In just one night, one less again?

The bones belong to Lu Wei.

But why does it appear behind the player's 'corpse'?

The chopped-up maid, the dismembered gardener, the broken bones.

They are all broken corpses. There must be some connection between them.


Revenge for Lu Wei's death?

Could it be that in addition to Eldest Young Master, the maid and the gardener also played a role in Lu Wei's death?

​What about the players ne? Was the player's murder just incidental?

Of course, if the person who killed the player and the person who killed the NPC were not the same, that would be another story.

Bai Wan's elimination was a good opportunity for Rong Zheng to observe. Do you really think he asked everyone to stay in the lobby on the first floor just for safety ma?

First, there are at least four suspects who killed Bai Wan, Butler Li, the two young masters of Qin family, and the manservant Xiao Zhang.

If we assume that there is only one murderer in the mansion, and the purpose is revenge, then the only suspect left is Xiao Zhang.

If not, then there are more possibilities, and Xiao Zhang is no longer suspected.

Rong Zheng sighed secretly as he thought about this, feeling that things were back to where they started.

Turning his head, he saw Qin Ge looking at his phone, not sleeping yet. Rong Zheng thought for a while, walked over and asked softly: "In primary dungeons, will there be phenomena that can not be explained by science ma?" For example, real ghosts or something else.

Qin Ge replied in a low voice: "No, everything can be inferred using common sense. The type you mentioned will only appear in at least intermediate dungeons." After speaking, he asked again: "What did you think of?"

"I have some ideas. It's a pity that this copy is limited." Rong Zheng replied in a low voice.

If it were in the original world, he could use more means to pursue the truth.

"You are very good a." Qin Ge admired Rong Zheng very much, "As long as you reveal the truth earlier, you can leave here earlier. Receive high evaluation."

"Leave early?" Rong Zheng asked, "Why should I leave?"

Qin Ge was startled: "If you don't leave what are you still doing ma? Do you still like this place?"

Rong Zheng smiled: "I don't hate it." He held his chin and thought for a while, put on a serious face and whispered: "I still have something important to ask you."

Seeing his appearance, Qin Ge also became serious. Thinking that this person was a good prospect and might be able to meet him or get him into his faction in the future, he whispered sincerely: "I will tell you everythings I can tell you, ask ba."

"Do you know how to chase a man ma?"

Qin Ge:...

No, wait. You put on a more serious face than before just to ask this?

It's a shame that he was still prepared to reveal a little bit of information at the risk of losing points.


"I'm going to sleep." Qin Ge turned off his phone and lay down.

"Tell me before you go to bed."

Qin Ge turned his head and said fiercely: "Do I have a face that knows how to pursue a man ma? Let me tell you, I have lived for twenty-seven years, and I have been in love with my own fingers since I was fourteen, let alone pursuing a man, I have never succeeded pursuing a woman!" He used to have no money, but now he has no energy.

"With your hands? You are so pitiful." Rong Zheng whispered in Qin Ge's ear, "Would you like me to recommend a useful airplane cup to you?"

Qin Ge: "You use an airplane cup?"

"Use a." Rong Zheng, "Wash it well and clean."

Qin Ge:...

No, that's not the point.

With a face that can make women lose money at any time, he actually chose to use... that thing?

"Virgin?" Qin Ge asked.

"It won't be anymore soon." Rong Zheng said proudly. He found the right person.

Qin Ge smiled, turned around, got into bed, fell asleep.

A handsome guy doesn't have a woman either, he's balanced.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Qin Ge's eyes widened suddenly and he turned to look at Rong Zheng's back as he left. Soon! Male? ?

Hey, raping an NPC is a serious crime, so think twice before you act a, buddy!

Qin Ge was so frightened by Rong Zheng that he didn't sleep well all night.

How to do it is unknow, and Rong Zheng didn't plan to move his hand so quickly. He thought that since the other party wasn't really crazy, he might try chasing him.

It's just that there is too little time. If only this person is not an NPC but a player... huh?

Rong Zheng stood up suddenly, he remembered another thing, something he had known since the beginning of the game, but was quickly throw in the back of his mind by him.

In this copy, there is a ghost mixed amond NPC.

Qin Ge said that ghost who appear in novice copy are also novice, so they are likely to have OOC behaviors or actions that are not in line with their character design. As long as you observe carefully, you can find them.

Rong Zheng likes to observe others, whether they are players or NPCs in the game.

But he didn't find anyone whose behavior or actions were out of character. Therefore, Rong Zheng did not take the initiative to think about the existence of ghost.

If he really wanted to discuss it in detail, the only person who could make him feel suspicious... happened to be Qing Zhuo himself.

Give up observing the person in front of you, and just piece together the image of the Eldest Young Lady from the descriptions of bystanders. What should he look like ne? He is from the same school as the Eldest Young Master. He likes literature, can read romance novels, and loves the Book of Songs. He falls in love with Lu Wei, a person with a poor financial background. He is more emotional than rational, but he doesn't have much courage to pursue what he loves, and easily follows the crowd.

A man with a delicate heart like a weak woman.

Rong Zheng compared the image he pieced together in his mind with Bai Leshui, who was lying next to him. To be honest, the other person was a 'madman' now, so it was difficult to guess his personality and temperament. Rong Zheng just instinctively thought that the person next to him was a madman. This person next to him, is not like a delicate and weak person at heart.

It would be nice if it was a ghost.

Ghosts and players, seems to live together in the parallel world.

​He needs confirmation.

He was no longer interested in copy or anything like that. He wanted to observe the person in front of him more carefully.

Bai Leshui slept soundly, completely unaware that the people around him were eager to take off his vest.

The next day, Bai Leshui was disturbed by the commotion around him.

He opened his eyes vaguely, and before he could see his surroundings clearly, he heard someone whispering in his ear: "Are you awake ma? Good morning." 

"Well..." Bai Leshui was about to answer in a daze, when a voice exploded in his mind.

"Host!! By all means don't respond a! This player has already doubted you! Shut up ya!! Come on, be crazy! Hurry! Hurry!!" 1069's demonic voice filled his ears.

This time, all the groggy head suddenly sober up.

Bai Leshui opened his eyes and found that he was held in the arms of the man in front of him, he was staring at him with a beaming smile on his face.

Bai Leshui grinned with bared teeth, stretched out her hand to grab Rong Zheng's cheek flesh, and squeezed it hard. The man's handsome smile was distorted.

"Xiaojiu, this guy didn't mess around in the middle of the night ba! Also, I didn't talk in my sleep ba." Bai Leshui pretended to be crazy and rubbed Rong Zheng's face while communicating with the system in his mind.

"Don't worry, your clothes are well worn, and he didn't touch or move around. He is still a bit of a gentleman." 1069 said, "However, I saw that he had finished reading the novel and then stared at you for a long time. I think you are in danger a."

Bai Leshui: It's okay, as long as its not exposed.

He can still survive.

"Speaking of the noise this morning, what happened?" Bai Leshui asked.

1069: "Oh, Third Young Master Qin is dead."

Bai Leshui: Huh?

In just one night, one less again?

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Don't rub the face next time, please rub the lower part.

Bai Leshui:...

He wanted to spit in his face again.

  1. 倒贴 The complet definition is: to lose money instead of being paid (i.e. sb should pay me, but is actually taking my money)
    So the stereotype would be that men pay for women, but RZ is so handsome that woman are willing to pay for him lol.
  2. MTL translate it as 'where' but with the context, it's definitely virgin
  3. forgotten