Why pretend to be crazy?

"Xiaojiu, this book is so hard a."

"Just tear it a few more times and it will be fine. Pull the back apart, host."

"It's not glued here, it's wire-sealed."

"Then break the wire. The pages of the book will bere scattered and easier to tear a, host!"

"How could such a thick wire be broken? I don't see any scissors."

"What kind of scissors do you want a, host, what is the sharpest thing about humans? Teeth!!"


At this moment, the door suddenly opened, Butler Li frowned and said: "They forgot again to lock the doo..." His words were paused, he and Rong Zheng who followed him looked at the people in the room in surprise.

The pages of the book were scattered all over the floor. Bai Leshui sat on the floor, holding half of the book in his hand and chewing happily.

"Eldest Young Lady, you can't eat that a!" Butler Li came to his senses after being stunned for a second, and quickly stepped forward to stop him. He and Bai Leshui pulled the book cover for a long time, finally succeeded taking back the poor book covered in saliva from Bai Leshui.

Bai Leshui didn't say anything, just stared at Butler Li with a smile. He didn't even look at the man standing at the door observing him, but he was already wailing in his heart.

"Trash Xiaojiu! You didn't say a word when someone came!" Fortunately, he was not lying comfortably on the bed with his legs crossed and tearing up books.

"I didn't pay attention a QAQ." 1069 felt aggrieved, "Host, wasn't I concentrating on eati...tearing book apart with you ma?"

1069 quickly praised again: "You can react immediately in this situation, pretend to be crazy and stuff pages of books into your mouth to eat. Host your qualifications are really awesome da!"

Bai Leshui: "Do you think laozi is happy with it? Bah, how stupid!"

Bai Leshui, who had finished arguing with 1069, tilted his head and continued to be a madman who can not be quiet for a long time.

Butler Li took two steps back and kept a distance from Bai Leshui, fearing that he would pounce on him. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Bai Leshui was sitting very honestly. Then he noticed the rope that had been loosened on the ground. Butler Li's eyes carried a little bit of dissatisfaction.

The newly recruited manservant is useless. Obviously he looked very smart when he arrived. Yet he couldn't even tie up anyone.

Butler Li said to Rong Zheng, "If you want to take him away, take him away ba. You are responsible yourselves for anything that happens."

Rong Zheng: "Okay."

Bai Leshui:? ? ?

"Xiaojiu, was I sold by an NPC??"

1069 was also confused: "That... don't know a."

"Or has it been discovered that I am a ghost?!!"

1069: "It shouldn't be a...it's okay. Even if he discovered it, there is still a chance of rescue. As long as he doesn't expose it on the spot, we can continue to carry out. Host, why not find a way to eliminate him first!"

"What a good idea...a fart a! How do you ask me, a guy who doesn't have any cards in his hand and still maintains the character of a madman, to eliminate players?"

"Try to scare him unconscious?"

Bai Leshui: Ha.

Butler Li picked up the rope and wanted Rong Zheng to tie Bai Leshui while he was being honest, so as not to cause trouble later, but this proposal was rejected by Rong Zheng on the spot. Butler Li was too lazy to persuade, so he could only give up. He leaned over and coaxed carefully: "Eldest Young Lady, shall we go ba?"

Bai Leshui looked at him with a grin.

Butler Li tentatively stretched out his hand, took Bai Leshui's arm, helped him up, and walked out the door.

Rong Zheng was about to follow him when he seemed to step on something. He looked down and saw a pale pink bookmark. Rong Zheng picked up the bookmark and saw the word "Qing Zhuo" written on it. His original idea of putting the bookmark aside immediately changed and he stuffed it into his pocket instead, looked around the room again. When he first came in, his eyes were all on Bai Leshui stupidly chewing book. He didn't take a close look at the layout of the room. Now, he just took a casual look, which made him notice some interesting details.

For example, there are no binding marks on the rope, for example, there are signs of turning over the books on the table, for example, there are dents on the bed... that were obviously left by someone lying on it.

This is the room of the late Eldest Young Master. It is cleaned every morning and evening. Because the maid's work is not delicate, cleaning will miss this place, so the cook who lives here often comes to help with cleaning. When he asked the cook before, she complained that the maid simply swept the floor and wiped the table, not caring about the dirt on the bookcases or the sheets that needed to be changed.

Today is a special day, no one will mess this up. Even if it's really messed up, it's the cook who send Qing Zhuo up. She will definitely clean up the dirty places when she sees them.

Then, Qing Zhuo who hasn't been tied up for a long time, books that have been read on the table, and people lying on the bed.

This male widowed sister-in-law, does not seem to be a lunatic.

At least a lunatic can't read a book or take the initiative to lie down in bed.

So, why pretend to be crazy?

Why does he want to tear this book apart?

"This guest?" Butler Li, who hadn't seen Rong Zheng come out for a long time, walked to the door and saw Rong Zheng squatting to clean up the mess on the floor. He stepped forward and said, "Let Xiao Zhang do this kind of thing later. You can go down and rest."

Rong Zheng: "I'm very curious about this book and just want to read it."

When Bai Leshui heard this, he was secretly surprised: "Dang it, I've torn it into pieces and he still wants to look at it. It's all in pieces. What does he want to do? Play a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle ma?"

1069: "Yes a, it's still stained with your saliva ne. He doesn't dislike it to be dirty a."

Bai Leshui: "You are the one who is dirty!"

Using teeth to bite was obviously your suggestion!

"This book..." Butler Li lowered his head and glanced at the book cover, "Wasn't this book thrown away by Eldest Young Master ma?"

Rong Zheng: "Throw away?"

"Yes." Butler Li recalled, "It was just a few days before Eldest Young Master passed away ba. I saw him throwing this book into the trash can. He obviously cherished it before, but suddenly he didn't like it anymore."

"Really?" Rong Zheng said casually. He was originally surprised there was such a romance-style book in a bookshelf filled with all kinds of economic management. After hearing what Butler Li said, he became even more curious.

However, it was a bit difficult to repair it after it was broken like this, so Rong Zheng asked: "Is there any book like this left ma?"

Butler Li shook his head: "No more. No one in Qin family likes to read this kind of books. This was brought by the hired manservant before and was later given to Eldest Young Master."

Rong Zheng: "The previous manservant?" He had never heard of this matter.

Butler Li: "It's been half a year since he resigned."

Rong Zheng: It's been almost half a year since Eldest Young Master Qin passed away a.

"Can you tell me about the manservant ma?" Rong Zheng said with a smile, "I also like reading this book. I should be able to talk to him very well."

Butler Li: "His surname is Lu, and his single character name is Wei. He was recruited during the recruitment two years ago. He is a young man who is good at talking and likes to laugh. When we recruited him, we wanted him Weto help with the chores in the house. We didn't expect that he was also very good handling daily affairs. If he had received a high degree of education, he could have worked as a clerk in a large company. Although he was hired as a manservant, he did a job similar to that of a secretary. He often helped Young Master handle daily affairs, record his itinerary and submitted unimportant letters. It was originally planned to directly let him join the company as a secretary, who would though he suddenly said he wanted to go home and get married, so he resigned."

Rong Zheng was startled: "Marry? Resign? Did he say it himself?"

"He sent me a text message on his mobile phone." Butler Li said, "And the room key was returned. I went to his room to take a look, and all the luggage were taken away."

"No one saw him off, or saw him leaving with his suitcase ma?" Rong Zheng asked.

Butler Li: "Of course there is."

Rong Zheng: "Who?"

Butler Li: "Eldest Young Master said it himself, he sent Lu Wei into the car."

Rong Zheng:...

Oh, a dead man.

It's so easy to blame everything on a dead man.

Rong Zheng had great doubts about the truth of Butler Li's words. He decided to leave it alone for the time being, take Qing Zhuo down... hmm?

When Rong Zheng and Butler Li walked out of the door, they saw an empty space outside. Bai Leshui, who was supposed to be standing here, had long since disappeared.

There's no other way, Rong Zheng and Butler Li had to look for someone. However, Bai Leshui hadn't been found yet, but they found the remains of a body first.

In the room on the second floor that was supposed to be Qing Zhuo's room, there was a broken arm.

It does not belong to a puppet, which means that the owner of the arm is not a player, but an NPC in the game.

This time, who died?

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: It's impossible for a lunatic to stay where he is and wait. Ahem, Hus~band~ya~~~~~~~~~~


Mama made dumplings with cucumber stuffing.

It feels a bit like dark cuisine.

  1. 老子 arrogant way to adress himself
  2. 可多土了
    Don't know what it mean so I keep it like this
  3. 个屁 lit a fart
    Can mean nonsense, it's used to contradict something. So BLS say it's not a good idea at all
  4. Formal