A play within a play or whatever, in this kind of incomplete script, the situation is very difficult.

"What's the plan?" Bai Leshui asked.

Pearson rummaged through all the places he could find in the room, after confirming there was really no food, he slumped down on the bed and said, "How do I know? Only you and Ann know the complete plan and purpose best."

Bai Leshui: "Ann ne?"

Pearson: "Hidden. Ann asked me to bring this over." The dark-skinned boy took out a cloth bag from his waist and opened it. There were three syringes and more than a dozen bottles of medicine.

Bai Leshui picked up one and took a look. There was a series of English words on it, the spelling was very messy. Bai Leshui, a person who had passed the English test, could not identify any of the words. If this was not a secret sign, then it was some kind of encoding.

Bai Leshui squinted his eyes and took a closer look: "Pearson, what is this?"

Pearson: "Poison."

Bai Leshui: "Will you die if touched?"

Pearson sneered: "If it was really that convenient, wouldn't we already made a move ma? Within is just some frequently catch diseases."

Bai Leshui: "What disease?"

Pearson: "wssb disease."

Bai Leshui:...

Although he doesn't understand, he intuitively thinks his brain will become bad if he gets exposed to this stuff.

"Are you going to let me use it up?" Bai Leshui carefully put the medecine back, "What did Ann say?"

Pearson: "Ann said, use the minimum amount to cause the maximum damage. Do it tonight, don't delay."

It sounds easy, but how to do it is a big problem. Bai Leshui doesn't think he has the ability to break into someone's house at night, not to mention using the least amount to cause maximum damage. Is this a mass kill ma?

"Is this something that needs to be injected ma?"

Pearson: "No, can get infected just by contact. This thing should have been originally isolated and stored. Intravenous injection is the fastest infection, the needle is just in case. If a guy like White appears again, can be eliminated first."

White? It always feel like he has seen this name somewhere.

Bai Leshui picked up the medical book on the table, opened the first page, and saw the signature in the lower right corner of the appendix: Humphrey White.

"This is White's room." Bai Leshui said clearly.

Pearson: "Yes, it's also the only one in this town that opened a medical clinic."

Bai Leshui: No wonder the door of the small clinic he saw today was closed.

"Pearson, when is the church service here?" Bai Leshui asked.

Pearson: "Every day. What's wrong?"

Bai Leshui gestured with his hands and described: "It's just... the church here, isn't it something that is always there ma. Holy water."

Pearson rolled his eyes and showed a bad smile: "As expected of Green, putting the medecin in the holy water is a good idea. All hypocritical guys will gather at the church tomorrow. As they say, only pure and flawless, mind and □□ double clean can enter the church and receive God's blessings. And we sprinkle Satan's seeds into the water in advance, so they can experience what despair is."

Bai Leshui: "Well, that's pretty much what it means."

Pearson: "There are a group of troublesome outsiders in the square. Do you want to deal with them first ma?"

"Don't worry about it for now." Bai Leshui recalled the map of the town. "You don't need to pass through the square to get to the church from here. At least they won't get in the way for now."

Pearson raised his eyebrows: "You and Ann said the same thing."

Bai Leshui: "Really ma?"

He became curious about Ann. Unfortunately, when Bai Leshui was about to take an indirect approach to ask about Ann, Pearson stood up first and interrupted him: "Let's go ba, it will be dawn if we delay. Go to the church."

Bai Leshui: "I'm going with you... like this?"

Pearson glanced at Bai Leshui's wheelchair, walked behind him, and pushed it.

Bai Leshui:...

Would you rather have me, this hind leg, follow you ma?

The main entrance of the church was locked and there was no way to invade, but there was a courtyard at the back. After climbing over the courtyard wall and entering, there was a small side door, which was only slightly closed. Bai Leshui and Pearson sneaked in easily.

The town is dilapidated, and the church here is also very small. There are only a few wooden chairs on both sides, and it can only accommodate a few dozen people. However, counting the number of people in this town, Bai Leshui feels it is almost enough. At the front of the church is a statue of the Virgin. But it was different from the Virgin he had seen before. Although this Virgin was also holding a lovely baby in her arms, her left hand was squeezing the neck of the child in her arms, and her right hand was holding a dagger high, as if she wanted to stab the child's chest. Morever, on the head of the statue of the woman who is supposed to be the Virgin, there is a pair of horns.

What is worshiped here is not a normal God and belief, but a distorted evil God.

Bai Leshui froze on the spot and asked in disbelief: "Pearson, who is that? Who do they believe in?"

Pearson's eyes were cold: "I don't know." He didn't even look at the weird statue, but walked straight to a huge ceramic basin under the statue. It was filled with clean water.

Pearson opened the bottle and poured in a full tube.

The clean and clear water only rippled a little, and then became calm again.

Bai Leshui was still staring at the statue, feeling that the face of the woman statue seemed to be crying.

She was clearly committing an act of filicide, so what right did she have to feel sad?

How hypocritical.

Just like back then, when his parents divorced, when he was still young, he grabbed the corner of his mother's clothes tightly and asked her why his father left, and why she also left? Does she wants to abandon him?

Then, what did his mother do ne?

While wiping away the few tears she squeezed out, she fiercely pulled his hand away, saying there was nothing she could do about it, she had to leave him, then she turned around and left happily, with a new family, gave birth to a new child and could no longer remember her abandoned son.

When you decide to give up, just don't deal with those hypocritical things.

Bad, he remembered a memory he didn't want to remember.

Bai Leshui covered his forehead, feeling a little uncomfortable. Just as Pearson was done, he came over and said, "What? You have a headache again?"

"A little bit." Bai Leshui answered honestly, "When the heart feel unhappy, I will feel a little dizzy."

"Then think about something happy." Pearson whispered, "For example, the people here will soon be littered with corpses, and then we can take the first step to destroy the world."

Bai Leshui:...

After hearing this, he felt even more dizzy.

Okay ba, ever since he became a ghost, Bai Leshui had a hunch that he should be the villain in the script, the kind that remain in the path unwavered.

No difference.

"Let's go ba." Bai Leshui said. Pearson nodded and pushed Bai Leshui's wheelchair to return.

Unfortunately, plans never keep up with the changes. The two people who originally planned to return the same way heard the sound of footsteps on the road. They were frightened and hid quickly. Then they saw a man in black clothes walking over, wearing a reverse cross necklace around the neck, there is also a white mask on his face. Holding the candlestick in his hand, he passed by the small side door where the two planned to leave. When he saw that the side door was open, he locked it directly.

Then, he took the keys and left.

This incident shocked the two of them. Pearson gestured to Bai Leshui and asked if he wanted to deal with this person.

Bai Leshui thought three times, and let Pearson make his own decision.

There was no verbal communication, and Pearson only took Bai Leshui's gesture as a sign of agreement. He picked up a syringe and filled it with medicine. He quietly walked up behind the masked man, stabbed the back of his neck hard, and poured all the medicine into it.

Bai Leshui was startled by this scene. After coming back to his senses, he carefully observed the man's reaction. The masked man trembled violently and fell to the ground. Then many red herpes appeared on his skin. After a while he stopped moving. If it weren't for his chest breathing evenly, Bai Leshui would have thought he was dead.

"This is the keeper." Pearson looked at the masked man at his feet. He took off the mask, exposing the man's severely burned face under the mask. "I know him. Keeper Io. I didn't expect him to be hiding here all the time."

Bai Leshui: "Know?"

Pearson: "More than knowing each other, when we escaped, we set a fire. This guy should be burned to death."

Bai Leshui:...

Pearson: "He didn't open his mouth to speak all along, still hiding in the church, I didn't recognize him. His throat must have been burned out ba. Serve him right." After saying that, he laughed loudly and also kicked the person under his feet one after another. Bai Leshui hurriedly covered his mouth: "Keep your voice down, do you want to attract a second person ma?"

"There is no other person." Pearson pulled Bai Leshui's hand away, "There is only one person guarding here."

Bai Leshui: "Wait, so he should be the one opening the church door tomorrow?"

Pearson: "Now he's gone."

Bai Leshui: "Well, we definitely can't stay here."

Pearson looked at Bai Leshui.

Bai Leshui:?

Pearson picked up the mask and placed it on Bai Leshui's face.

Bai Leshui quickly blocked his arm: "Wait, you want me to pretend to be the keeper?"

Pearson: "The holy water is ready. You just need to open the door tomorrow, let those guys in, and use the holy water. You don't have to speak."

Bai Leshui: "Even saying like that... But my current state, you can see it clearly a!" He was only familiar with this role and character design, then he used this role's character design to play another character design, a play within a play or whatever, in this kind of incomplete script, the situation is very difficult a. Especially when there is a conflict between characters design, how does he, a person in wheelchair, act as a person wearing a mask?

"Open the door earlier, then sit on the chair under the statue, you won't be exposed. Leave it to you." Pearson grabbed the man on the ground and put him on his shoulders. It was obvious that the masked man was taller and stronger, however, Pearson, who is slightly thin, can lift him with one hand and carry him easily on his shoulders. It is hard to imagine how strong he really was.

"I'll take this guy away first. Ann will be very happy to see him." After saying that, Pearson quickly left the church, leaving Bai Leshui alone in wheelchair holding a mask. It took him a while to react.

"Isn't there some outfit missing for me? Leave me the priest's clothes a!" Bai Leshui gritted his teeth in anger, but it was too late to catch up. He could only hope to find the room of the permanent doorkeeper of the church and find spare outfit for himself ba.

Also, the wheelchair has to be hidden.


Rong Zheng was only unlucky for a few hours, and his bad luck soon disappeared, but this did not mean that the place where he was bitten by ants could disappear because of the disappearance of his bad luck.

There were at least a dozen red bags on his arms and thighs, which stung like needles when touched.

The next day, players gathered around Rong Zheng.

"That, it should be fire ants ba." Chu Wenhai said.

Nan Yun: "What is that?"

Chu Wenhai, who is unexpectedly familiar with this little creature, said: "A poisonous ant native to South America, it invaded our country a long time ago. It always gathers together in groups and is red all over. The bite of this ant is very painful, and in severe cases, pustules may form. People with skin allergies may experience chest tightness or even shock."

Nan Yun shrank her head: "It's really scary. What should be done a?"

"If the symptoms are not serious, just wash them with soapy water." Emily got out of the car, holding a bottle of water and a small piece of soap in her hand to help Rong Zheng clean the swollen area.

Hao Jie: "But this kind of injury, should not be considered serious ba."

Seeing Rong Zheng surrounded by three beautiful women, Tu An snorted: "This kind of injury, once out of the copy should be cleared immediately. It doesn't matter whether it is solved or not a."

Nan Yun glared at him: "The feeling of pain is there too!"

Tu An stopped talking.

Da Yang packed his lugguage: "We want to go to the church next, why don't we take you to the clinic first?"

"No, it's not a big problem." Rong Zheng stood up and said, "Let's go directly to the church. If I remember correctly, the clinic is still closed."

Da Yang: "Whatever you want."

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: Why must you take me.

Pearson: Ann has left the matter to you and me. If you don't go, I won't feel at ease. You have to follow, in order to deal with various possibilities, such as... or... in case... and...

Bai Leshui: Just tell me, what disease do you have?

Pearson: Paranoid.

Bai Leshui:...

Bai Leshui: In the next script he will definitely change the character design, definitely!

At least, a healthy person.

  1. I would have said easily transmissible disease but that's what give me google translate.
  2. So this disease doesn't exist but wssb stand for 我是煞笔 (wǒ shì shàbǐ) = I'm a fool. Basicaly used in game to laugh in self-deprecation way at oneself when did something wrong.
    煞笔 is the final remark at the end of a book/article, but it also stand for 傻逼 (shǎ bī) which basically mean stupid.
  3. It was like this in the raw, probably body
  4. Should mean a drag, a hindrance
  5. Parent killing their child