
Today's lunch time was two hours later than usual, and what was finally served was just ordinary sandwiches, bacon and milk, which was extremely simple.

​But no one complained.

The only ones eating at the table were the players and Bai Leshui. Only the cook from the Qin family showed up when serving the dishes. The rest of the people were missing, including the manservant.

"Mrs. Qin won't you come down for lunch ma?" the man with earrings asked the cook.

The cook absentmindedly helped distribute the dishes and cut the bacon to the players. She was startled when she heard the man with earrings. She retracted her hand and said, "Madam? No, she is very sad. The butler accompagne her."

"Butler Li and Madam have such a good relationship a." The middle-aged man who got his plate mentioned casually.

The cook paused her hand and whispered, "Yes a, after all, we have been friends for decades."

Rong Zheng took a sandwich from the plate and brought it to Bai Leshui's mouth. When the cook said this, he glanced at her sideways and said with a smile, "Is it just that ma?"

Cook: "Huh? What?"

"It's nothing." Rong Zheng said, "I just think that Butler Li and Madam have a very good relationship, and he also have a very good relationship with Third Young Master Qin."

Cook: "..."

The cook didn't answer the question, but the man with earrings reacted. He raised his head and said, "Cheating?"

The cook was displeased: "Guest, please don't say unfounded words."

Man with earrings: "I didn't name him, do you know who I'm talking about?"

The cook choked, and she put the knife she had used to cut the bacon on the table: "I still have something to do, guests, please help yourself ba." After that, she left.

The middle-aged man sighed with emotion: "She left really fast."

The man with earrings sneered: "Guilty conscience."

After saying that, he took a bite of the sandwich, chewed for a while and swallowed it, then asked Rong Zheng, "Is it true that Mrs. Qin cheated ma?"

All the players present looked at Rong Zheng, and Rong Zheng raised his head: "How would I know?"

Middle-aged man: "Then you just..."

"Just talking." Rong Zheng replied.

The man in suit hummed softly: "Conjecture without evidence." He felt a little unbalanced. How come he and the NPC were struggling, and he was almost kicked out of the dungeon, but Rong Zheng was fine anyway ne.

The man with earrings rested his chin on his hand and glanced at the man in suit, then raised the corners of his mouth in a cold, mocking manner.

The other players ignored the man in suit's cold snort. The middle-aged man moved towards the Qin Ge: "There are only a few of us left in the game now. Let me introduce myself ba. My name is Ren Yao.My family is in the medicinal herb business, it's a family business. As a result, I cross over here now. Ai, unfortunately, my son is only in junior high school, so the business will probably fall into the hands of my younger brother. Fortunately, my relationship with my younger brother is okay, and he can still take care of my wife and son. "

The man with earrings laughed after hearing this: "Just don't take care too much."

The middle-aged man Ren Yao was startled. After he understood the meaning of the earring man's words, he said: "My wife is not that kind of person!" After saying that, he lowered his head and thought for a while, then nodded and confirmed: "There can't be that kind of relationship between them. There hasn't been one before and there won't be one in the future."

Man with earrings: "What's the rush? I'll just say it casually. The name doesn't matter, it's just an appellation. You guys can call me Da Ding ba. I used to be a gangster. Fine ba, to put it simply, I'm a gangster and unemployed, I earn some pocket money by playing games."

The man in suit quietly moved aside, trying to stay away from the man who called himself a gangster. Qin Ge said: "It's okay. In the parallel world, everyone is just playing games. No one can do any serious work. As long as you don't commit crimes, no one cares about what you did before."

Da Ding spread his hands: "I am a good law-abiding citizen."

Only Rong Zheng smiled, he glanced at Da Ding's outfit and accessories on his ears.

The clothes are very simple sportswear. There is no special brand, but the material is very good. As for the earrings, there are four on the left and two on the right. All the shiny ones are real gemstones. The largest one is visually judged to be a real diamond, over 50 cents, it's worth a lot of money.

A very rich little gangster.

Turning to look at the man in suit, the man in suit said: "I work at XX company, I'm a..."

"Office worker." Da Ding said, "Okay ba, I got it. No need for an introduction. I won't meet you in the future anyway, and it's even more impossible to form a team."

The man in suit blushed angrily and turned his head, not wanting to argue with him.

"Rong Zheng." Rong Zheng said, "My probably a detective ba."

Everyone else's eyes widened, and Gao Cheng even asked in shock: "Detective?"

"Is this job profitable ma?" Qin Ge also asked.

"Profitanle a," Rong Zheng said. "I accept all extramarital affairs investigations, case evidence collection, company background searches, find people to find evidence and clues. If you have any questions, you can come to me. Prices are clearly marked, and I don't deceive anyone. I made a lot of money doing this ne. Unfortunately, it's all gone now."

Man in suit: "Is it legal to be a private detective ma?"

"Why is it illegal?" Rong Zheng smiled, "I didn't do anything bad."

Qin Ge's eyes lit up again when he looked at Rong Zheng. Detectives need to have enough observation and memory, and this kind of people are most suitable for the parallel world. If you have a strong body and can run, becoming an advanced player is definitely not a dream.

Advanced players are very rare, and grabbing one is a treasure in the game alliance.

One want to hook up again, the other want to be hooked and get some information about the parallel world. Qin Ge and Rong Zheng were chatting happily, while Bai Leshui, who had filled his belly next to him, carefully curled himself up into a ball.

"Xiaojiu, I want to escape." Bai Leshui said miserably.

1069: "Host, I want to escape too."

Bai Leshui: "Detective, is he joking ma? What kind of detective? The kind of Sherlock Holmes? Or the kind of Mouri Kogoro?" Isn't it easy for him, a ghost, to be exposed when he is squatting next to a detective all the time ma?

1069: "Maybe it's Di Renjie's kind ba."

Bai Leshui: "You actually know Di Renjie!"

"Of course I know! And I definitely know more than host. Everything in your world has been copied in the parallel world, including historic... documents. Although he does not claim to be a detective, he is indeed a Dali Temple Prime Minister who is observant of every detail! He has handled thousands of cases without unjust case! I admire him very much!" 1069 said in a very excited voice.

"Okay, I understand, but why Di Renjie." Bai Leshui still didn't understand.

1069: "Because Di Renjie is cunning ya! It's easy to die when working under the hot-tempered Wu Zetian. If he doesn't say the right thing, Wu Zetian will drag him down and chop him down. Di Renjie has been in jail once and still managed to survive for so long, in the end, he even gained Wu Zetian's great trust. It is clear that Di Renjie was the one who advocated letting Wu Zetian 'return power to the Li family'. Doesn't this mean that Di Renjie is very smooth and evasive, he is a white cut black ma?"

Bai Leshui:...

That would be even more dangerous, okay ma!

"Xiaojiu, I have decided to leave here!" Bai Leshui said, "No, I want to leave his side!"

1069: "Then leave ya, it's not like you are together. Why are you following him ne?"

Bai Leshui:...

What you say is correct

Yes, I want to struggle.

After being honest for a long time, it's time to go crazy (make wave) again!

While Rong Zheng was talking to Qin Ge and didn't notice Bai Leshui, Bai Leshui suddenly stood up and looked ahead blankly. His move was so sudden that everyone in the restaurant looked at him in shock.

Rong Zheng stood up and was about to hold Bai Leshui, but Bai Leshui took a step forward and seemed to see someone in the room. His eyes lit up slightly. This time he did not open his mouth to sing, but said in a excited tone: "Are you back?"

Rong Zheng raised his eyebrows.

1069: "Host, he is doubtful. The corners of his mouth are lowered and the brows are raised. He is doubtful!"

"Shut up." Bai Leshui warned 1069 secretly, and then continued his performance, which was familiar to him. Bai Leshui looked at the empty place, made up his lines.

The man in suit was stunned. The middle-aged man Ren Yao hugged himself in fear. Da Ding asked Rong Zheng carefully: "What's wrong with him?"

At this time when people are always dying, a madman talking to the open space is really scary, isn't it?

Rong Zheng pinched his chin: "Maybe he's talking to something ba."

As soon as he said these words, Da Ding shivered and felt that the temperature of the room had dropped by two degrees. He asked, "Seriously?"

Rong Zheng nodded: "Very serious." Would be strange.

But Qing Zhuo was willing to act, and Rong Zheng was willing to cooperate.

Bai Leshui continued to perform: "Where are you going? Wait for me." After saying that, he ran away and went straight upstairs.

Rong Zheng:...

This, he refuse.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: My dear, I am willing to cooperate with you in whatever you want.

Bai Leshui: Run!

Rong Zheng: ...Come back! !

  1. 任耀
  2. 大钉 = Big Nail
  3. = 0.50 carat
  4. In Detective Conan
    A majority of cases were not solved by himself, it's someone else who use his mouth to say the true because he can't appear in public.
  5. Emperess of that time. The only emperess who reign in China history
  6. Have you ever seen a glutinous rice balls filled with sesame?
    No? OK, let me tell you. You see, from the out side they look so round, so cute, so white. BUT when you cut them, you will find that they are enterely bleck and the white was just a disguise.
    Now do you get it?
  7. It should be 'it would be strange if it's serious'