We are not sure who should be careful.

No one knows exactly when Third Young Master Qin died. They only know that since he went upstairs unhappily yesterday, he never came down again.

Then the next day, when the cook was preparing breakfast, she found that Third Young Master Qin had not appeared, so she went upstairs to ask him if he planned to eat in his room. Who expected that when she went upstairs, she saw the door of Third Young Master Qin's room was closed. When she opened the door, she found that he was already dead.

The death was extremely miserable. Although the body was not dismembered like the maid and gardener, the head was still chopped off. The body lay on the ground and the head was placed on the window sill, facing the garden outside the window.

The cook's heart suddenly couldn't bear it, she fainted on the spot.

It was Butler Li who noticed the cook hadn't returned yet and went up to take a look. Only then did he find the cook who had fainted at the door and the body inside the house.

There is no way this matter can be hidden.

The death of Third Young Master Qin was obviously much more important than that of the maid and gardener. At least the Madam of Qin family finally moved. She threw herself on the body of her youngest son and cried uncontrollably. Everyone in the Qin family was trying to persuade her. Some of the players went up to watch, but most of them were frightened by the scene of the maid and gardener and did not dare to watch it again, so they only stayed in the front hall on the first floor to talk and discuss. And Bai Leshui woke up at this time.

After a brief exchange with the system, he learned the fact that Third Youg Master Qin died. He couldn't help but be very curious: "Xiaojiu, the BOSS in this dungeon kills more NPCs a."

1069 replied: "After all, it is a novice dungeon ma. If the main target is players, most players will not be able to escape. In this dungeon, as long as you are careful not to seek death, you can basically survive without being eliminated."

Bai Leshui pursed his lips slightly. One-third of players had been eliminated. Only half of the seven days to survive have passed.

Are you sure this is a novice copy?

Although he didn't know what exactly happened, looking at the elimination rate, it doesn't look like it a!

After learning that Third Young Master of Qin was also dead, Qin Ge came over and asked Rong Zheng if he wanted to go upstairs to take a look. As a result, Rong Zheng put his index finger to his lips, signaling Qin Ge to be quiet and not to disturb Bai Leshui, who was sleeping peacefully.

Qin Ge:...

Very good, he has completely given up on recruiting this person into the alliance this time.

But in the end, Bai Leshui was woken up by the voices of the players who were also staying in the front hall.

"Really meet ghost, people are dying every day. There are still a few days left in this game, or I might as well die." A man lamented.

Next to him, Gao Cheng, who was dressed and playing on his mobile phone, said casually: "Then you jump down a, from the fourth floor window, head down."

"Hey, kid, what are you talking about ne?" The man angrily grabbed Gao Cheng's clothes and yelled at him.

"Uncle, please lower your voice." Gao Cheng looked at him without changing his expression, "I'm only seventeen years old and still a minor. Do you want to bully me, a child ma?"

The man stared, what a damn child!

He has been following the majority of players to join in the action, and has never been alone. He went to the kitchen to see the maid, and saw the broken corpse in the room. At the scene of the maid's death, he, like Gao Cheng, turned pale and turned around to vomit. But the second time after discovering body parts in his room, he even vomit with acid water, but Gao Cheng only turned pale. He endured with difficulty.

This young man has much better adaptability than a man in his thirties.

But the huge difference in physique and age is a fact. Seeing the disapproval looks from the people around him, the man let go of his hand bitterly: "I'm just talking." He really didn't want to attack a young man, he just wanted to scare person a bit.

Gao Cheng said "Oh" and stopped talking. Seeing that Bai Leshui, who was being protected by Rong Zheng, had woken up, he left and walked over, asked, "Do you want to go take a look ma?"

Rong Zheng: "Huh?"

Gao Cheng pointed upward: "On the fourth floor, the body have not been collected yet. It should be for the convenience of players to collect informations ba. No one here has asked to collect the body."

Rong Zheng smiled and refused: "No, I still have people to take care of." He pointed at Bai Leshui and said.

"About this matter." Second Young Master Qin happened to go downstairs. Hearing the conversation here, he walked up to Rong Zheng and said, "Because too many things have happened recently, my mother is very worried about Qing Zhuo's safety. We can't always left our family member in the care of our guests. Please hand over sister-in-law to me."

Rong Zheng raised his head and looked at Second Young Master Qin: "What if, I say no ne?"

Second Young Master Qin frowned: "Then I will suspect that you have special thoughts about my sister-in-law. For the sake of my sister-in-law's safety, I have to ask you to leave."

Rong Zheng pointed outside: "But it's still raining lightly outside a."

"What does that have to do with me?" Second Young Master Qin said.

Bai Leshui grinned, lowered his head to play with his fingers, as if the person they were discussing was not him.

However, Rong Zheng put the question back to Bai Leshui with one sentence: "Then why don't you ask him if he is willing to go with you?"

If Qing Zhuo is not crazy and is the plot NPC set here, then knowing the truth, he will definitely not be willing to leave with Second Young Master Qin.

If Qing Zhui is a ghost...

Rong Zheng looked at Bai Leshui with a smile, observing the subtle expressions on his face.

Bai Leshui continued to giggle, but the movement of playing with his fingers slowed down.

Second Young Master Qin said dissatisfied: "My sister-in-law is not mentally clear, How do you want to let him..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Leshui raised his arm, shook his sleeves, and rushed towards Gao Cheng with a mournful cry: "Husband a, you died so miserably a~~~"

Rong Zheng:...

Second Young Master Qin:...

Seeing how powerful Rong Zheng seems to be, just want to hug his thigh, Gao Cheng:? ? ?

"Host, why did you rush towards this player! Isn't it a good idea to follow Second Young Master Qin and leave at this time ma?" 1069 said that he didn't understand.

Bai Leshui: "Follow Second Young Master Qin? Don't be kidding. What's the point of just leaving the wolf's den and entering the tiger's mouth? After all, the big-tailed wolf only licks and doesn't bite, but the tiger will eat all the bones! Isn't it safer to choose a lamb ma?" What else is there to consider about player and NPC? He is simply protecting his virginity!

Understand in seconds 1069:...

Yes, Second Young Master Qin is a rogue. Even more rogue than this player.

That's the real bastard who just picks up the gun and attacks.

1069: "Well, the game copy has a protection mechanism..."

Bai Leshui: "It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. If something goes wrong and the chrysanthemums are all over the ground, who will I cry to?"


Okay ba, host, just be happy.

Rong Zheng and Second Young Master Qin, who were not chosen, stared at Gao Cheng with dangerous eyes.

Gao Cheng, who rarely panicked after entering the dungeon, raised his hand to express his innocence: "I didn't do anything, really!"

He doesn't like men!

​​And the lyrics just now were very unlucky! !

Second Young Master Qin took Bai Leshui's arm and said, "Sister-in-law, let's go."

Bai Leshui strangled Gao Cheng's neck hard, refuse to let go even if faced death, weeping endlessly.

Gao Cheng: "Ahem... be gentle..."

Rong Zheng reached out and pinched Second Young Master Qin's wrist: "He doesn't want, why bother ne."

Rong Zheng's hand was very strong, and he was very skillful in holding it. Soon, Second Young Master Qin felt numbness in his arm, forcing him to let go, so that Gao Cheng was not strangled to death.

"You don't look like an ordinary businessman." Second Young Master Qin squinted his eyes and looked at Rong Zheng.

Rong Zheng replied with a smile: "I am in business, but the business is too big, and there are always people who want me dead, so I learned some self-defense methods." After speaking, he glanced upstairs and continued: "Mrs. Qin has been watching you from the corridor on the second floor for a long time. She may have something to say to you, why don't you go up ma?"

Second Young Master Qin raised his head, and sure enough he saw his mother standing upstairs with a gloomy face. When she saw himself looking up, Mrs. Qin motioned for him to go upstairs.

Second Young Master Qin did not dare to go against Mrs. Qin's last wish. He glanced at Qing Zhuo hanging on Gao Cheng's body with some reluctance, warned Rong Zheng in a low voice to be careful, and left.

Rong Zheng looked at the back of Second Young Master Qin and sneered: "Be careful? We are not sure who should be careful ne."

The author has something to say:


Gao Cheng: I observed for a long time and thought it was a thick thigh that could be hugged. Although the thigh has a bit of a strange hobby and likes male NPCs, still a lunatic.


Gao Cheng: I seem to have angered my thigh, and at the same time attracted the attention of a suspected big boss. I may be in trouble. Is it too late to pretend to be a fool now ma?

Blue face disaster is really terrible.

  1. 见鬼
    A slang to curse something like hell, darn it, heck
  2. 出狼穴又入虎口 To leave a dangerous place just to fell in another.
    Wolf = Rong Zhen
    Tiger = 2nd Young Master Qin
  3. Gao Cheng
  4. Euphemist for lower part
  5. Just a way to say he'll lose his virginity quite miserably.
    Chrysanthemum = anus
  6. Remember that BLS sing like in opera when playing the madman
  7. I checked with the raw and it was last wish but Mrs Qin won't die so soon.
  8. Disaster caused by ambiguous relationship between men