Unable to help himself

"Who are you? Let me out!" Bai Wan was frightened. She kept banging on the door, wanting to shout loudly. Then the next second, the door opened, Bai Wan saw the man standing in front of her.

The man was wearing black clothes and hemp gloves. He held a dagger tightly in his hand, looking at her indifferently.

"It's you..." Bai Wan backed away in horror, but behind her was the toilet. In this small and narrow space, she had no way to retreat.

"I don't know, I didn't do anything, I didn't mean to say that, I just..." Bai Wan wanted to argue for herself, and at the same time, she looked towards the bathroom door from the corner of her eyes. She was looking for a chance to escape.

The result disappointed her. The bathroom door was locked. This man wanted to kill her and was prepared for it.

The man was holding a dagger, and the bathroom was limited in size. It was impossible for her to buy time to distance herself from the man and open the door to escape.

Bai Wan was desperate. She planned to give it a last try. The man in front of her was thin and weak, so she might be able to win.

As a result, she failed.

Just when the dagger was about to pierce her abdomen, Bai Wan suddenly disappeared, a puppet exactly like her appeared on the spot and received the man's knife.

The person turned into a puppet, but the man didn't notice it. He only regarded the puppet in front of him as Bai Wan, and stabbed her in the abdomen again and again.

Guests were not on his killing list.

Unfortunately, they came in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The manservant Zhang Wenzhu looked at Bai Wan's body indifferently, no matter what she knew. After all, dead people will never speak.

After washing the knife clean, changing out of his blood-stained black clothes, and putting back on his clean uniform for manservant, Zhang Wenzhu just threw 'Bai Wan' where it was, turned around and left.

It was raining heavily outside the house, there was lightning and thunder.

Some of the players and Qin family members in the front hall on the first floor have closed their eyes and slept, while others are chatting with each other to pass the time. And Rong Zheng was talking to the widowed sister-in-law of Qin family.

Even if Bai Leshui didn't answer a word no matter what Rong Zheng said, he still talk very happily.

No one noticed that Bai Wan was missing. It was not until the cook packed away the eaten bread bags that she remembered the female guest who was laying the floor for herself had never returned.

"Where did she go?" the cook asked the other young man next to her in confusion.

The person being asked happened to be Gao Cheng. He poked his head out of the quilt, took a look: "Probably on her period?"

"This boy is young and yet knows a lot." Qin Ge said with a smile.

Gao Cheng raised his chin: "Many girls are chasing me, I know."

Although he is only a student at school, and his appearance and body shape are not as strong as those of an adult man, he looks good after all, and he is the type that will be popular with girls. Therefore, Qin Ge believed what Gao Cheng said.

As a little girl in high school, if she likes a boy, it's really just about his looks.

Even if this guy has a bit of a stinky personality.

Even this little bit of stinky character may poke soft spot in girl's heart.

Of course, more mature women will look down, or even hate it, just like Bai Wan.

"I'll go look for it." Qin Ge stood up and said. He scanned the players, and finally walked towards Rong Zheng, "Do you want to come with me?"

Rong Zheng was wiping Bai Leshui's face with a wet towel. After hearing his words, he asked, "Who is missing?"

"Bai Wan."

"Went where?"


"How long?"

Qin Ge was stunned by the question, hesitated for a while before answering: "Maybe more than half an hour ba."

Rong Zheng sneered: "It's cold."

Qin Ge choked up. He admitted that Rong Zheng was right. She hadn't been back for so long, isn't it cold me.

He went to see Rong Zheng to find Bai Wan now just to confirm how cold it was.

"Host, another player has been eliminated, although we don't have assist score." 1069 was very excited and secretly poked Bai Leshui, "If all the players are eliminated within seven days, host can stop pretending to be crazy daily sooner la."

Bai Leshui: "Hehe, so you know I'm on the verge of breaking out, right?"

What's the problem of this man?

Feed him bread by mouthful, feed him water by mouthful, and then rub his face with a wet towel! His face is not dirty! It's already turning red. You take it as rubbing your back ne?

Do you know how important his face is ma? That's for eating...

It doesn't seem important anymore?

No, even if he no longer relies on his face for a living, this face is his only pride besides his acting skills!

1069: "That, host a, I think this person likes your... face very much?"

Although Rong Zheng's expression seems a bit rogue? But he did express his affection clearly in his words and actions. It didn't seem like he suspected Bai Leshui's identity as a ghost and deliberately tormented him.

After all, taking care of Bai Leshui without eating or drinking himself this kind of hassle, isn't count as a big hassle.

Compared to Bai Leshui, Rong Zheng was obviously more tired.

Bai Leshui: He.

"It's cold." Rong Zheng touched Bai Leshui's face and said to Qin Ge without changing his expression, "I'm not interested in her life or death. Even if I don't go, I can guess what happened. "

Moreover, he basically knows the scope of suspects.

Therefore, going to see Bai Wan's puppets means nothing to him. It would be more interesting to watch Bai Leshui giggle here.

Qin Ge nodded and left.

He didn't have much interest, he just wanted to confirm whether another player had been eliminated and whether his points had been reduced again.

Soon, Qin Ge came back with a disappointed face, and informed other players and the Qin family about the fact that Bai Wan was killed. Perhaps this kind of thing has happened too many times. Now everyone has no desire to see it. Just act as Qin family's butler went for a ride. They just regretfully express that if they have to go to the bathroom in the future, they would have to go around the corridor to the one further away.

Then, everyone lay down and slept.

Bai Leshui also lay down with his clothes on. He was tired from making waves, only today he was the most tired. He pratically fell asleep when his eyes closed, snoring softly. Rong Zheng smiled and looked at Bai Leshui for a while, then took out the book that Bai Leshui had chewed into pieces, turned on the light of his phone to play with puzzle.

Rong Zheng's eyesight and memory are very strong, and his hands-on ability is not bad. He completed the entire book in only twenty minutes, and then he read the story in detail.

One female protagonist and three male supporting characters.

Qin Ge said that the puzzles in the novice copy are easy to solve, and all the clues are complete. As long as you search carefully and ask, you can find the answer.

Rong Zheng happened to be a person who was good at investigating and attentive.

The content of the novel, the bookmarks, the 'crazy' Qing Zhuo, the missing manservant, the accidental fall of Eldest Young Master Qin to death, and the bone fragments hidden in the basement.

Second Young Master Qin who likes Qing Zhuo, the maid who has an affair with Third Young Master Qin, the dead maid and the gardener.

When Bai Wan left, players other than her kept making some inquiries. Among the Qin family, Mrs. Qin was the rare one who was always there. She seemed uneasy and kept sitting at the table drinking scented tea. Butler Li stays with her and leaves occasionally.

The cook and bodyguards are always there.

The two young masters of Qin family are not here.

The manservant was there at first, then disappeared. He just came back.

The content of the novel can correspond to the identities of Qin family, Qing Zhuo and others.

Heroine, Qing Zhuo. Male supporting character No1 who went abroad, former manservant Lu Wei. Male supporting character No2, eldest son of the Qin family. Male supporting character No3, Second Young Master of Qin family.

The plot of the novel is also very confusing. The heroine did not witness the fact that male supporting character No1 went abroad, but male supporting character No2 reported it to her and gave her a letter said to be written by male supporting character No1. Let the heroine believed it's real, really believed that male supporting character No1 had abandoned her and was looking for true love elsewhere.

Male supporting character No2 passed away in an accident. The heroine was heartbroken, but she turned a blind eye to the male supporting actor No. 3's advances and avoided them everywhere. In the end, the ending was to spend the last years lonely.

Ordinary people read novels, only read the general plot, but Rong Zheng always likes to work hard on details. He noticed many things that were wrong in many stories, and after corresponding one by one with the current situation of the Qin family, he made a very bold guess.

The eldest son of the Qin family killed Lu Wei.

And the Second Young Master of Qin family killed the Eldest Young Master of Qin family.

Qing Zhuo may not know anything about the first incident, but he knows a little bit about the second murder. So he pretends to be crazy because he is powerless to protect himself.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Come, baby, have a meal, drink water, wipe your face, take off your clothes, and sleep.

Bai Leshui: Ahem pei!

  1. 张文竹 previously called Xiao Zhang
    The Xiao mean little and is generally used in nickname
  2. 电闪雷鸣
    BTW, it's also an idiom for losing one's temper
  3. In the sense that her corps is already cold
  4. It mean he use his face to earn money (since he is an artist) to buy food
  5. 自身难保 powerless to defend oneself (idiom); helpless
  6. In fact, he said this: 来,宝贝,吃饭饭,喝水水,擦脸脸,脱衣衣,睡觉觉.
    I would say this kind of speech were you repeat a character is more used toward children.
  7. sound of spitting