Brothers with the same mother, different fathers

"Did we throw him off ma?" Bai Leshui asked as he ran away.

"Not behind you! Host, he was dumbfounded when you ran away! He didn't have time to catch up!" 1069 said equally excitedly.

Bai Leshui turned a corner, breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that no one was around, and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "I'm so tired."

1069: "That won't do a, host, you can't do this a. It's too weak. You just ran a few floors!"

"I've already run three floors, okay ma!" Bai Leshui was dissatisfied, "I rushed up as fast as I could. Let's understand a little bit about the fact that modern people generally lack exercise."

1069: "But if host is like this, he won't be able to escape if he encounters a battle royale copy."

Bai Leshui: "Wait a minute, am I not a ghost ma?"

1069: "What if it's a ghost that wants to sneak among the players ne? You also have to participate in the escape game together."


Bai Leshui stood up straight and looked around, wondering what he should do now ne.

"That's the bad thing about not having a script." Bai Leshui said. There is so much room for free expression that he doesn't know what to do.

"Just take a walk bei." 1069 suggested, "Anyway, host is set to be a madman. What else does a madman do besides running around and screaming?"

Bai Leshui: ...What you said makes sense.

Okay, let's just go blindly wild ba. Anyway, let's wait until the game is over.

He raised his hand, rolled up his sleeves, raised his voice, took small steps and then pushed open a door.

Then...he froze on the spot.

There were two people in the room, Second Young Master Qin and the manservant Zhang Wenzhu. Bai Leshui recognized them at a glance.

Especially Scond Young Master Qin's swollen face is very recognizable.

Now the pig-headed Second Young Master Qin was kneeling on the ground, his body tied tightly with ropes, his mouth blocked by a white cloth, leaving only a pair of eyes staring at the person suppressing him in horror.

The manservant Zhang Wenzhu held a machete in his hand and was pressing it on Second Young Master Qin's neck.

As soon as the door opened, both of them turned to look at Bai Leshui.

Bai Leshui: ...What a coincidence!

Did he just bump into the scene of the dungeon big BOSS killing mob ma?

"What to do! Will I be silenced?" Bai Leshui frantically tapped 1069.

1069 was also panicked. He didn't expect it to be such a coincidence...

"Host, quikly go crazy a!" 1069 said quickly, "Crazy people won't reveal secrets! Just be crazy and you'll be fine."

Bai Leshui almost burst into tears: "I'm pretending to be crazy here, then he kills people around me? Do you think I have enough mental conditions to continue acting?"

"Then turn around and leave." 1069, "Don't worry, anyway... NPCs won't kill ghosts, well, probably."

Bai Leshui: "Probably?!"

1069: "It's didn't happened. It's never happened before! It's okay. If something happens, this system can start transmitting and eject host out of the copy in one second."

"You sure?"

1069: "That's right! Don't underestimate the protection mechanism of the game system."

"Okay, I'll trust you once." Bai Leshui relaxed and continued his performance. He stared blankly in front of him, as if he didn't see the two people in the room. He walked around the room singing husband, then turned around and left as if he didn't find anyone.

During this period, Zhang Wenzhu and Second Young Master Qin both raised their heads and looked at him silently, turning their heads in the direction of Bai Leshui's movement until Bai Leshui walked back to the door.

Second Young Master Qin finally reacted, whining loudly and struggling desperately, hoping that Bai Leshui would look back at him and save him.

"Xiaojiu a, should I..." Bai Leshui saw the fear and begging in Second Young Master Qin's eyes from the corner of his eye, and asked 1069 secretly.

1069: "Host, please recognize the reality clearly. This is a dungeon, and everything is virtual. The dungeon map only has this villa, and the only characters that exist are these people. Moreover, after the dungeon ends, everything will return to zero and then be reorganized. So It doesn't matter whether the host saves the NPC or not. For them, the death in this instance does not mean death. But if host breaks the character settings, there will be no coins, people will starve to death!" Or do you plan to make a living by begging when you first come to the parallel world ma?

"Okay ba." Bai Leshui covered the lower half of his face with his water sleeves and slowly moved out of the door.

Then he won't care.

Seeing that Bai Leshui was about to leave, Second Young Master Qin became anxious. He knew that once Bai Leshui stepped out and the door was closed again, his life would end here. At this moment, the desire to survive made Second Young Master Qin burst out with quite strong mobility. He slammed back, knocking Zhang Wenzhu aside who was caught off guard, and then ran away through the door, knocking Bai Leshui on the ground.

Behind him, Zhang Wenzhu stood up, spat, and looked at Bai Leshui lying on the ground with an unkind look.

Bai Leshui shuddered: Did I do something wrong?

1069: "It's okay, host, can the madman do anything right ma?"

Bai Leshui: This doesn't feel like comforting me at all.

1069: "The big BOSS has revealed his identity in advance. The next battle for players may be a bit difficult."

Bai Leshui: "Huh?"

1069: "It's not a bad thing. Probably."

Bai Leshui:...

"Qing Zhuo." Zhang Wenzhu did not rush after Second Young Master Qin, but walked to Bai Leshui, leaned over and put the knife on Bai Leshui's neck.

When his fragile neck came into contact with the cold blade, Bai Leshui shivered subconsciously, his body stiffened slightly, and he did not dare to move any more.

"It's not time yet." Zhang Wenzhu said, "Please be good, okay ma." After saying that, he got up and chased Second Young Master Qin in the direction of his escape.

Bai Leshui:...

"Xiaojiu, I've been discovered! I've definitely been discovered this time! He knows I'm not really crazy!"

1069: "But no OOC warning was received from the system! This shows that all the host's behaviors are natural in the eyes of the background setting and NPC!"

Bai Leshui: "I don't understand!"

1069: "That is to say, as long as the NPC thinks your behavior is reasonable, it is not considered OOC!"

Bai Leshui: "So he thinks that Qing Zhuo is pretending to be crazy? Instead of finding that I don't fit the role?"

1069: "That's right!"

Bai Leshui: "Okay ba."

After being silent for a while, Bai Leshui asked, "What did he mean when he just said it's not time yet?"

1069: "I don't know a."

Bai Leshui:...


Bai Leshui stood up, patted the dirt on his body, shook his sleeves, and continued to move forward.

1069 asked confusedly: "Host, what are you going to do next?"

"What else can you do? A lunatic just wander aimlessly around ma." Bai Leshui said.

Take a casual walk, and then stroll back pretending to be casual. Bai Leshui was very concerned about the fact that Zhang Wenzhu wanted to kill Second Young Master Qin.

Bai Leshui chatted with 1069 as he walked: "I didn't expect the manservant to be the mastermind behind this a. But what's the reason? I always feel that he has nothing to do with the Qin family a."

1069: "I don't know. It's impossible to have nothing to do. The characters set in the game copy must be related."

Bai Leshui: "Curious."

"After exiting the dungeon host can choose to watch the follow-up and reveal the truth, so it doesn't matter even if players can't find out the truth." 1069 replied, "This is the unique permission of ghosts. The more you read and learn, the better you can adapt to the character design of the dungeon."

Bai Leshui: "I like this function."

Bai Leshui continued to wander forward. In front of him was the stairs to the fourth floor. As soon as Bai Leshui reached there, he heard someone wailing. He paused, thought for a while, and planned to turn back. No matter who is the person crying, he, a lunatic, isn't easy to disturb. It's embarrassing to pretend to be crazy. Then he heard a person's voice, Bai Leshui hesitated, found a dark and remote corner, hid inside, and chose to eavesdrop.

It's not that he has this hobby, it's just that the crying person burst out with big revelations. Bai Leshui, who was originally curious about the secret behind this copy, was naturally reluctant to leave.

"My child killed my other child, this is retribution. I shouldn't have..." This was Mrs. Qin's voice, "I obviously knew it was wrong, but... I couldn't do it."

"Do you regret it?" Bai Leshui thought about the slightly hoarse man's voice for a while before recalling that it was Butler Li's voice.

Mrs. Qin: "Yes, I regret it."

Butler Li: "Over the years, I chose to betray the master and be with you secretly. I have never regretted it."

Mrs. Qin: "But..."

Butler Li held Mrs. Qin's hand: "It was just an accident. Don't think too much. No one thought that the stair railing would brake, and it was simply an accident that Eldest Young Master fell."

Mrs. Qin gritted her teeth: "That was also pushed down by my youngest son! The child you and I secretly gave birth to. Second child he saw it, I know he saw it all! He hates third child, and he knows that the third child is me and your's..."

Mrs. Qin's voice was trembling, and she closed her eyes: "Qing Zhuo also saw it, so he went crazy. Whether he is really crazy or fake, that child must hate third child. He also hates the maid who keeps beating and scolding him, and even more hate the gardener who chased him away every time he saw him approaching the flower field. Obviously the eldest planted the roses himself and wanted to give them to Qing Zhuo as a gift, but... that child Qing Zhuo didn't even get a chance to get close."

Bai Leshui tilted his head: No, I don't hate it.

Butler Li held her hand: "He just accidentally slipped when they were arguing."

Mrs. Qin: "Yes a, accidentally. I know that child didn't mean it. He never thought about killing his elder brother, but second child didn't think so a."

"Do you think our child was killed by Second Young Master?" Butler Li asked, "That's why you beat him today?"

"Who else could it be?" Mrs. Qin frowned, "Today was supposed to be the birthday of the deceased eldest, and he chose to take action on this day. Is this a coincidence ma? He and the eldest always had a good relationship."

"But what else can I do? Apart from beating him and scolding him, what else can I do?" Mrs. Qin cried and collapsed, "I only have second child left."

Hiding in the corner, Bai Leshui looked up at the sky: If you keep crying like this, soon there will be no more children.

Noisy sounds came from downstairs.

Bai Leshui heard it, and so did Mrs. Qin and Butler Li who were talking over there. Mrs. Qin: "What's the sound?"

"It came from the front hall downstairs." Butler Li recognized it for a while and said, "Second Young Master's voice."

Mrs. Qin panicked: "My child, quick, go quickly!" As she said that, she no longer cared about Butler Li and hurried downstairs.

Butler Li was left alone standing there, bowing his head slightly.

"Sure enough, they are all an eyesore." Butler Li said in a low voice.

Bai Leshui saw Mrs. Qin's figure walking quickly from the front, and Butler Li followed her after a while. Bai Leshui noticed a cold light flashing from Butler Li's hand, he actually held a folding knife in his hand.

Bai Leshui: Damn it.

"Host, the copy may be ending ai." 1069 said.

Bai Leshui: "I discovered it without you having to tell me."

A manservant whose identity is exposed and holding a machete, and a butler who hides a folding knife. Is this the beginning of a big chase ma?

"Xiaojiu, do you think I have to rush to the show?" Bai Leshui stood up quickly and said.

1069: "Protect yourself, host, the next scene may be scary! How about we slow down first?"

Bai Leshui took a deep breath: "Okay, slow down."

The other side.

After Bai Leshui ran away, Rong Zheng was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was doing, and he chased after him. As soon as he ran, the first person to follow him was Gao Cheng. Perhaps because they found it interesting, Da Ding and Qin Ge also followed, leaving only the middle-aged man Ren Yao and the man in suit. Ren Yao turned his head and glanced at the man in suit. Seeing that he was unreliable, he grabbed the remaining sandwich and ran after them.

The so-called herd mentality means that you can't go wrong if you follow a large army, not to mention that this time the leader is Rong Zheng, who looks reliable.

The man in suit was dumbfounded. He was afraid of the danger of staying here alone, so he reluctantly raised his buttocks.

Bai Leshui never expected that after running like this, he would be able to hang up a bunch of people behind him.

Because 1069 was monitoring him at all times, Bai Leshui easily got rid of Rong Zheng. Rong Zheng only chased him to the second floor and lost sight of him. He sighed helplessly. This little lunatic is quite capable of slipping through twists and turns.

It's okay, eventually he can see him again.

With this thought, Rong Zheng was about to leave, but when he turned around, he saw the group behind him, all of them staring at him.

Gao Cheng: "No more chasing?"

Da Ding: "It's quite interesting, peek-a-boo?"

Qin Ge: "Any clues?"

Ren Yao: "Bajibaji, sorry, I'll finish it first."

Man in suit: "...Can we go back ma?"

Rong Zheng:...

Can he say that nothing happened ma, he just wants to chase a wife.

"Okay, go..." Before he could finish saying "Go back," he heard someone stumbling away upstairs. The footsteps were messy. It was obvious that the owner was very panicked. I even accidentally fell while running down the stairs. When he appeared in everyone's sight, the man rolled downstairs.

Rong Zheng recognized the tied-up pig-headed man at a glance. He looked even more embarrassed now than when he was beaten.

Second Young Master Qin grunted and rolled down the stairs until he reached Rong Zheng's feet. Seeing that he was about to roll further, Rong Zheng kindly raised his foot and stepped on the bottom of his foot to stop him from rolling further.

Rong Zheng had just lost someone and was already in a bad mood. When he saw this person, his temper got worse. Rong Zheng looked at the way the rope was tied on his body and raised his eyebrows: "Second Young Master is indeed Second Young Master. This is pretty intense. What kind of new binding method is this? I've never seen it before. Can you teach me next time?" He looked at the man with a ball of cloth stuffed in his mouth. He even pulled the cloth out to make it easier for Second Young Master Qin to speak.

Second Young Master Qin was originally very frightened, but after hearing Rong Zheng's words, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Damn new binding method, he has no interest in this at all! He has always maintained the most original posture... No!

Second Young Master Qin raised his head with difficulty: "Quick, let me go and untie my rope, he's coming!"

"Who?" Rong Zheng raised his head and looked up the stairs, and happened to see Zhang Wenzhu standing there with a machete in his hand.

"Oh." Rong Zheng nodded, "As expected, it's really you."

At this time, Zhang Wenzhu had no expression on his face and looked at everyone below him indifferently. The usual shy and bashful smile of the manservant Xiao Zhang had long since disappeared. He looked at Rong Zheng: "As expected?"

Rong Zheng: "Originally, there were only a few suspects. Third Young Master is dead, Second Young Master is kidnapped, and there is no one else except you and Butler Li. But when it comes to killing, young people are more powerful."

Zhang Wenzhu: "Really ma? Unfortunately, it's too late to tell now."

Rong Zheng: "Why?"

Zhang Wenzhu: "Those who should die, are almost dead."

Rong Zheng nodded, pointed at Second Young Master Qin at his feet and asked, "Is this one too?"

Zhang Wenzhu: "He is the mastermind."

Gao Cheng was confused: "Wait a minute, what's going on? Can someone explain it to me a?"

Qin Ge: "I have probably guessed a little bit, but unfortunately there are not many clues, so the reason is not clear."

Da Ding: "Is it because of the bones under the flowers?"

After hearing what Da Ding said, Zhang Wenzhu's face turned ugly. He stared at Da Ding and asked, "You went digging too?"

Da Ding quickly shook his head: "No, I... guessed."

Rong Zheng: "That is the body of Lu Wei, the previous manservant employed by the Qin family. He resigned from the Qin family six months ago."

"He didn't resign!" Zhang Wenzhu yelled, pointing his machete at Second Young Master Qin, "He was murdered by these guys!"

A woman's figure slowly came out from the other side of the corridor on the second floor. She looked at Zhang Wenzhu: "What did you say?"

After hearing the noise downstairs, Mrs. Qin hurried over. She came down the stairs on the other side, walked to the second floor and saw someone here. As a result, she heard Zhang Wenzhu's words as soon as she got here.

"What are you talking about? How could my son murder a manservant for no reason?" Mrs. Qin said in disbelief.

Zhang Wenzhu raised his eyebrows: "Really ma?" He looked at Rong Zheng: "What do you think ne?"

Rong Zheng: "Because of Qing Zhuo ba."

Mrs. Qin: "What?"

Rong Zheng: "Qing Zhuo likes Lu Wei and wants to go with him."

Mrs. Qin was stunned.

Zhang Wenzhu smiled: "Yes, that's right. My big brother wrote to me, saying that he had never considered falling in love with a man before, but if it was that person, it wouldn't matter. He also said that he would bring him back to introduce me. But after that letter, there was no news from him. If not because he hadn't told me clearly where he was working, maybe I would have arrived earlier."

Ren Yao: "Your big brother? You guys have different surnames a."

"If the fathers are different, the surnames will naturally be different." Zhang Wenzhu said, "My mother married my father in her second marriage. Lu Wei is my half-brother. Lu Wei's father died early, so my big brother was brought here by mother when he was very young, and raised together with me. Later, mother died of illness, and father dumped both of us as burdens. It was my big brother who took care of me."

Zhang Wenzhu stared at Second Young Master Qin with cold eyes and said word by word: "So, whoever kills him, I will kill that person's family. No one will be spared."

What's more, this person is also the mastermind.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Can I skip this section ma? May I ask where my (future) wife is?

Bai Leshui: Yiyaya~~

1069: Host, you're still singing a, it's almost time to catch up. If we don't hurry up, we won't be able to catch up to the end.

Bai Leshui: Huh? Already started ?

  1. In China it's called 躲猫猫, hiding kitty or sth like this
  2. Sound of smacking lips