Such person, it's better to not have.


Seen only once a lifetime!

"Okay, wife, come with me ba." Rong Zheng beamed and extended his hand to Bai Leshui.

He actually called me 'wife'!

Bai Leshui covered the lower half of his face with his water sleeves and stared at Rong Zheng with a grin, thinking MMP.

"What's going on with this player? Why is he more unrestrained than me when I'm unrestrained? He is taking advantage of me!"

1069: "Host, you were the first to call husband a."

Bai Leshui: "How would I know he will agree! Would ordinary people agree ma? Could it be to madman... wait, he is the bastard who pinched my ass before!"

1069: "He grow quite handsome a, host."

"No matter how handsome he is, he's not as handsome as me!" Bai Leshui immediately retorted. After saying that, he felt something was wrong and added, "A handsome gangster is still a gangster! Can I scratch him ma?"

1069: "Why do you use such a feminine attack method?"

Bai Leshui: "Because I am now a cross-dressing madman a! Do you know that some cross-dressing people wish to become a girl ma?"


Should we give a thumbs up to host who remembers to maintain his character despite being teased?

"Host should not attack the player. That...attack behavior, is prohibited." 1069 suggested in a low voice.

Bai Leshui: "Then it's okay for him to be a gangster ma!!!"

1069: "How about you... file a complaint when you go out? Some players are not very honest in the game. Complain is possible. The police in parallel world will also accept complaints. The punishment can be severe. However, you need to register the identity of both parties to verify the situation. Host, your ID cannot be exposed. You are a ghost a. What if you are targeted by players?"

"So just endure it ma?"

1069: "Eliminate him!"

Bai Leshui:...

To be honest, it's a bit difficult.

"What's wrong?" Rong Zheng asked him with a gentle smile on his face.

Bai Leshui stared at that face. Well, he is indeed handsome. He could almost compare with him ba.

Sure enough, I still want to scratch it. Leave three strips, the kind that go from left forehead to right corner of the lower lip.

Bai Leshui said nothing, just stared at Rong Zheng and smiled. Rong Zheng was observing Bai Leshui with great interest, studying every subtle expression of his.

The more he observed, the more convinced he became the person in front of him was definitely not a lunatic.

Madman's eyes are dim and in trance, but the eyes of the person in front of him were very clear. His actions and words were crazy. He seemed to be a madman, but he was fundamentally different from a madman. A madman is trapped in his own world and will not react to any words or actions of others. But when he said the word 'wife', this person's eyes widened slightly and his movements became stiff for a moment.

He do listen to his words, and will be dissatisfied with what he says.

Dissatisfied with the title wife?

Why? He was obviously wearing Danjiao clothes.

Obviously, every geste and move is trying to imitate women.

Yet don't see yourself as a woman?

Opera is difficult. Every action and gesture has a different meaning. The actions performed by the person in front are part of YanXiu.

He did it very skillfully and naturally. The height of his arms and the angle of his elbows were very standard. He didn't do it deliberately, but subconsciously achieved perfection.

When singing, the voice is gentle and smooth, and he deliberately lowers his voice to imitate a woman's voice. It takes a lot more effort than posture and movement.

This is a person who has studied related performances professionally.

Did Qing Zhuo's background come from the Drama Academy ma?

Rong Zheng was a little confused.

While they were thinking about the stalemate here, someone came and shouted Rong Zheng's name.

Rong Zheng recognized that it was Qin Ge's voice and responded: "I'm here."

"Why did you come to this place? I thought you..." Qin Ge came over and was surprised when he saw Bai Leshui. He immediately recalled what Rong Zheng did to Bai Leshui before. Now he block people in this remote corner again. Thinking of this, Qin Ge looked at Rong Zheng with something wrong in his eyes. He stepped forward and whispered: "I would like to remind you that if you are found to be 'bullying' an NPC, you will be punished by the system."

"Oh?" Rong Zheng was very interested. He really didn't know this, "How to punish him?"

"It depends on the situation. It can be as simple as deducting game currency, or as serious as banning you from entering the game copy. More serious..." Qin Ge's expression was strange, "To be honest, I have never encountered such..." He paused, It seems difficult to use words to describe such a guy who challenges the lower limit.

Players who have played the dungeon several times know that no matter how real everything in the dungeon appears, false is still false. Therefore, in the game copy, few people will pay attention to an NPC, let alone tease them.

"If you really want to find someone to accompany you, there are many in the parallel world for you to choose from, and you can also customize them." Qin Ge said, "Although the intelligence is slightly lower, it is just an ordinary robot, but at least anything is allowed."

At this moment, the person with a strange expression turned into Rong Zheng: "What do you think I want to do?"

Qin Ge: "Isn't it that one ma?"

Rong Zheng: "Which one?"

Qin Ge said with an expression of 'if you know then don't keep asking': "It's just that one a! That one who you took off your pants and do it a! Do you want me to make it more clear ma?"

Rong Zheng: ...No need.

Bai Leshui's hand trembled slightly: "Xiaojiu, now can I beat him to death ma?"

1069: "Please calm down, that is the player's guide, an old player. Ghosts cannot eliminate the guide, let alone beat people."

Bai Leshui: "Chest pain."

1069: "Take a deep breath."

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now." Qin Ge coughed and put on a serious expression. "Another player disappeared. Just when everyone went to the room to look for the remaining parts of the body. Seven days have not been halfway through, too many people have disappeared. Seeing that scene again, and knowing they can't die in this game, so the newbies couldn't bear their temper."

Rong Zheng: "Did they quarrel with... people here?"

Qin Ge smiled and shrugged: "Yes. Maybe they think that since you can choke the butler and nothing happened, then they also become bolder ba."

"Oh." Rong Zheng responded lightly, "Let's go ba."

Qin Ge let out a long sigh. As a guide, he cannot interfere with any decisions and choices made by players, even if he knows they are seeking death. There are some things, going too far is inappropriate.

The guarantee system for novice copies, is really not much a waste.

In comparison, Qin Ge was more optimistic about Rong Zheng, this person's expression remained unchanged no matter what scene he saw, which made him doubt his background. However, in the parallel world, clearing dungeon is the basis for survival.

"Do you want to join our alliance..." Qin Ge turned to Rong Zheng and said, but before he could finish his words, he got stuck. In Qin Ge's eyes, Rong Zheng, who was mysterious and unpredictable, was struggling with the crazy widowed sister-in-law, impossible to unravel.

"What?" Rong Zheng asked while tugging on Bai Leshui's water sleeve.

Qin Ge:...


Such person, it's better to not have ba.

Pretend he didn't say anything.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: (Holding his water sleeve) Let's go downstairs together.

Bai Leshui: (Tugs his water sleeve) Hee hee hee hee~~~

Let go, if you pull again it will break!

  1. 厚颜无耻 Have thick face and no shame
    In China, they pay attention to honor (face), so if they say that you don't want your face it mean 'you are shameless'
  2. 娘子 dialect for wife, it's also the polite forme to adress a woman but I think RZ mean the former.
  3. Stand for 妈卖批 your mom is a prostitute.
    Basicaly the chinese for mother f*****
  4. 旦角 female role in chinese opera
  5. 掩袖
    I believe it's kind of gesture using the sleeves to cover the mouth
  6. 呛声
    To challenge, find fault
  7. 过犹不及 too far is as bad as not enough
    Overdoing things is the same as underdoing them
  8. 纠缠不清
    Describing chaos, can't figure it out / It also refers to deliberately looking for trouble, grabbing a point and refusing to let go