Enter a new copy

Selling a kidney is impossible, not even in this life.

Of course, system s3876269493 cannot really cut off Rong Zheng's kidney. There is no market for that kind of thing in the parallel world. But if he wants a golden card that can track ghosts, it would be so expensive that in the original world he would be forced to sell his kidneys to save money.

"Do you know about the loan card ma?" System s3876269493 said slowly.

Rong Zheng thought for a while: "When one don't have enough game currency, overdraft money to buy first?"

System s3876269493: "That's right. The guide should have informed players about the color level of cards."

Rong Zheng: "Informed."

System s3876269493: "So, did he mention that cards of different color levels can only be dropped in specific evaluation settlements?"

Rong Zheng shook his head: "This was not explained clearly."

"Seeing that you have good prospect with some qualifications, this system will explain it to you in detail. Listen carefully." System s3876269493 said, "A rating can drop card packs and obtain cards. The lowest color of the card is gray, and the highest is purple. The highest colors S rating can drop is orange. So how to get golden cards? Piece together fragments. There is a chance of dropping golden fragments with S rating. There are no golden cards for sale in the card mall, so fragments dropped from game copies to piece together, is the only way to obtain golden cards."

Rong Zheng: "The type and number of fragments are random?"

System s3876269493: "Random."

Rong Zheng: "Isn't it difficult to piece together a golden card?" No one has the confidence to piece together enough pieces of a card, and it is very likely the fragments of card that fall out will be different every time. Morever, it's not that easy to get an S rating. What's more, even if you get an S rating, it may not be able to drop fragments.

Obtaining the golden card itself is a hellish difficulty, especially if he specifically wants a certain card, he will probably have to work hard to clear dungeons. If he is a non-chief, then it will be impossible in this life.

System s3876269493: "Players have complained about this kind of situation before, so the rules have been changed. Purple cards [Golden Come Quickly to My Bowl] can be purchased in the mall. You can specify the fragments of a certain golden card to drop. If you are lucky enough to drop fragments, then the ones dropped must be what the player wants. After obtaining the fragment, as long as you overdraft the game currency loan, you can exchange the fragments for a complete golden card."

Rong Zheng: "How many game coins."

System s3876269493: "The purple card [Golden Come Quickly to My Bowl] sells for 400 game coins. After getting the fragments, it costs 80,000 game coins to exchange for the golden card."

Rong Zheng: "...Ah."

An amount that is absolutely unearnable in one game.

There was a rare smile in system s3876269493's voice, he continued to induce: "This card can bind you to that ghost, and you will not miss every time he makes a copy. Isn't this opportunity good ma? Eighty thousand game currency will always be paid back one day."

Rong Zheng: "But system, what will happen if my long-term game currency is negative?"

System s3876269493: "It's really rare to not be scared by this number and still have the mood to pay attention to this problem. The debt is only for one year. If the game currency is not paid off within one year, then... player, you are really in danger "

Rong Zheng: "What will happen?"

System s3876269493: "The parallel world can tolerate people who don't earn game currency. The rules recognize their laziness. No system can force players to do things they don't want to do. But for Lao Lai who owe money and don't pay back, the rules are not so gentle. This world does not allow such guys to exist. Guys who owe game currency for a year and fail to pay back at all will be expelled from this world. As for where they go, it depends on that person's life."

Rong Zheng sighed: "Probably caught in the turbulence of time and space ba." The fragile human body can not even survive in space, let alone the turbulence of time and space, there is a high chance of death. There is a very small chance that they will travel through time and space again.

System s3876269493: "Maybe."

Rong Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly and calculated the possible income from each copy in his mind. If he wanted to pay off within a year, enter the copy at least once a month, furthermore get at the lowest S-level rating. It's a big gamble.

"The interest ne?" Rong Zheng asked.

System s3876269493: "The time limit is only one year, so there will naturally be no interest. It is recommended that player use game currency to purchase a purple card first, and then consider this issue after receiving the golden fragments. The purple card is one-time use and will be gone after use. If player does not get the golden fragments after the next dungeon comes out, the player will have to buy another purple card, make a wish again and then enter the dungeon again."

Rong Zheng: "It all depends on face ma? Okay ba, I understand, then buy me one first."

He neatly bought the purple card and paid the fund. Looking at the few game coins left in the package, Rong Zheng sighed helplessly.

Suddently became poor a.

Rong Zheng stopped talking to the system and just stared at the clock. Although he know the time when that person entered the dungeon, unfortunately he don't know where he lives. Qin Ge said before that whether he can enter the same dungeon is affected by time and location factors. If he can't...it doesn't matter, he can try to get the card first.

When swiping card, it depends on your face.

When you enter a dungeon with your wife, you have to look at your face.

Rong Zheng touched his face.

He has a pretty good face, so his wish should come true.

Calculating that the time was up, Rong Zheng immediately entered the game copy, accurate to the second.


Bai Leshui finished watching a movie, and it was almost time to enter the dungeon. Thinking of the golden card [Roll], Bai Leshui opened the mall, then browsed from beginning to end, and found that the mall only had green, blue, purple and orange cards, but there was no gold card, so he poked the system.

1069, who was poked, immediately rolled out smoothly: "Willing to serve host, what's the matter ma? Do you want to change the time to enter the dungeon, or change the character value? Then you need to search the dungeon again la."

Bai Leshui: "There are no golden cards in the mall."

1069: "Oh oh, there is none. That one is dropped from S-rated copy, and it only drops fragments. Whether it is a player or a ghost, it is difficult to have a complete golden card, let alone the fact all fragments are dropped randomly." Unless they pull an all-nighter and krypton, it is really difficult to have a golden card.

Bai Leshui: "Then it's just as difficult for the other party to have an [I Want to be With You] card, right ba?"

1069: "Yes, but you still can't let down your guard. After all, there are too many cards, types and functions. Who knows what will happen ne, just be careful and cautious. I mention this card because it's the most dangerous to ghosts! It is highly concealed and absolutely bound. Unless you have [Roll], you will never be able to untie it in your life."

Bai Leshui: "That's a bit scary."

1069: "Host, the dungeon is ready and you can enter in five minutes. Are you ready ma?"

Bai Leshui: "Ready."

1069: "This system can not track the entire copy this time, and will not be able to follow in the future either. Host must take good care of himself a."

Bai Leshui: "Yes, I know."

1069: "Also, the requirements for character design will be more and more detailed than those in novice copies, so host must take them seriously."

Bai Leshui: "Okay, I understand."

1069: "After entering, host's status will be adjusted instantly. You don't need to change your clothes like last time. Of course, the face will also change, and the change will be more thorough than last time. Even if you meet that player, He will definitely not recognize you!"

Bai Leshui: "...Don't be a crow beak a." And were would there be such a coincidence.

1069: "You can buy cards in the mall in the game copy and use them on site. But host remembers, do not buy more than you can pay with your own game currency!"

Bai Leshui: "Wouldn't it indicate the purchase failed if it exceeds the limit ma?"

1069: "You can buy more than that! But it will become a liability and needs to be repaid. Borrowing is very bad, host, we don't have to fight so hard for cards, as long as..."

Before 1069 finished speaking, a beeping sound was heard, and the next second, Bai Leshui disappeared in front of 1069.


Ah, it's time.

Wait, the explainations are not over yet a! QAQ

What to do? Suddently so worried a! !

Bai Leshui didn't know the wailing of 1069. He was in a slightly dizzy state. This reminded him of how he felt dizzy when he first traveled through, and then realized that he had changed places.

This is a very dilapidated cabin. Through the gaps in the wooden walls, you can see the lush woods outside.

Is this the new copy map?

It seems pretty good.

Bai Leshui looked at the room. It looked very much like a Western countryside, with simple wooden tables, chairs, and small beds. Map hung on the walls. There were a few messy books on the table, and in front of him a chair... wheelchair?

When Bai Leshui was in a daze, he heard the system prompt sound, like a whisper in his ear, only he could hear it.

[Welcome ghost Bai Leshui to the copy, this copy is Hook Town. As an outsider in this town, you have never been integrated into this large group.

The copy period is ten days.

Basic character settings:

1. You are a cripple. You prefer to sit elegantly in a wheelchair than walk unsightly.

2. You like to talk to people, but you never tell truths during the day and never tell lies during the night.

3. In fact, you come from a mental hospital and are a patient with personality disorder.

Ask ghost to uphold the character, create obstacles for players, and disguise himself as an NPC perfectly and reasonably to complete this copy.]

Bai Leshui:...

Is this the promised relaxed character setting with many scenes and not too tiring?

Can it be a normal person ma?

Even if I don't say it, don't you know that I actually prefer to have a normal person setting ma!

This one is good, not only is the brain sick, but the body is also sick!

Bai Leshui moved with difficulty, walked to the wheelchair and sat down, rolling the wheels quickly around the house to make it easier for him to get used to the setting of a lame person on a wheelchair, gritting his teeth: "Wait until I get out..."

The other side.

In the wilderness, on the side of the road, Rong Zheng squatted on the ground with a blade of grass in his mouth. He felt this scene was very familiar.

At the beginning of the novice copy, he also waited for the car to arrive.

But this time, it's obviously a little different.

An RV passed by the roadside. After seeing Rong Zheng, the driver stepped on the brakes, rolled up the window and looked around: "Hey, are you here to explore the country town too ma?"

Rong Zheng: "...Yeah."

"What a coincidence. I have already picked up four people on the road, and you are the fifth one. Aiya, it turned out to be because of the incident in the newspaper ma. There are so many people here." The driver is a handsome guy in his twenties, he has a distinctly Western appearance. He opened the car door and said, "Come up ba."

Rong Zheng thanked him, got up and got into the car. In the car, he saw three young men and women with European faces like the driver, who were smiling and talking, and the rest, who were oriental like him, players sitting at the back with serious faces.

Rong Zheng found an empty seat and sat down, and then heard the system prompt sound in his ears. Rong Zheng glanced at the people around him, but they had no reaction. It seemed this time the sound was not a general announcement, but a private notification.

[Welcome player Rong Zheng to the copy, this copy is Hook Town. The game character will take the player to the first map of the dungeon, please be mentally prepared.

The copy period is ten days.

Copy Tip: You are a student in the university news agency. You saw the news about 'Cross Hospital' in the newspaper and came to the town near the hospital to seek the truth.

The conditions for customs clearance are as follows:

1. Survive ten days.

2. Find all the truth hidden here.

3. Change the destiny.]

The author has something to say:

1069: Host, I still have a lot of things to explain aaaaaah! Be safe! ! QAQ

s3876269493: ...Why did I lose to such a worthless guy?

Is it because I am old ma, so I am slower?

  1. 老赖 (lǎo lài) terme used by people for people who doesn't pay back their debt.
  2. It was RZ in the raw but it should be a typo
  3. 乌鸦嘴 (wū yā zuǐ) = person who make inauspicous remarks (and became true)
  4. 帅小哥 = handsome little (big) brother