He doesn't follow routine!

"The sky is full of spirit, the earth is full of spirit, one Buddha is born, two Buddhas ascend, Amitabha, so good, so good..." Bai Leshui's face turned pale as he squatted in the corner of the doorway of the utility room and muttered something. He was very panicked, really, so panicked that he didn't even know what he was talking about.

"Host." 1069 was very blind, happily said, "You just contributed a huge wave of emotional value a! It is higher than the emotional fluctuation contributed by the female player who fainted!"

"Because I was almost scared to death a!" Bai Leshui gritted his teeth.

Previously, Bai Leshui was taken out of the room by Rong Zheng and the butler, but the two went back to pick up the pieces of paper he tore up. Bai Leshui, who had the character of a madman, felt that he should not just stay at the door and wait. So he shook his sleeves, took small steps, and slipped away.

Babbling from the fourth floor to the third floor. Seeing the door of a room on the third floor was open. he walked over babbling and wanted to go crazy. Then when he entered the door, he saw a bloody head on the table... not fainting on the spot is enterely because of his strong willpower!

Bai Leshui was so frightened that he ran wildly around chanting a mourning ballad, and then somehow ended up here. A utility room doorway located in the corner of the second floor. With few people coming, Bai Leshui could rest assured to OOC for a while and calm down his racing little heart.

Then,it became this now not very promising apparence.

"Will it look the same if player dies ma?" Bai Leshui was still frightened.

"As I said before, what appears when player dies is a puppet corpse, and the blood is replaced by pig blood. Very fake la." 1069 said, "The puppets are not scary at all."

Bai Leshui: "So the head belongs to a NPC? Since there are puppets, why not replace NPCs with puppets?"

1069 said aggrievedly: "We are also an escape game after all. If players are not afraid of us at all how do we will earn emotional values a. I suggest host to get used to it as soon as possible. In the future, there may not even be puppets."

Bai Leshui: "Wait? Puppets are gone?"

1069: "Yes ya, host, don't be afraid. That will happened a long time later. Nowadays, games are all upgrading ma. After the level is high, the difficulty of opening a dungeon will slowly increase a, that's the reason. Novice dungeons and puppets are all in order to give new players a buffer, the difficulty of dungeons will become higher in the future, and the boundaries between players and NPCs will be blurred. In some dungeons, it is impossible to tell who is the player, who is the NPC, and who is the ghost. Don't worry, even if it is a corpse, it still all fake. However, most players in the parallel world will not upgrade to that level. Very few players know about this. But ghosts are different. Ghosts upgrade very quickly. Nowadays, ghosts basically appear in intermediate level or above dungeons. They won't stay in the low-level dungeon for a long time and abuse dish."

Bai Leshui raised his eyebrows: "If this were in the original world, I would definitely report you. By the way, do you have an age limit ma?"

"Have a, we pay great attention to the mental health of teenagers, so children under the age of fourteen will not be brought here by us o." 1069 said.

Bai Leshui: "It's too low. You should set it to twenty-four."

1069: "Huh? Why?"

Bai Leshui chuckled: "This way I don't have to come over."


Face reality, okay ma.

Bai Leshui curled up in the corner and rested for a while before he regained his composure. As long as he silently told himself that it was fake, that it was a very realistic prop, it can make himself... not so disgusted. After recalling that face for a moment, Bai Leshui said, "That face, was the gardener ba."

"Yes ya, it's really rare you still remember host." 1069 said.

Bai Leshui: "At least he is a member of Qin family's background, but why kill him? Will NPCs also take action against NPCs ma?"

"Will a, based on the background requirements, it's not surprising what happened." 1069 said, "As long as host remembers, NPC is absolutely safe for ghosts... Well, at least ghosts will not be eliminated." As for the maid hitting people before, it's purely a matter of setting.

Bai Leshui leaned on the wall and tilted his head. He heard the footsteps of a group of people hurrying towards this side. Bai Leshui immediately quiver, stood up and turned around, facing the corner, with a silly smile on his lips.

1069: "What a quick move. I give you a thumbs up, host. But they didn't come over a."

With his forehead against the wall, Bai Leshui said, "You should have told me earlier a."

"Host, they didn't come, but they didn't leave either. Just take a few steps over there. They can't see you. You can eavesdrop."

Bai Lexui: "I know, shh~"

1069 shut up, Bai Leshui raised his ears and listened carefully.

The person who was speaking was a woman. Her voice was trembling, she was very panicked.

"A thigh is placed on my bed. I clearly locked the room..." Bai Wan was very scared, "I can't go back to sleep at all."

"There's no need for you to go back. Didn't we say that everyone will stay in the hall tonight ne? There is also a chopped maid in the kitchen ne. Maybe it belongs to her."

Bai Wan: "Don't be joking, there are so many leg hairs, it looks like a man's leg!"

"That also belongs to NPCs, at least not to players, that's enough."

Bai Wan: "The player's is still a puppet ne. I'm not afraid of puppets. I said, why don't you have no expression at all a? Aren't you afraid ma? It's so lifelike... I really doubt what kind of job you had before."

"Doctor! The kind who saves lives and heals wounds, I'm the doctor who takes the scalpel."

Bai Wan: "Apparentely I made such a mistake, it's because you have seen too many corpses..."

"A Qiang, Bai Wan, that's enough, stop talking." Deng Yue stopped them, "It's useless to talk so much, at least it's not something that happened to us players."

Bai Wan sniffed: "Who said nothing happened to players? The man who changed rooms with me, was not seen for a long time. Besides, I don't how know the man named Rong Zheng..."

The footsteps of two people gradually approached from the other side of the corridor. Bai Wan's words paused and she fell silent.

The other three people all looked up at him.

Deng Yue said: "We are planning to find you ne. Where is that madman ne?"

Butler Li said displeasedly: "That's Young Lady."

Deng Yue coughed: "Yes, Young Lady, I'm sorry."

Rong Zheng: "What were you talking about just now?"

Several people looked at each other, and finally the man who called A Qiang spoke: "Didn't you say we would stay in the living room for the night together ma? Bai Wan had some things left in the room, so we went with her to get them. As a result when opening the door... a human leg was lying on her bed."

When A Qiang said the last sentence, Bai Wan shivered, obviously recalling that scene.

Rong Zheng frowned: "We found an arm in Eldest Young Lady's room."

Obviously, the NPC who was killed this time was not only cut into pieces, but also had parts of his body scattered in the guest's room.

"Anyway, let's tell everyone about this first ba." Deng Yue said. After all, it involves the room where everyone lives. Even if it was not mentioned, it will be discovered sooner or later.

Rong Zheng: "You go ahead ba. I want to find Eldest Young Lady first. I originally planned to take him out, but accidentally didn't watch him well, I don't know where he went again."

That madman.

Bai Wan snorted, he was still a crazy man who liked to wear women's clothes.

Why are you looking for him? Coincidentely no one watch him when someone died. Maybe he did it.

Finally, Bai Wan did not quarrel with Rong Zheng on the spot. Bai Wan took A Qiang and went downstairs to greet the other players. Deng Yue smiled at Rong Zheng and followed down.

Butler Li said, "Can you please not tell Madam about this yet?"

Rong Zheng: "What's wrong?"

Butler Li sighed: "Since Eldest Young Master left, Madam's health has been getting worse day by day. I'm worried that she is too anxious. For such a small matter, no need to bother her to come down."

Rong Zheng smiled: "Right a, there is really no need to bother her with such 'small matter'."

Butler Li looked up at Rong Zheng, nodded slightly to him, and left.

Rong Zheng crossed his arms in front of his chest and watched coldly as Butler Li went downstairs. He touched a handful of torn books in his pocket, and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly stopped, looked towards the dark ciorner of the corridor ahead.

This villa is actually a concave design facing the south. There is another room on the corner over there. However, because of the remote location and poor ventilation, the room was used as a warehouse.

Rong Zheng thought a bit and walked over there. Then he saw a man in a red Qing Yi costume facing the wall. After hearing the footsteps, he turned around slowly. He raised his hand and twisted his sleeves, his eyes glanced this way like a little hook, he opened his lips with a smile and sang: "Husband ya~~"

Rong Zheng agreed with a smile: "Hey."

Bai Leshui:...

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: He doesn't follow routine!

Take advantage of me! !

  1. Mean he doesn't understand his host's mood
  2. Online game slang. Used to say that someone is very bad at playing. Basicaly an insult.
    The meaning should something like this: you're as easy to cut as dish (a kind of food)
  3. 阿强
  4. 邓钺