A guy who is full of lies

Bai Leshui turned the wheelchair around the house dozens of times, and finally got used to the feeling of sitting in a wheelchair after rubbing his palms until they were red. Ensuring that no matter when and where, his butt will not leave the chair. If there is any problem and he needs to escape, he can immediately touch the wheels of the wheelchair instead of lifting his butt.

Thinking of this, Bai Leshui paused his hand rolling the wheels. Why did he feel that... this kind of life was even more pit?

Might as well be a lunatic.

First setting, guaranted.

Second, like to talk. No problem, let's just be a chatterbox. Chat more with people. The most important thing is the detailed explanation below. Don't tell truths during the day and don't tell lies during the night. Coupled with the third setting that I am actually a patient with personality disorder, does it mean that during the day I am a liar, but at night I am an honest guy?

There is no special explanation about the time of division, but since it is day and night, sunrise and sunset should usually be used as the boundary.

Great, let's follow that time division.

After making some mental preparations, Bai Leshui turned to observe the room. Unlike the room of Qing Zhuo in the previous novice copy, which only had a few simple pieces of wooden furniture and a pile of women's clothes, this room that was exclusive to him contained many documents and things, there was a lot of informations that could be investigated.

First, Bai Leshui saw his own information from a medical case in the drawer.

The reason why he thought it was himself was because the photo posted above was exactly the same as the face he saw in the mirror just now, a European face with white skin, chestnut hair, and blue eyes.

No wonder Xiaojiu said he would never be recognized. It was true even his own mother would not be able to recognize him.


Even if it was his original face, his biological mother wouldn't recognize him as her son when she saw him. After all, she hadn't seen him for many years.

It's sad to think about it.

Putting those unconfortable thoughts behind, Bai Leshui continued to read the medical record.

[Person: Edie Green.

Male, twenty-one years old.

Symptom: Personality disorder.

Experiment serial number: 287392394.

Injection of medicine: wssb123.

Record: March 11, 1974, fever.

April 5, no adverse reactions.

April 27, dose increased.

May 18th, strength increased dramatically.


What followed was a series of records. Bai Leshui flipped through them and found the experimental records lasted for more than two years. Then in March 1977, the records came to an abrupt end.

He glanced at the calendar on the table, it was May 1977.

So, he escaped from a mental hospital? And it's still an experimental subject? This... is not good for others to know ba.

Bai Leshui expressionlessly tore the medical record into pieces after reading it. If it was not he couldn't find a lighter or matches, he would definitely burn the medical record to ashes.

It's not safe to tear it into pieces. Didn't the guy in the last game successfully piece out a book? It was simply terrifying.

Bai Leshui stuffed the fragments into his pocket and prepared to find an opportunity to dig a hole under the tree and bury them.

Normally no one would dig ba.

Well, it's decided.

Apart from the medical records, there were only a few medical books left in this room, covering a wide range of topics, including germs and genes. Bai Leshui didn't find anything special, so he left them alone.

The map on the wall should depict the terrain of this area, with a very small town drawn in the lower right corner. In the upper left corner, halfway up the mountain, is an inverted cross.

A little concerned about it, but still unable to figure out, Bai Leshui decided not to worry about it for the time being.

After searching all the information in the house, Bai Leshui rolled his wheelchair and opened the small door of the wooden house with the fragments of the medical record in his pocket.

This is a very rundown and poor town.

At the first glance when he opened the door, Bai Leshui came to this conclusion.

It is said to be a town, but it looks more like a village. Every wooden house is dilapidated and old, barely able to hold on without collapse. Moreover, the town is not very big, with only a dozen or so households. After all, it is located on a small flat land at the foot of the mountain. However, things a town should have are not too few, such as shops, a small clinic, and a church.

There is also a small square in the middle of the town. The area is very small. There is only a statue standing in the middle. The statue is too old. Not only is the arm obviously damaged, it is unknown where the head fell.

The whole town feels very eerie.

Especially when there is no one on the street. Bai Leshui rolled the wheel around the village for a long time, and finally saw a boy of about seven or eight years old at the door of a house, squatting on the ground and counting ants.

As a talkative person, no matter who he meets, he always goes up and say a few words. So Bai Leshui rolled his wheelchair to the boy's side and said, "Good morning a."

The boy looked up at Bai Leshui: "It's already afternoon."

Bai Leshui: "Really ma, but I just got up, so this is morning for me."

The boy seemed to understand what Bai Leshui meant, nodded and say: "Okay ba, good morning."

Bai Leshui: ...This kid is a bit silly and cute ai.

"I didn't see anyone along the way. Is today a special day ma?" Bai Leshui asked.

The boy said, "It's time for worship."

Bai Leshui: "So everyone is at the church? I want to go. Can you take me there ma?"

The boy shook his head: "No, the mayor said that you outsiders, are not qualified to go to church."

Bai Leshui: "Oh, really ma, I'm so glad to hear what he said. Kid, why don't you go? You are a outsider too?"

Boy: "Because I'm unclean."

Bai Leshui tilted his head slightly, unclean? The child's clothes were indeed a little dirty, but they would be clean after washing ba. He didn't think this was a reason. Just as Bai Leshui was about to ask again, the boy had already stood up and looked to the side.

Following the direction the boy was looking, Bai Leshui saw dozens of people walking over. They still had their hands clasped in front of their chests, muttering something. It seems that the religious service just happened to end.

The couple walking in front seemed to be the boy's parents. When they saw Bai Leshui, they shouted and shouted unhappily, and cursed Bai Leshui. In their words, they warned Bai Leshui, a guy who was full of lies and disrespect God, many times not to get close to their son.

Bai Leshui could tell that they were very protective of their child, but they did not touch the child during the whole process. Even when the boy reached out to hold his mother's hand, she quickly dodged it.

It's like...their son is carrying a serious infectious disease.

"Go away, you guy. Are you hungry again ma?" the boy's father yelled at Bai Leshui angrily, "Want dry bread? Here it is, for the sake of God and because of your limited mobility, I pity you. But a guy like you is not worthy of continuing to live here. Leave early ba. You are not welcome here, infidel!" As he said this, he threw a large piece of bread that was as hard as a stone into Bai Leshui's arms. Then the door slammed shut.

Bai Leshui was not angry. He grabbed the bread and waved it: "Thank you very much for your gift. I like this soft and fragrant bread."

To Bai Leshui's answer was a sickle thrown from the window.

Bai Leshui:...

Luckily it didn't hit, it was really scary.

Bai Leshui pushed the wheelchair forward. People coming and going around him avoided him, not only avoiding himself. They didn't even have any physical contact with each other, and they didn't talk much. Most of them held the cross on their chests, silently meditating on something.

Bai Leshui took a look at the surrounding crowd and selected a blond beauty. He was about to strike up a conversation, but when the beauty saw him passing by, her face suddenly became ugly and she immediately stood up and left.

Bai Leshui curled his lips and set his sights on others. Unfortunately, not many people were willing to pay attention to him. Most of the people here turned a blind eye to him. Those who reacted just nodded and left quickly. It seemed that they didn't intend to communicate with him in depth, but they also didn't want to antagonize him, so they reluctantly gave a response.

After wandering around the town, he finally returned to the small square. Looking at the dilapidated statue, Bai Leshui licked his mouth, picked up the dry bread in his arms and took a bite.

So hard.

Fortunately, he can chew and move it, it's just the throat vomits from eating, don't know where there is clean water to drink.

Just when Bai Leshui was thinking about going to the river to get some water to boil, a luxury RV drove up from the road, sped to the small square and stopped, successfully throwing away the exhaust fumes on Bai Leshui's face.

Very good, Bai Leshui put down the bread with a dark face, no need to eat anymore.

The car door opened, and the first person to get out of the car was a red-haired beauty. She shouted that she had finally arrived, jumped out of the car, and called her friends to join her.

Then three Westerners and eight Easterners got out of the RV.

Especially the face of one of them was damn familiar. He had just seen him a few days ago. He was the gangster in the first dungeon and moved next door to him after leaving the dungeon.

To hell, why is it you again?

Bai Leshui lowered his head and took a bite of the bread, hiding the surprise on his face. After he had the bread in his mouth, he remembered it was something sprayed with car emission, and spat it out. This caught the red-haired beauty's attention.

"Hey, how are you?" The red-haired beauty walked up to Bai Leshui and greeted with a smile, "We are members of the university travel club. My name is Emily, and we are here for adventure. We have four members in total, and then those few..." The red-haired Emily pointed at the players: "were picked them up on the road, unexpectedly they have the same goal as us. I want to ask, is there a hotel here that can accommodate so many tourists like us ma?"

Bai Leshui threw away the bread casually, recalling what he had seen before, and was convinced that there was no hotel in this small place, so he smiled at Emily and said: "Welcome, welcome, I'm so glad that you can come to our town, of course there is a hotel a, after all, this place is so rich. Come with me ba. I will take you there."

Emily said happily: "Really ma, that's great!"

Bai Leshui was about to turn the wheels of his wheelchair when he suddenly clutched his abdomen in pain and screamed: "It hurts so much a. I feel so uncomfortable. It must be because the bread just now was spoiled. I have no way to show you the way."

Emily panicked: "Are you okay ma? We brought medicine. Do you want to take it ma?"

Bai Leshui nodded: "Of course, I need medicine. Lots and lots of medicine."

"Hey, taking medicine indiscriminately will kill you." The handsome driver said, "Why don't we take you to the hospital for a checkup. This place... should have a hospital ba"

Bai Leshui shook his head: "There is no hospital. People here never get sick, except me. So they don't need a hospital."

Emily's eyes widened in confusion.

Bai Leshui raised his hand and pointed in a random direction: "Go that way, walk straight, and you can see the hotel. I'm sorry that I can't take you there. I need to rest now. Goodbye."

With that said, he quickly rolled his wheelchair and disappeared in front of everyone.

Emily looked at her partner: "Shall we go together?" After saying that, she looked at Rong Zheng and the other players: "What about you, do you want to go together?"

"Okay." One of the players agreed.

The other players didn't answer, but only indicated that they wanted to follow. Rong Zheng also followed behind, but before leaving, he glanced at the direction in which Bai Leshui disappeared.

A guy who is full of lies, but he surprisingly doesn't thinks it's annoying.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Not sure yet, just think it's cute, want...

Bai Leshui: Shut up!

Rong Zheng: -u-

  1. A trap, being cheated