emotional lines."

1069: "Then draw a picture?"

"I refuse." Bai Leshui put the bookmark aside casually, leaned on the bed with the romance novel and turned over, "Xiaojiu, if someone came, inform me in advance a. You can noctify me, right."

1069: "Can remind. Host, please relax and leave it to me, no problem!"

Bai Leshui: "Then it's up to you."



Downstairs, the wedding banquet ended hastily and it became time for free activities again. This ghost marriage came strangely and ended quickly too. It seemed that the Qin family just called this group of people over to witness the fact that the two of them had entered into a marriage. After the explanation, everyone did what they should do, and the atmosphere of the wedding banquet quickly disappeared. Even the two sons of Qin family disappeared completely.

Second Young Master of Qin family seemed to be very busy. Some players asked the butler about the whereabouts of the two masters. The butler answered wholeheartedly that Qin family's company used to be managed by Eldest Young Master Qin. After Eldest Young Master Qin passed away unexpectedly, everything was handed over to Second Young Master. Because his prestige is not as high as that of Eldest Young Master, in order to establish his prestige, Second Young Master Qin has been very busy recently. If it had not been for a special day today, he would not have come back at all during the day, so he specially spared half a day to participate.

As for Third Young Master Qin, he has just graduated and has a casual job in his own company. It is much easier than Second Young Master. He may have gone out to play with friends. He is probably going home in the evening.

The two masters of Qin family are away, and several servants are performing their duties. The hotess has gone back to rest due to poor health. It seems to give all the players the opportunity to continue exploring the secrets in the mansion.

Many people were moved. They had known from Qin Ge for a long time that the settlement after the dungeon ended was closely related to the progress of solving the puzzle. It was just like the puzzle games played before. Only by playing the true ending and finding the hidden truth could one get an S rating.

The game coins obtained by S rating are ten times the survival guarantee, which is one thousand game coins.

Even if you don't get the whole truth, if you know more information, you will be rewarded based on the amount of information and your participation rate.

There is a guarantee in the novice copy. Even if you fail, you can still get 100 game coins for survival, so you don't have to worry about the death ending. It would be a shame not to give it a try at this time.

Qin Ge was one of those players who didn't give a try in the novice dungeon and still regrets it to this day.

Compared with future dungeons, the novice dungeon is extremely simple. One thousand game coins, almost for nothing.

In terms of money exchange, he really missed 10 million.

Qin Ge was sitting on the sofa. As the guide, he could not join in solving the puzzle, so he simply focused his attention on new players. Few new players performed well, but if there are a few who are very talented in this area, they can consider introducing them to their game alliance.

For example, Rong Zheng had been writing with his head down after chatting with servants for a while.

Rong Zheng is sorting out the information he collected. For easier viewing, he also drew a relationship network.

There are five masters in the Qin family.

Two who are already dead are, Qin family's old head, as well as Qin family's Eldest Young Master.

It has been more than ten years since the old head passed away. He was originaly much older than Mrs. Qin, so his early death from illness was not surprising, it doesn't count for much.

The Eldest Young Master of Qin family passed away almost half a year ago. He accidentally fell down and died. He seemed to have drank too much. He accidentally fell from the corridor on the second floor and fell into the hall on the first floor when he went out to drink water at night. Unfortunately, his head hit the corner of the table in the hall, he died on the spot.

Rong Zheng thought for a few seconds and added: The cause of death is suspicious.

Second Young Master Qin, single and has never had a lover. In the eyes of servants, Second Young Master Qin has always been a serious person with a straight face. Second Young Master Qin is very outstanding. He has received perfect grades since he was a child and works hard in everything he does. Unfortunately, he has never been as good as Eldest Young Master Qin.

In addition, he have different thoughts about the newly married widowed sister-in-law.

When Rong Zheng wrote the last sentence, he exerted a slight force on his wrist, pierced the paper, leaving a little ink spot.

Third Young Master Qin, not serious, loves to play, has many girlfriends, he change girlfriend as fast as he change clothes. It's just that he haven't had a girlfriend in the past six months or so. The relationship with the maid is ambiguous. The cook said that one night when she was preparing the next day's dishes, when she came out of the kitchen, she saw the maid disheveled coming out of Third Young Master Qin's room. The two definitely have more than just an ambiguous relationship.

Maid, came from a remote rural area and worked for the Qin family for more than a year. She was very diligent at first and became arrogant after getting along well with Third Young Master Qin. She was criticized several times by Eldest Young Master. Now she is very hostile to Qing Zhuo who married the Eldest Young Master.

Butler Li, has been the butler of the Qin family for more than 20 years. He is very thorough and meticulous in his work. Mrs. Qin is in poor health and her three sons don't care much about family affairs. All the internal affairs of the Qin family are managed by Butler Li, including the recruitment and dismissal of servants. In addition, Second Young Master Qin calls him Butler Li, and the Third Young Master Qin calls him Uncle Li.

Cook, also an elder who lives in the Qin family. She came to help when she was young and has been working there until now. She is very talkative and looks down on the maid.

Doorman and bodyguard, came this year. The Qin family has contacted the bodyguard company. Bodyguards change a batch every year, and there is another one this year. There seems to be nothing suspicious.

Gardener, was newly recruited a year ago, a quiet man who doesn't like to talk. He doesn't say anything when asked.

Manservant, due to shortage of manpower, came to work a week ago. He said he didn't know anything about the Qin family.

Rong Zheng closed the small book and closed his eyes in deep thought.

No matter how much he think about it, it feel like something is missing.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: Who is idle until his ball hurt would draw a relationship diagram a?

Rong Zheng:...

No, my balls don't hurt.

Although very idle.

  1. A knot that can be undone by a pull.
  2. Used to designate new male artist.
  3. 蒹葭 is a reed
    Its also a classical chinese poem about love from the Book of Song (诗经).
  4. First paragraph of the poem. I took the translation from zhihu.
  5. It's also a poem but I don't know how to write poems.
  6. 2nd young master
  7. 蓝颜祸水
    Blue face refer to men who have good relationship, closer than friend, but it is easy to accidentally become a lover. Confident on the ambiguous stage.
    So blue face disaster refer to problems caused by ambiguous relationship betwen two men (?)
  8. I really hate editing titles. Do you that in those 2 paragraph, it was Young Master Qin for all three brothers or Young Master Qin San for the third.
    Morever it happened also for other titles like sister-in-law or eldest young lady.
  9. 门卫兼保镖
    It's the same person holding 2 posts
  10. 闲的蛋疼
    Apparently it come from a book Truman Capote (don't know about it). But it mean to be so bored that man do something which hurt their balls.
    Sometime I hate myself for understanding too much.