This role, is too fricking heavy awei!

Tent and such were not put up again in the end. It was as if the tent had a spirit, and it was a spirit that Rong Zheng couldn't deal with. No matter how hard Rong Zheng tried, one side would fall off or the other would become unstable. When other players came to help, one holding one side, the tent couldn't opened. With a strong stabbing sound, it split from the side. The good tent turned into a piece of rag and was immediately scrapped.

Other players who saw this scene:...

Tu An patted Rong Zheng on the shoulder with pity: "It seems that you are destined to sleep on the street, my dude's fate is bad a."

Rong Zheng: Fate is bad?

He didn't feel that his fate was bad, but rather that something unclean had touched him.

"Hey, you must have provoked something ba." Lin Song said. "We don't know the nature of this copy yet ne."

Newcomer Chu Wenhai looked at Lin Song confused: "Nature, what nature?"

Nan Yun explained: "The backgrounds in dungeons do not limit any situation or theme. Some are science fiction, some are supernatural, and some are magic. In short, once these elements are added to the dungeon, the difficulty will not be low."

Hao Jie, the girl with long black hair who was with Nan Yun, also said with lingering fear: "The last dungeon Nan Yun and I were in was a supernatural world. We encountered cries in the middle of the night and ghosts hitting walls. It was very scary."

Aunt Ming also sighed: "No one will die in game dungeons, but the horror level is really no joke. I met a little girl who was frightened to death and exit of the dungeon."

Several people chatted with each other, talking about their experiences of going through dungeons several times before, and successfully made Chu Wenhai, who had only passed the gentle novice copy once, tremble with fear.

"You all stop talking, I really want to go out of the copy now." Chu Wenhai said pitifully.

Da Yang glanced at him: "No copy can be forcefully exit unless you die. In short, you must respond immediately to anything that goes wrong, recall what you have done, or when you were hit. Sudden bad luck does no appear out of thin air. It may also be a hint of a copy."

Rong Zheng: "What hint?"

Da Yang: "Each of us was assigned a single-person tent. Only yours is broken. Of course, it's possible that one was randomly selected and broken. The curly-haired female NPC said it was safe here, but we can't believe everything the NPC said. Let one of us keep vigil ba."

Chu Wenhai's eyes widened : "Vigil?"

Da Yang: "Yes, we will take turns to keep vigil. There are eight of us, each of us will keep watch for an hour. We will draw lots. Eight hours is just enough time to get enough sleep. What do you think?"

The other players were silent for a while, and Tu An was the first to speak: "I listened to Brother Da Yang, don't worry. Brother Da Yang is an old player who has been through dungeon more than a dozen times. This time he still had to take me and Lin Song with him to go through this small dungeon."

After hearing his words, everyone nodded unanimously and agreed to Da Yang's proposal.

Rong Zheng: "Are you in the same alliance?"

Tu An chuckled and said proudly: "You have discovered, I have just met the minimum requirements to join the Shen Ba Alliance. Don't look at me like this, my luck and strength are good o." After speaking, he winked at Nan Yun and Hao Jie. : "How about it, do you want to hang out with us ne? Maybe you can even get decryption points o."

Nan Yun pulled up the corner of her mouth and showed a somewhat embarrassed smile. Hao Jie echoed in a dignified manner: "Then I'll leave it to you."

"Okay, no problem." Tu An responded readily, not even noticing the unkind look in Da Yang's eyes standing next to him (TA) when he (DY) looks at himself (TA).

While several people were talking, Aunt Ming had already finished the sign: "Since everyone agrees, I just made the sign. The numbers are from one to eight, we will keep vigil in order."

As the lottery maker, Aunt Ming naturally asked others to choose the remaining ones. Ladies had priority. Nan Yun and Hao Jie drew first. One of them was a 7 and the other was a 3.

Nan Yun, who drew seven, calculated the time: "Probably early in the morning ba. I can sleep peacefully for a while. The luck is not bad."

Hao Jie, who was holding a 3, sighed: "I have to do it in the middle of the night a. How unfortunate." She happened to dislike this kind of work where she wakes up halfway through the night and then goes back to sleep.

Tu An, who got 8, immediately approached her and said, "Call me good brother and I'll trade with you. How about that?"

Hao Jie pretended to hesitate and said, "Is this okay ma?"

Tu An: "We are voluntary, and we are not disrupting other people's order. It doesn't matter ba." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Da Yang.

Da Yang said: "Whatever you want." He glanced at his number 6 and said to Aunt Ming who got 5: "Call me when you change people. I'm tired. Let's go to bed first." Lin Song, who got 4, hurriedly followed.

Aunt Ming: "Don't worry, go and rest ba."

Chu Wenhai looked at the lottery in his hand with a grimace: "I'm 1 a, that's terrible. Wait, then 2 is you?" He glanced at the lottery in Rong Zheng's hand, and sure enough there were two black horizontal lines.

"No, absolutely not." Chu Wenhai was frightened by the words of Nan Yun and others, he held on Rong Zheng's arm, "Please accompany me, big shot. In case this is a supernatural copy, I'm most afraid of those things, big shot save people a! I can't be the first!" Isn't it often shown in movies ma, the first one always dies the earliest.

Rong Zheng pulled the paw hanging on his arm: "Can't die."

"No way." Chu Wenhai shook his head desperately, "It's not good to leave a shadow in my heart. I'm a newcomer a. What if I'm scared after the second dungeon and never dare to enter dungeon again. I will starve to death in the parallel world. Big shot, I have money. I can buy whatever you want, I will be your servant."

Rong Zheng was so annoyed that he had a headache, so he took the sign from Chu Wenhai's hand and said, "I'll keep watch first, you roll to sleep."

Chu Wenhai nodded repeatedly: "Okay big shot, no problem big shot. Then the second tourn..."

Rong Zheng showed a ferocious smile to Chu Wenhai: "Don't take a inch and want a mile. Otherwise, how about I make you 'offline' now? I don't know what the consequences will be if a player attacks another player? I want to give a try."

Chu Wenhai:...

Excuse me.

Chu Wenhai swooped into the tent and fell asleep.

Rong Zheng snorted coldly, put the pillow given by Emily on the ground, and fell on it.

Rong Zheng didn't believe it was a hint given by the copy from the beginning. He believes the problem is not the number of tents, but himself.

This type of bad luck that can occur unexpectedly no matter how careful you are is definitely not something that comes ordinary.

And why is it him and not someone else?

Obviously he has always kept a low profile, never made any unnecessary moves or said anything he shouldn't have said.

No, wait. Thinking back, when did he starts to be unlucky?

It seemed started right after talking about the person on wheelchairs.

Was he eavesdropped? Or should that person not be mentioned in the first place, or is it for other reasons?

Not clear.

After turning over, Rong Zheng lay on the side on the ground covered with tent. He just happened to see a figure passing by in the darkness in the distance of the town.

The man was sneaky and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

While Rong Zheng was thinking, he suddenly felt a pain in his arm. He looked down and saw a red ant preparing to leave after 'committing crime', leaving him with a red and swollen bag.

No, there is not one ant, but a group of ants. Ants from nowhere attacked Rong Zheng's temporary bed.

For Rong Zheng, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


After cursing Rong Zheng, Bai Leshui originally wanted to check the situation, but he didn't expect that the peeking card had a cooling period, and he couldn't open it again for at least an hour or two. He can only rest first and wait until tomorrow to check the situation.

When he rested until midnight, Bai Leshui vaguely heard a noise outside, and then a gentle knock on the door. The sound was not heavy, but it kept knocking until it pulled Bai Leshui out of his sleep.

Dissatisfied, he got up and sat on the wheelchair, then rolled the wheelchair to the door. The moment he was about to open the door in daze, Bai Leshui sobered. He remembered he was now in a game copy in the parallel world, not a college dormitory in the original world.

There is no one familiar to him here. There are only unknown NPCs and players from the opposite camp.

"Who is it a?" Bai Leshui asked.

"It's me, open the door." The person outside the door responded.

Bai Leshui glanced at the scenery outside the window through the gap in the blinds. It was pitch black.

"I don't remember who you are. Can you introduce to me first ma?" Bai Leshui answered honestly, "Otherwise I wouldn't dare to open the door."

After a moment of silence, the person outside the door said in a surprised and slightly troubled tone: "Did you hit your head again ma? I'm Pearson! The person who live with you in room 207, remember ma?"

Bai Leshui replied: "No."

Pearson outside the door sighed helplessly: "Forget it, I'm so tired talking to you. Anyway, let me in, I'm starving to death."

Bai Leshui ponder three times, and chose to open the door.

Outside the door, a dark-skinned young man squatted at the door, raised his eyes and skim over Bai Leshui: "Finally open the door?"

Bai Leshui: "Pearson?"

Pearson patted the dirt on his body, walked into the house, and closed the door: "Is there anything to eat ma?"

Bai Leshui: "Originally there was, a couple who was roaring and yelling at me threw me a piece of bread. But it was too unpalatable so I threw it away."

"So you threw the bread that hit me ma!" Pearson grabbed Bai Leshui excitedly, "Thank you, it's very delicious!"

Bai Leshui: "...You're welcome."

By the way, where were you hiding at that time?

"But that piece of bread is not enough for us to share. One person one bite and it will be gone." Pearson sat on Bai Leshui's bed, picked up the book on the table and said, "Ann let me to ask you, when will the plan finally start." You occupy such a good room, so don't waste the way the patients have opened for you."

Bai Leshui: "...Well, sorry for the inconvenience, I can't even remember. Can you explain it from the beginning ma?"

Pearson looked at Bai Leshui unhappily: "I knew it was wrong to let you come. It's a pity that among us, you're illness is the mildness."

Bai Leshui: Is personality disorder is called a mild illness?

"However a, your attitude of never lying to me, I like it." Pearson squatted in front of Bai Leshui with a smile and looked at him and said, "You have forgotten who I am, forgotten our plan. Then have you forgotten how your leg was injured ma?"

Bai Leshui looked at him stupidly.

Pearson continued: "You were kicked to the ground and hit on your leg with an iron rod because you helped us escape from the prison." He let out a sinister laugh and grabbed the armrest of Bai Leshui's wheelchair. His hand was trembling: "It was broken, no one cared, it was left in a cold prison cell. The bone healed, but it didn't grow straight, so it became lame."

Bai Leshui: It sounds so miserable a.

"We don't have any disease, no disease at all. But why are we sent there for treatment and why are we treated like this?" Pearson was very angry. "Someone finally escaped and came here to ask for help. But not a single person was willing to save us."

"It's clearly a place within reach."

"Everyone is guilty, right?"

"The guilty, shall die."

"Green, you guys brought us out, vowing to bring us revenge and give us a normal life. A life where we are not afraid of being whipped every morning, where we can sleep peacefully, drink milk and eat soft bread. Everyone believes in you guys." Pearson grabbed Green's hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of his hand. "Green, I believe in you too. But what I want is not a stable life."

"I want all the happy people in this world to become unhappy." Pearson's eyes were full of hatred and anger. "For this, I am willing to give anything, even if I entrust my life to you all."

"Although I don't remember. But it sounds interesting, I agree." Bai Leshui replied with a smile. His back covered in cold sweat, Xiaojiu, this role, is too fricking heavy awei!

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: An unlucky night.

Bai Leshui: A confusing night.

1069: Host, the role with important scene you wanted!

Bai Leshui: It's heavy a, so heavy a.

  1. Refer to being haunted by evils spirits and bad lucks
  2. 鬼打牆 (guǐ dǎ qiáng) = The phenomenon of people walking in a dark environment, thinking they are going forward, but then circling back to where they started.
  3. 神霸 = God Overlord/Tyrant (something in this style)
  4. 哥哥 (gē ge)
    For brother Da Yang, it's 哥 (gē). I guess it feel more intimate to repeat the same syllabe.
  5. In chinese, two is 二
  6. It was Alyssa in the raw but if my memory is not wrong, there are only 4 person in the npc's group: Emily, Tom, Nicole and Hasen.
  7. Not really 3 times, just a saying for thinking over and over
  8. TBH I don't know if it's one leg that's lame or both
  9. 啊喂 = modal particle, expressing emphasis
  10. 重 (zhòng) can meam heavy or important