【I want to be with you】【Roll】

After finishing the meal, he threw the disposable lunch box into the trash can and rolled on the sofa in boredom. Thinking about his future life issues, Bai Leshui decided to listen to 1069 and get a robot back.

After picking and choosing on the website for a long time, Bai Leshui settled on a tall, strong male robot about thirty years old. The reason for choosing it was simple because of the data sheet with max combat value.

The rogue next door is very good at fighting, just in case, Bai Leshui needs someone who can fight better.

For the time being, he hired it on a rental basis, which cost him one game currency.

1069 reminded Bai Leshui not to choose robots that are too muscular. The attribute data of each robots are not balanced. Each has its own specialties, so he has to choose according to his needs. This male robot is obviously inclined to be a bodyguard, driver, or thug, and is not good at cleaning and cooking.

Bai Leshui didn't listen. He thought even if it wasn't good at cooking, as long as it was cooked and edible it's good, he didn't ask for a five-star delicacy. As a result, he regretted in the evening. The robot named Da Gen tinkered in the kitchen for a long time, then brought out several plates of dark things.

Bai Leshui's hand holding chopsticks froze there, gave up, turned around and turned on the computer, immediately ordered a female robot. It is said the cleaning, laundry and cooking are top-notch.

A man and a woman, just enough to make a pair.

Bai Leshui also gave the female robot a very fresh name from the 1980s: Cui Hua.

1069 asked curiously: "Host, you haven't settle yet ne. Aren't your sour to see the robots stay an fly together a?"

Bai Leshui replied coldly: "I am a man who wants to become a great magician."

At least for now, he doesn't have that plan.


Toward the things of how long he can remain virgin, host seemed quite proud?

After having two robots at home, Bai Leshui's life was really like a pig. Every morning when he gets up, Cui Hua brings warm breakfast. He doesn't need to worry about cleaning up after eating. If he is too bored, Bai Leshui can searched for many movies and TV series online to watch. And it comes to fact that all film and television works here are synchronized with the original world. It's a pity that only this kind of spiritual and cultural resources are synchronized. The network is not connected. All the websites and forums he was familiar with in the past are gone. The only thing that exists is the players forum. And he, this ghost, couldn't get into the players forum at all, so he could only stare at the title in a daze.

"Host, there is an exclusive forum for ghosts here o." 1069 suddenly said.

Bai Leshui: "Well, is there any ma?"

1069: "There is, no matter who, they need companions. Although there is no alliance, there are many private contacts. But please remember, host, even when facing ghosts, you must be careful, don't interact with ghosts you don't understand to team up together in copy."

Bai Leshui: "Huh? Ghosts can also team up in copies?"

1069: "Yes a, there are a lot of players in advanced dungeons or super dungeons, and the corresponding number of ghosts will also increase, so there is a situation where ghosts team up to brush together. Host is not good enough now, and it is difficult to control such a high-difficulty dungeon. Will be abused by players. Every player in the advanced dungeon has dealt with ghosts and has experienced hundreds of battles. The little ghost host can easily be crushed to death. But the danger is not from the advanced players in the dungeon, but from other dangers."

Bai Leshui:...

Although I know what you said is true, but I feel very uncomfortable listening to it.

Bai Leshui: "I understand about teaming up with ghosts. What are the other dangers?"

1069: "Team formation does not limit camps. Team of player and ghost is also recognized by the system. In addition, the types of cards are very rich. There are cards that can track ghost and enter the dungeon together. If it's targeted by a player, what will happen would definitely a terrible blow to that ghost."

By then, even if the appearance has changed, even if you follow the settings carefully, the following player will already know there is a ghost in this dungeon, and even understand the ghost's habitual way of thinking and common small movements. That ghost is equivalent to a lice on a bald man's head, clearly waiting to be strangled to death ma?

Bai Leshui: "If a ghost is targeted, and I enter the dungeon with him, we might be discovered together. Is that what you mean ma?"

1069 screamed: "Not only that! If the ghost has a particularly good relationship with the player, he may also sell host, and then the ghost and the player will share the game coins ne! There have been a ghost who fell in love with a player in the past, and then joined forces to deceive other ghosts."

Bai Leshui: "Didn't anyone notice ma?"

1069: "Noticed ya. After all, no one will die in dungeon. Many ghosts were hooked up by him to form a team and then got tricked. As time went by, everyone knew what was going on. Gradually, no ghosts were willing to play with him. Then that player is still a scumbag, hooking up with him while picking up girls in the player forum. When the ghost can no longer get game coins, he will seize an opportunity to expose the ghost who trusts him in the dungeon. He made a lot of game coin and ran away with the girl."

The poor ghost finally found out the truth after he was dumped. Even though he was in a parallel world, he still had the feeling of betrayal and alienation. No ghost paid attention to him, and players who contacted him would only slaughter. Even the system he was bound to was disappointed with his backhanded behavior. All the game coins are spent on the player without even leaving a way out for himselves, and there is no hope of returning home. The ghost finally drove himself crazy and committed suicide.

The parallel world is safe, but this does not include players and ghosts' self-harm.

Bai Leshui: "I will be careful. Xiaojiu, is there a way to deal with the card you mentioned that tracks ghosts into the dungeon ma?"

1069: "Yes, the golden card [Roll] can reject all players who are following into the dungeon. Just keep it turned on the moment you enter the dungeon."

Bai Leshui: "...This name is really concise and comprehensive ne. What is the name of the card that stalks ghosts?"

1069: "It's called [I want to be with you]."

Bai Leshui:...

He has always wanted to say, are all the cards and names in this game so interesting ma?

Bai Leshui: "Xiaojiu, when can we enter the dungeon?"

1069: "Host wants to enter the dungeon now? Don't you want to hang out for a while ma?"

Bai Leshui: "The boring days have been long enough. Let's go to the dungeon and take a walk. By the way, try to see if those cards are useful."

1069: "Okay, no problem. Host, wait a moment, this system will search for a suitable copy for you immediately, according to your previous request."

Bai Leshui: "The kind with a lot of scenes."

1069: "Guaranteed a lot!"

Bai Leshui: "How long do we have to wait?"

1069: "Three hours ba. Host can go watch a movie, after watching it, it's almost done. In addition, the time flow rate in the dungeon is different from that in the parallel world. One day in the dungeon is one hour in the parallel world. The time limit of the small dungeon is only a few days, it's going to be quick."

Bai Leshui: "Sounds good. You search ba. Call me when it's time to enter the dungeon."

1069: "Okay, next time this system will not in follow the dungeon, host must pay attention to safety a. If there are any rogue players, it' better not get coins, and give them a kick on the three lower roads. We have game coins. You can play dungeon as many times as you like, let's not care if you fail once or twice!"

Bai Leshui: "Don't worry."


Rong Zheng worked hard for a whole day before finally decorating his newly purchased small villa to his liking.

Especially the bed, it's very big, very soft, and very comfortable to roll on.

It just the person he want to roll with, he didn't know where he was now.

He should be living a good life. He checked specifically and found the treatment of ghosts is much better than that of players. As long as they play well the role and are not exposed, they will get game coins, and the additional game coins obtained by eliminating players will only be more, not less. Rong Zheng recalled the last dungeon. Tian Tian's elimination should have contributed to Qing Zhuo's share, and his 'suicide' was also somewhat related to Qing Zhuo, so he should also be able to get game coins.

If he can give that person game currency, it doesn't matter if he die once, or it doesn't matter if he lower his rating.

Rong Zheng said, he was very happy.

A man who is willing to spend money to support his wife is a good man.

He can be regarded as support his wife in a way, right?

Proud, happy, beautiful!

In the past few days, Rong Zheng searched all the forums with the ID 'Big Handsome Guy'. This senior player seemed to have met a ghost, had a relationship with the ghost, and even walked through many dungeons as a team. He know a litle bit about rules of ghosts. The rules and knowledges about ghosts basically come from this player's posts.

The acquisition of game currency by players is even more clearly documented.

There were also several pictures on the cards. Thanks to him, Rong Zheng learned a lot about ghosts.

However, Rong Zheng didn't like this person.

The tone of Big Handsome Guy's post was full of pride, not because he had a lover who was willing to cooperate with him to complete dungeons, but because the ghost was so silly and stupid, so foolishly in love with him that he spent money to support him without saying anything. He also took him in the copy. He even tricked other ghosts into teaming up to enter the dungeon, and then secretly told the player with the ID 'Big Handsome Guy' about the other ghost in the dungeon, allowing him to earn a lot of game coins. Then he use the game currency to buy a house, a car, and support a weak girl who dares not play games. There are people in the dungeon who help him brush game currency, and outside the dungeon there are girl sleeping with him, he feel very happy hugging left and right.

Hug left and right.

Rong Zheng frowned fiercely. He had always believed that it was important to have a single-minded relationship, he was very disgusted with such people.

There is no follow-up later. The post was published three years ago. It is rare to meet a player who falls in love with a ghost, even if the player is a scumbag. Rong Zheng was very concerned about the outcome of this person, so he searched for information about this person on the forum. Then it was discovered this player posted a message on the forum that he wanted to join an alliance a year later.

When he formed a team with the ghost, he did not join game alliance.

Later, this person was kicked out of the game alliance because he was too watery, always hugging thighs, and do not seek progress. For this reason, he argued with people from the game alliance for hundreds of floor on the post.

After entering and leaving alliances several times, no alliance was willing to take him, so this person looked for posts online to form a team together. It's a pity his reputation is so bad that no one wants to form a team with him, he can't even hold back.

Afterwards, he never posted again.

In the past year, this person has disappeared from the forum.

This player broke up with the ghost. Although the reason was not written, Rong Zheng guessed the reason why this guy, who used the other party as a tool in this way, kicked the person away was very simple. It must be because the opponent no longer have use value. It's a pity the player with the ID 'Big Handsome Guy' forgot he is just a smuggled good. He can't leave the dungeon without the guidance of the ghost. He was already useless.

All consumption in this world relies on game currency.

Without game currency, there is no income.

Rong Zheng has seen people who are too fragile mentally, and also knows a little about the lives of people who fail every time they enter a dungeon and can not earn a single game coin.

The life of such a person is similar to that of a beggar.

The kept girl must have kicked him away to find a new shelter.

Let's hope the player whose ID is 'Big Handsome Guy' is really a handsome guy ba, so that he can still earn a living based on his face.

Rong Zheng thought of the card [Peeping on My Beloved] and combined with [A Strang of Hair] that obviously belonged to Qing Zhuo, he would definitely be able to see the current situation of his beloved.

Turning off the web page, Rong Zheng happily used two cards. Then, a screen did not appear in front of him as he expected. Instead, he heard voice mixed with rustling sounds, only the voice of the person playing Qing Zhuo, it's like talking to the system. Unfortunately, Rong Zheng couldn't hear the system's voice.

Rong Zheng:...

Wait, it was agreed to peep ne, how did it turned into eavesdropping?

Moreover, the sound is obviously distorted. At most, he can clearly hear what is being said, but the timbre cannot be heard at all. He had originally hoped to be able to identify people by their sounds. Isn't this hopeless ma?

Rong Zheng was very angry and he poked at the system like crazy.

The cold system finally come out by Rong Zheng, he asked in a cold voice: "What?"

Rong Zheng raised the question even more dissatisfied.

System s3876269493 sneered: "Read the instructions carefully, hold part of the other person's body, and miss his appearance. You are indeed holding that person's hair, but what about his appearance ne? What you are thinking of is not the real appearance of the other person. What's wrong with not being able to see the video and only hear the audio? As for the sound distortion, it must be because his voice you know isn't real ba."

Rong Zheng:...

System s3876269493: "The face is fake, the voice is fake. This player, were you deceived just after you entered the game ma?"

Rong Zheng scratched his head: "It's not deceived, it's just my unrequited love at the moment. He is a ghost."

System s3876269493 was silent for a rare moment, after a while, it asked in shock: "Are you talking about the ghost who walked the novice copy with you?"

Rong Zheng's eyes lit up: "You know? Can you find his information ma?"

System s3876269493: "Can find it, but can't tell you. No system will reveal information about the other party to one party. Speaking of this, player Rong Zheng, this system found a warning in your copy data. How do you explain?"

Rong Zheng: "Warning?"

System s3876269493: "A warning for your hooligan behavior! Fortunately, you haven't crossed the line yet, otherwise it wouldn't have been an ordinary warning, maybe a yellow card or even a red card! And what's going on with this evaluation? It's obviously S, but you committed suicide and dropped the rating to A?? Can you not destroy your own future? Don't just waste money because it's just a game, this is related to the performance of this system!!"

Rong Zheng:...

Systems still have performance?


"Where did I become a hooligan?" Rong Zheng asked in confusion.

One, he didn't take off his clothes. Two, he didn't roll on the bed. And three, he didn't force someone to have sex. How could he be a hooligan? !

System s3876269493:...

Its teeth were trembling with anger.

But what makes it more angry is not this, but the fact Rong Zheng didn't give the points to anyone, just give it to 1069!

1069, how good, how smooth, how perfect this system numbering is.

It should have belonged to him!

It's been a long time since a person with ghost qualifications enter the parallel world, suddenly one comes. Which means that a player customer service can be transferred to a ghost-exclusive system, easy and hassle-free and makes more money.

That spot, it almost grabbed.

Then the number 1069, should belong to him.

As a result, it got excited and got stuck for 0.01 seconds, so it lost! It is still the same number s3876269493!

None of the players under its hand are worry-free.

Rong Zheng: "Okay, I understand. What is he talking about about tracking card? Please be quiet, I want to eavesdrop."

System s3876269493:...

After eavesdropping for a while.

Rong Zheng: "He is going to enter a dungeon. I want to follow him. Can you arrange it ma? How can I get the card that can follow ghost and enter the dungeon together?"

System s3876269493 sneered: "That's a golden card. You want it? Can a, sell your kidney."

This time Rong Zheng fell silent.

The author has something to say:

Male robot: Hello, my name is Da Gen.

Female robot: Hello, my name is Cui Hua.

1069: Host, have you just finished watching Country Love?

Bai Leshui: No a.

1069: Then why did you give such a... name?

Bai Leshui: I think he has a strong physique, which suits this name very well.


Bai Leshui: As for the other one, there is no other reason, it's just that I really like to eat sauerkraut.



Rong Zheng: Can you exchange to another one to sell ma? I only have two kidneys, and they will be used frequently in the future, so I can't lose any of them.

System s3876269493:...

  1. 大根
  2. 翠花 = Jade flower
  3. Informal
  4. Jealous
  5. 双宿双栖 (shuāng sù shuāng qī) = Stay together and fly together; a metaphor for a man and woman in love who are inseparable.
  6. To stay virgin till 30 y/o.
    It came from a comic in the 2006, Dosperado, called cute magician in chinese 萌系魔法师 (I was greatly misleaded by this title when doing my researsh).
    The sentence is: 'If you remain a virgin until the age of 30, you can use magic.'
  7. abdomen, crotch, legs
  8. 托他的福 (tuō tā de fú) = Some of the things that are beneficial to RZ are influenced by the player, that is, the good luck the player bring to RZ.
  9. Generally used to describe man with concubine
  10. 太水了 (tài shuǐ le) = In game, being too bad without any skills
  11. In China, a post is a building and the responce are floors. They also have a saying such as upstair and downstair for comment above/below them.
  12. = Big root
  13. Chinese drama