Next time I want a character that can stay comfortable any time.

The largest of those bones was a broken bone the size of a palm, and the smallest was a little finger bone. Rong Zheng carefully observed the color of the bones and found that they were bones of corpses that died during the same period. He initially judged that they were from the same person.

Rong Zheng thought of the precedent manservant, a man named Lu Wei.

It's a pity this is a copy. There are no other maps except this house. Otherwise, according to his original habit, he should explore Lu Wei's identity and family status, as well as whether there are any signs of his recent appearance in the world, and then he can make a conclusion, determine if Lu Wei was still alive or had died here.

In fact, Rong Zheng is more incline to the latter answer.

He looked at Second Young Master Qin. Second Young Master Qin did not notice him and only concentrated on checking the things in the basement. Most of the items that can be placed here are items that are not usually used and are of great value.

After checking again, Second Young Master Qin state, nothing was missing here, not even a piece of cloth.

So if someone kills guests and sends them here to be hanged, at least that person's purpose is not to seek money.

"Maybe nothing was lost, because the things here are too big to move ba." Bai Wan stood at the door of the basement and refused to go any further. After hearing what Second Young Master Qin's word, Bai Wan said.

Second Young Master Qin opened an exquisite glass display cabinet: "This thing is still there."

Bai Wan: "What is that?"

"Blue and white porcelain vase with coiled lotus pattern." Second Young Master Qin said, "It's worth tens of millions."

Bai Wan took a breath and stared at the bottle in surprise: "Such a valuable thing, put it here?"

Second Young Master Qin put the things back: "This is my father's collection. After my father passed away, my mother didn't want to see the things he played with and admired for a long time. She was afraid of seeing the objects and missing the people, so most of the antique collections were put here." And he wanted to check whether there were any lost things, are naturally these objects.

This small bottle is only twenty centimeters high and can fit into a larger women's bag. It won't be difficult to take it away. Bai Wan knew this, but still whispered: "Maybe people don't know the goods ne."

Second Young Master Qin glanced at her, stopped talking, and carefully put the things back.

Bai Wan didn't get a response and knew that what she just said was wrong. Putting aside players like him, how many people in Qin family were ignorant of the goods. Even if the servants were a bit ignorant, wouldn't Butler Li tell them what things are valuable and should not be broken ma? Anyone who is not stupid should know that the vases that the Qin family can use to appreciate are not simple small objects.

Bai Wan saw the manservant Xiao Zhang and said to Qin Ge, "He must not know the difference either." After all, he was just a newcomer.

Bai Wan's words were just casual and had no other meaning, but Xiao Zhang happened to hear them. Xiao Zhang, the manservant, glanced at her. Bai Wan turned around in embarrassment and looked at Rong Zheng again. Rong Zheng was still carefully observing the bones behind the puppet.

Seeing Rong Zheng's weird behavior, Bai Wan asked, "Hey, what have you been doing just now ne?"

Rong Zheng looked at Second Young Master Qin and Xiao Zhang and replied, "Nothing." He didn't mention the bones.

After looking through the basement and discovering the 'corpses' of the missing players, Bai Wan was unwilling to stay here any longer and kept asking if she could go back. Qin Ge was a little impatient and asked her to go back by herself. How could Bai Wan dare? In her opinion, there was no difference between being alone and waiting to be killed.

Fortunately, Second Young Master Qin had already checked out the contents of the basement, and Rong Zheng had observed enough, so he expressed his intention to leave the place. However, Rong Zheng asked Second Young Master Qin for his opinion on the corpses puppets.

Second Young Master Qin hesitated for a while and said, "I don't want to leave them hanging here. But it's raining outside and we can't lift them, so we'll leave them alone until the rain stops ba."

Bai Wan raised his hands in agreement, Qin Ge was too lazy to do anything, so Rong Zheng looked at Xiao Zhang and asked what he meant.

Xiao Zhang's expression was a little confused: "Huh? Ask me? I listen to Second Young Master."

Second Young Master Qin nodded with satisfaction.

Rong Zheng: "Then go back ba."

Locking the basement again after leaving. A few people returned to the front hall on the first floor and saw the Qin family's butler, servants and players making beds and getting ready to lay the floor in the front hall.

Because they were wet and had soft and clean quilts, most of the male players present took off their clothes and got under the quilt to avoid catching a cold. If they weren't worried about the female player Bai Wan coming later, they would have even taken off their pants. dropped. As for the hostess and the cook? Not only are they NPCs, she is also an old woman in her forties or fifties. there's really has nothing to shy away from.

On the contrary, Gao Cheng, a male high school student who is still alive today, was too lazy to worry about Bai Wan. He had already taken off his clothes and lay down to play with his mobile phone. He felt that he shouldn't be thrown out and doused with water. Unfortunately, new players had to obey the majority when making choices. He refused to commit suicide at first, but later he was dragged in to make up the number of people. Almost felling into the gap between time and space, is simply an undeserved disaster.

On the contrary, Bai Wan, one of the masterminds, had nothing happened, which made Gao Cheng feel very unbalanced.

So when Bai Wan returned to the front hall, her eyes were full of dazzling white naked and shirtless man and was blind for a moment. Gao Cheng said, "If you don't like it, go back to the room a." Bai Wan's face turned red with anger again. She would have gone back a long time ago if she could. Not to mention that she would be the only one on the third floor. Simply because she once found...that time on the bed, she didn't want to open the door of that room at all.

When Gao Cheng said these words, Bai Wan couldn't bear it anymore and started to quarrel with him. The players over there couldn't live in peace, so they fought together, mostly complaining about each other.

Qin Ge informed players who did not go here about the discovery of missing players puppets in the basement, but it did not stir up much excitement. They were no longer interested in deciphering the secret.

Rong Zheng didn't even glance at the chaos over there. When he came to the front hall, he looked for Bai Leshui. Sure enough, he saw Bai Leshui sitting on the chair with expressionless face and absent-minded eyes in the corner, and beside him, the bodyguard was guarding him.

Bai Leshui: I am a madman who has lost his dream.

Don't ask him how he felt being detained here for half an hour without his buttocks leaving the chair. If he really wanted to answer, he would first say, his butt is numb.

This is a wooden chair.

Carved mahogany chair.

It looks great, but it's uncomfortable to sit on.

At least give him a soft sofa ne.

He wanted to lie down for a while.

"Xiaojiu, next time I want a character who can stay comfortable any time."

1069: "Don't worry, we can arrange it!"

Bai Leshui sighed secretly, and then, a huge shadow shrouded his face. When he raised his eyelids, he saw Rong Zheng's handsome face. He said to the bodyguard: "I'll just keep an eye on him."

The bodyguard glanced at Butler Li, nodded and left.

Rong Zheng held Bai Leshui's hand, pulled him up, and asked, "Are you tired ma? Let's find another place to rest ba."

At that moment, Bai Leshui was so moved that he shed tears. However, he still maintained his character as a madman and did not answer. He just looked at him with a silly smile.

Second Young Master Qin looked here coldly, but this time he did not step forward. Instead, he walked to Mrs. Qin and whispered a few words, and Mrs. Qin agreed in a low voice. After a while, Second Young Master Qin went upstairs.

Rong Zheng took Bai Leshui to rest on the paved floor, broke open the soft bread, brought it to Bai Leshui. Bai Leshui looked at the piece of bread and swallowed carefully. Madman's... way of eating, he has never studied it.

Then the next second, the bread was stuffed into his mouth.

Very good, don't say anything else, just eat ba.

The food I finally got after struggling for a long time is so fragrant.

"Xiaojiu a, next time I want a character who can eat at any time." Bai Leshui communicated with 1069 in his mind while chewing bread, "This lunatic plays a role that makes it difficult for me to eat properly."

1069: "Host, I will try my best."

There are quite a lot of requirements, so wanting to arrange them, is difficult a.

But! In order to bind a host with such a high spiritual value, it was hard to compete with so many systems. Of course, you have to work hard to avoid being fired and unbound! There's no way to go back as a player system who overwork until dead tired but doesn't get many data points.

If host's requirements can be met, try your best to meet them; if you can't, you must find a way to meet them!

It is one of the top ten excellent systems!

Bai Wan and Gao Cheng quarreled for a long time. When they got tired, they found a place to lay down on the floor next to the cook NPC and rested. There is no need to think about it. With a high school student ten years younger than oneself, for the sake of these boring topic, they may never see each other again after the dungeon game is over. She had heard from Qin Ge that the parallel world was as big as the real world. The entrance to the game copy was where she was. Unless she formed a team, the chance of encountering again was slim.

It's not worth the trouble of being angry over someone you'll never see again.

After lying down and calming down, Bai Wan had other things to do. She wanted to go to the toilet.

After being busy for the past half day, she had no chance to go again. Bai Wan was a little scared and wanted to find a companion to accompany him, but found that he was the only girl left, so he could only find a man. She immediately looked at Qin Ge. Qin Ge was snoring loudly. Maybe it was due to his previous job. It was difficult to wake up Qin Ge when he fell asleep. Bai Wan looked at Rong Zheng, who was coaxing the crazy male widow to eat something. Looking at the others, no one wanted to talk to her.

What happened before caused them to not have a very good impression of the woman Bai Wan.

If there is no one, there will be no one. She will go alone.

Bai stood up and walked toward the bathroom.

She suddenly understood Tian Tian's mood at that time, but fortunately the bathroom was on the first floor, not far from the front hall, so she could go back immediately.

After solving the physical problem, Bai Wan relaxed a little. She opened the toilet door and wanted to go out, but was surprised to find that the door would not open no matter how hard she pushed it. And under the gap of the toilet door, she saw a pair of feet wearing leather shoes.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Feeding can make you feel better~

Bai Leshui: I'm already full, still feeding? What to do? Can I bite him ma?

1069: No, but you can spit in his face.

Bai Leshui: What a good idea. Puff, puff, puff !

Rong Zheng:...

Wiping the crumbs from his face, he said he was still in a good mood~~

  1. 无妄之灾
    Calamity or damage suffered for no reason
  2. 累死累活 to tire oneself out through overwork