
The Cross Sanatorium is located halfway up the mountain. Although there is a winding asphalt road that can be reached directly by car, but for a disabled person who does not have a car and can only use a wheelchair, you are making things difficult for me.

It's hard to ride a bicycle to go up, can he push the wheels up?

Don't joke.

However, he must go. From all considerations, going to the sanatorium was better than staying here, and for this he needed a laborer to push him up the mountain.

Pearson is a good fit.

It's a pity that Bai Leshui didn't know where the villains gathered. He pushed his wheelchair around every corner of the town, but didn't see Pearson at all. He only encountered a few town residents who avoided him.

Rolling around in his wheelchair, he arrived at the town square. When he saw the RV parked there, Bai Leshui felt a little envious. He mentioned that he was taking the driver's license test before crossing over. He had already passed subject two, the next step was the road test. Before going for the interview, Bai Leshui thought that if he really found a company and signed a contract, after getting the driving certificate, he can bite the bullet and buy himself a good car.

As a result, he came to this world in daze.

But even if Bai Leshui really got his driver's license, he wouldn't be able to drive this RV. Bai Leshui took the driver's license test for small cars, which is not the same type as large cars that is not much smaller than a tourist bus. Driver's license is not universal, and the matters that need to be paid attention to are also different. Driving rashly can easily lead to danger.

Bai Leshui could only touch it with envy.

Once upon a time, Bai Leshui's dream was to travel in a RV and play wherever he went, comfortably and freely. However, he had no friends who were willing to accompany him all the way. No matter how good the relationship was, people still had their own lives. Traveling alone was too lonely, so Bai Leshui gave up the idea.

Later, Bai Leshui dreamed of becoming an idol.

Wherever you go, wherever you play, there is a group of fans who can pick up the idol at the aeroport.

After all, he is afraid of loneliness.

Now, still lonely.

After walking around the RV and not seeing a single player, let alone several outsider NPCs who called themselves Emily etc, Bai Leshui rolled away in his wheelchair.

He planned to take a look around the paths outside the town. It would be best if he could find fellow villain NPCs. If he couldn't find them, the worst he could do would be to keep limping up the mountain.

Although that would be very tiring.


Perhaps because of the photo, the group was a little silent. No one spoke. Even Tu An, who was huffing the most, didn't say a word. He just kept scratching his arms.

Rong Zheng noticed the small red spots on Tu An's arms were slowly rising and turning into small red pimples. Some of the pimples had been scratched by Tu An, leaving little traces of blood, but Tu An himself didn't notice it at all, staring blankly in front of him, as if he had turned into a puppet without emotion.

Next to him, Da Yang also noticed the changes in Tu An. He quietly rolled up his sleeves and glanced at his arm. The area of red spots was spreading, the speed was much slower than Tu An.

Da Yang walked to Lin Song, grabbed his arm and rolled up his sleeves to take a look. This sudden movement startled Lin Song, and he quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

Da Yang: "Take a look." As he said that, he started to observe carefully.

The skin on Lin Song's arms was clean, with nothing on it. A little doubt arose in Da Yang's heart, he turned to look at Rong Zheng. He saw the red bumps on his arm from the sleeve opening, and suddenly remembered that Rong Zheng had been bitten by a red ant. In his case, it was difficult to tell whether he was infected or not.

Let's not talk about Emily several NPCs first. Chu Wenhai was the last one among them, players, who was splashed with water. Chu Wenhai's clothes were originally half-sleeved, and Lin Song could tell his condition just by taking a quick look.

A large area of clean skin, nothing... no, wait.

Da Yang saw a trace of red near Chu Wenhai's elbow, and immediately stepped forward to grab his arm. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that Chu Wenhai had also been infected.

Chu Wenhai, who was grabbed by the elbow, was startled: "What are you doing? What happened?"

Da Yang pointed to Chu Wenhai's elbow: "You are also infected."

"Me?" Chu Wenhai turned over his arms in shock. This position was a bit difficult to observe. Chu Wenhai struggled for a while before he saw a red dot that was not there before. "Damn, it's true a, what should I do? Is it too late for me to wash now ma?"

Da Yang: "It's too late." How could the germs that have invaded the body disappear just by washing the skin ne.

Tu An snorted, walked to Chu Wenhai and put his arm around his neck. The depression in his heart relaxed a little because he had a companion. He chuckled and said: "Okay, brothers in hardship. What are you afraid of? You will still be a good man after you go out."

Chu Wenhai: "Is it really okay after going out?"

Tu An patted Chu Wenhai's chest: "Of course it's okay, I have more experience than you, but...the coins are gone."

It's just a copy that was taken in vain.

Tom frowned: "Are you infected? Emily, Hasen, what about you ne?"

All the people who had been splashed with holy water observed their physical conditions. Emily found a few small red spots on the inside of her arms. Hasen was not infected. Among the players Da Yang revealed the fact that he had been infected, and Lin Song had nothing wrong with him.

Finally, there was Rong Zheng. He rolled up his sleeves and observed for a while, then said to everyone: "I may also be infected. The red area is larger than before."

Everyone believed it, they thought there was no need for Rong Zheng to lie about this matter.

Nan Yun said: "Only two people who went to the church were not infected, or they still have no symptoms of infection yet. What kind of virus is this, and why is it so scary?"

Hao Jie: "It should be something made by some pharmaceutical company ba. Aren't they developing new drugs ma? Maybe during the fire, some germs were leaked..."

Lin Song: "Mixed in holy water?"

Tu An snorted coldly: "If you ask me, those two monks are very suspicious, especially the one wearing a mask. Not a word was said and don't know what he was doing."

Rong Zheng lowered his head and ponder.

Nan Yun: "Wait a minute, the virus is in the holy water. You went to church with other residents. Did they touch the holy water?"

Chu Wenhai: "Who?"

Rong Zheng, who knew what Nan Yun was asking, replied: "All touched, everyone."

The scene was silent for a moment, and Chu Wenhai, who understood the meaning of the two people's words, gasped: "Oh no, I want to exit the copy."

He was very afraid of copies like Plague Village a.

Emily completely ignored Chu Wenhai's words and only said anxiously to Hasen: "Quick, let's go to the river now, maybe you still have time."

Hasen glanced at his arm and nodded: "Try it ba."

Although there were only two people left who needed to be cleaned, the team still moved towards the river, the speed accelerated a lot. Soon the group of people arrived at the river, and Nicole said at once: "Hurry up, you two, go clean now..."

"Wait." Rong Zheng and Da Yang said at the same time. The two exchanged a look and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Nicole didn't understand: "What are you waiting for? Time is already running out."

Da Yang: "Look over there."

Rong Zheng: "The river's water is wrong."

The two spoke one after another, everyone else who was listening was stunned. After realizing what they were talking about, they first looked at the best place to observe, the river water.

Warning: Disgusting description

At first, they didn't pay attention, they just looked at the flowing river water. When they took a closer look, everyone got goosebumps. They saw light red particles the size of rice grains floating in the shallow water near the shore, as if they had been soaked. Those things gathered in groups, with long and thin worms wrapped around them and twisting.

Emily was so frightened that she took several steps back and sat down on the ground. She was most afraid of this kind of thing.

Emily: "What is that?"

Rong Zheng: "It looks like flesh and blood."

Nan Yun shuddered: "How could there be flesh and blood like that..."

Da Yang: "I think what he said is right. I didn't pay attention to these little things, I only saw that one." He pointed to the upper reaches of the river, where a body floated face down along the river.

"Someone threw him down from the upper reaches of the river. Unfortunately, it was too far away and I didn't see clearly who it was." Da Yang said, then asked Rong Zheng, "Did you see clearly ma?"

Rong Zheng shook his head: "I was walking behind you, the view upstream is blocked by trees, so I can't see it."

Da Yang: "What a pity."

Rong Zheng found a thick stick, stretched it out, pulled the body over, and turned it over.

Chu Wenhai, who had passed very few copies, turned around and vomited. The two girls, Hao Jie and Nan Yun, turned pale and turned their heads, unwilling to look any further. Emily and others were also very uncomfortable, Tom asked: "What are you doing?"

Rong Zheng: "Just a simple examination to see." After saying that, he used the branche to remove the clothes on the corpse, exposing the skin underneath, and said to everyone: "Look, he has it too."

Has what?

The people who turned their heads took a look together. After seeing clearly what was there, Tu An and Chu Wenhai both turned pale.

The belly of the corpse was densely covered with red pimples. It was obvious that he had suffered from this disease for a long time.

Chu Wenhai: "Will we also become like this ma?"

Emily cried out.

Rong Zheng: "I don't know. However, these lumps will fall off as soon as you touch them. They should be the things in the river. Although I don't know who it is, at least it is not the first time they have abandoned corpses. Going downstream to look, more bones should be found."

Da Yang: "You want to go take a look?"

Rong Zheng nodded.

Da Yang: "Whatever you want." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Tu An: "Where are you going a?"

Da Yang raised his arm: "Look for a vaccine. In this world, there is no a certain dead road." Since he did not die at the moment of contact, but gave time for the disease to develop until he collapsed, it means that there should be a possibility of curing this disease.

As for how to cure it, Da Yang believes that finding a vaccine may be the most convenient way.

Hearing Da Yang's words, Tu An and Chu Wenhai's eyes lit up: "We will go too."

Emily: "To find the vaccine, it's best to go to Cross Sanatorium. Although the newspaper said it was all burned down, but it is said there are survivors, so the places burned out are definitely not all. We will go too."

Hao Jie and Nan Yun looked at each other. Although the matter of finding a vaccine had nothing to do with them, there was still so much time left in the dungeon. Who knew what would happen next. Finding the vaccine can keep some to be prepared, they immediately decided to go together.

With this arrangement, only Rong Zheng was planning to go downstream, and the rest were all going straight to Cross Sanatorium.

Chu Wenhai also leaned over and persuaded: "Otherwise you come with us ba. It's safer to act together." His novice copy passed in this way.

Rong Zheng: "No need, you can go on your own ba."

Lin Song looked at Rong Zheng's back walking away from the river, and opened his mouth to persuade him, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only shut up.

Da Yang glanced at Lin Song: "When the dungeon is about to end, invite him to join the alliance." There will be many opportunities to speak at that time, so there is no rush.

Curretly it's still unclear where the strength lies, but at least he's more useful than Tu An.

Lin Song smiled and nodded.

On the other side, Bai Leshui, who was rolling in a wheelchair, unknowingly came to a lake outside the town. As soon as he got close, he was scared silly on the spot. There were many corpses floating in the lake, and there is something red floating on the lake that don't know what it is. Turning the entire lake into blood red, which looked very scary.

And by the lake, there is also a very small wooden house.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: So quiet, so lonely, so helpless.

Rong Zheng: Wife, here I come, I will warm you right away.

  1. 难兄难弟 (nán xiōng nán dì) = one is just as bad as the other
    Refers to people who have shared adversities or people who are in the same predicament