The one with a bad brain is the character setting, not me!

There was a very unpleasant smell in the air. Bai Leshui covered his nose with one hand and rolled his wheelchair back a little. He wanted to know what was in the cabin, but he didn't dare to get close.

Dirty, messy, smelly. Bai Leshui, who usually loves cleanliness the most, can't stand such an environment.

No, normal people can stand facing a lake full of corpses.

Regardless of whether there is anyone in the wooden house now, even if there is, even people of Bai Leshui's group, people who can live in such a room for a long time, must have a damaged brain.

There have been too many snake diseases recently, Bai Leshui decided to stay a bit farther away from such people.

He was going to move away.

But the person in the room didn't intend to let him go like this.

Just as Bai Leshui was holding on the wheelchair and about to leave, the door of the wooden house opened with a creak. Bai Leshui slowly turned his head and stared at the wooden door uneasily, wanting to know what kind of person would come out.

Must be a slovenly guy.

The man from the wooden house came out. To Bai Leshui's expectation, he was not slovenly. On the contrary, the man who came out was wearing a white coat that was smooth and clean, without a single wrinkle. His hair was neatly combed back, he should have applied hair oil.

When the man saw Bai Leshui, he happily said hello, just like the kind smile one would give when meeting a neighbor when going out.

However, against the backdrop of the surrounding environment, Bai Leshui only felt horrified.

What the man said next made Bai Leshui's heart sink even more.

The man said: "I thought it was someone who came to visit me ne, but it turned out to be you a. No. 287392394."

Bai Leshui:...

Damn it, he knows me!

He also know my previous identity!

He even remember the experiment serial number so clearly!

Labor and management (laozi) himself can't even remember it!

Damn iiiiiiiit! ! !

Taking a deep breath and putting his hands on the wheelchair wheels, Bai Leshui used all the strength in his life to roll as hard as he could on the wheelchair.

The man chuckled and start chasing after him.

"Don't run a. Long time no see. How about catching up on old times?" The man did not use all his strength when chasing. Instead, he kept a distance not too far or too close to Bai Leshui. He was not in a hurry to catch up and would not be thrown away, playing with Bai Leshui like a cat teasing a mouse.

As for Bai Leshui, he felt that his palms were going to be worn out.

"Are you happy to see your old friend ma?" The man let out a big laughed.

Bai Leshui was forced to panic. After hearing the man's question, he screamed: "Happy! Your father, I am really so fricking happy!"

The man was surprised for a moment, then his smile grew bigger: "You unexpectedly still remember me, I'm very happy too!"

Bai Leshui: "Yes a, I still remember you!" By the way, brother, who the heck are you a!

The man became interested and kept asking: "Where are the others ne? Do they all remember me ma? The dark-skinned youngster, the tall and thin boy, the woman with a pockmarked face, right, and the golden ... Oh, I really miss you guys so much. It's a pity a, because of a mistake, I have to stay here. Guarding those discarded experimental products, hiding in this small place to conduct experiments. It's really dirty and smelly here, but it doesn't matter. Everything is for a better future, you understand ba, you understand me ba, everything is for a better future of this world a, you and I, are volontary sacrifice, hahahaha!"

Bai Leshui: Madman, all of them are fricking madmen!

The wheels of the wheelchair got stuck on a small stone and stumbled. Bai Leshui's hand movements did not stop. The result of improper operation was that the wheelchair was stuck in place. Bai Leshui fell forward due to inertia and fell to the ground.

The man chased after Bai Leshui and watched all smile as Bai Leshui rolled all over in mud and stood up in embarrassment, dragging his leg.

"The leg is broken a." The man squinted at Bai Leshui's lame leg, "What a pity. You are my best test subject, and I have always been proud of you. Unfortunately, it is not perfect anymore."

Bai Leshui limped away, looking around to see if there was any larger stone that could be used as a weapon.

The man put one hand on the wheelchair and raised it: "The imperfect test subject is not my test subject. Can't keep it a."

After saying that, the wheelchair was about to hit Bai Leshui hard on the head.

Bai Leshui was desperate. He closed his eyes and waited to exit the copy.

It failed, but luckily, he should be able to get some assist points. Even if he doesn't have assist points, at least there will be no OOC in the whole process, and there will still be guaranteed coins.

Bai Leshui didn't wait for the moment to exit the copy. He only heard the sound of something hitting metal, and then with a bang, the wheelchair hit half a meter in front of Bai Leshui.

Bai Leshui opened his eyes and saw the man's shocked eyes. Looking in the direction of the man's line of sight, Rong Zheng ran over from the other side of the path, panting.

Next to the wheelchair on the ground is a stone as big as a brick. Bai Leshui noticed that the armrest on the back of the wheelchair was dented, so when the man smashed the wheelchair over, it was Rong Zheng who appeared, threw a stone and hit the wheelchair, causing the wheelchair to change its track in mid-air. Let Bai Leshui save his life.

I owe him again.

Bai Leshui pursed his lips, feeling guilty and slightly unhappy when he saw Rong Zheng. Even Bai Leshui didn't know what he was upset about.

The man raised his eyebrows and looked at the man who suddenly appeared between him and the test subject: "This time it is really a new face, someone I have never seen before. Not from the sanatorium, not from the town, are you an outsider?"

Rong Zheng glanced back at Bai Leshui, and after confirming that he was safe, he looked at the man in front of him and asked, "I am an outsider, who are you?"

The man was asked. He folded his arms and thought seriously: "Who am I, I have lived here for ten years. Ten years ago, I was an outsider. Five years later, I am the savior. Now... I am God. "

He looked up to the sky and laughed happily: "I am God a!"

Rong Zheng: "...What God?"

Man: "Of course the God who changes the world a."

Rong Zheng: "The medecine that changes the world?"

The man waved his hand: "It's meaningless to say that. It's not a medecine, it's holy water that saves people, it's a gift from God. Yes, it's my gift."

Rong Zheng rolled up his sleeves: "This kind of gift?"

The man took two steps forward and stared at Rong Zheng's arm, dissatisfied: "Are you kidding me? This is just a scar left by fire ants. It will go away in a few days. What I want to do is not that kind of thing."

Rong Zheng put down his sleeves: "Can you tell me, what do you do ma?" He had determined that this person was the drug developer of Cross Sanatorium, and it seemed that he might be the main developer.

Now that the Cross Sanatorium has been burned down, it is no longer suitable to continue to be used as a laboratory. Whether it is his own will or the intention of the company, this man is indeed continuing his research by staying here. Just looking at it, his mind is not normal anymore.

The mind is still very clear, but the thinking is different from ordinary people. It has its own logical way. The best way to communicate with such people is to become a madman like them.

Rong Zheng smiled and said to the man: "I am very interested in the matter of becoming a God. Can you let me join ma? No, please let me assist you."

Bai Leshui was dumbfounded.

The man was surprised: "Do you agree with me?"

Rong Zheng: "Of course, can make the world a better place. Is there something wrong with that ma?"

The man's eyes were astonishingly bright: "I just knew, there would be someone who understood me. Not bad, you can be my assistant. My assistant's requirements are not high, as long as he is not stupid, anything can do. There was a guy who was my assistant before. It's a pity that the guy's mind is not strong enough. His face was burned and his throat can't speak, so he stopped working. It's really a headache. Now there's no one to help me organize a bunch of data..." He muttered as he walked towards the wooden house and he also turned around and waved to Rong Zheng: "You come here, I'll show you something good. Yes, there's something else I need you to do for me."

Rong Zheng: "Please wait a moment, I have something to say with him."

The man glanced at Bai Leshui: "Oh, yes, this test subject."

Rong Zheng: "He is very important to me. There is research value."

The man shrugged: "Whatever you want, I'm an open-minded person and won't get angry because of my assistant's little hobby. The 'research' value, I understand."

Rong Zheng smiled with big white teeth: "Yes, the 'research' value."

Bai Leshui shuddered.

He lifted the wheelchair on the ground and confirmed that only the armrest on the back was dented, it did not affect its use. Rong Zheng placed the wheelchair on the ground, half supporting and half dragging Bai Leshui onto the wheelchair: "Wait for me here, alright ma?"

Bai Leshui was about to nod when he saw Rong Zheng mouthing a name: Qing Zhuo.

Bai Leshui:...

Sure enough, he recognized it!

As a cripple who doesn't tell the truth during the day, Bai Leshui's nod means 'of course he won't wait'. Now, he has no choice but to stay.

Because this person is threatening him!

This definitely means 'I'll expose you as a ghost if you dare to leave'!

Bai Leshui rolled his wheelchair and followed Rong Zheng who was going to the cabin.

Rong Zheng turned around in surprise: "You want to go in with me?"

Bai Leshui remained silent, otherwise ne, the worst that could happen would be to be reported and kicked out of the dungeon. In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Knowing a little more about his backstory will also be beneficial for his future actions.

Rong Zheng looked at the man, who waved impatiently: "Come in quickly, we don't have time to waste outside."

Rong Zheng: "Okay." Pushing the wheelchair, Rong Zheng walked into the cabin with Bai Leshui. Sure enough, the man didn't express any opinion on this and completely ignored Bai Leshui.

The wooden house is very small, with only a table and a bed. The table is all filled with experimental equipment, photos were hung on ropes from the ceiling, and experimental data files were posted on the walls. The small wooden house is very messy because of the presence of these things. Even under the bed, several jars of formalin were seen, soaked in a bunch of disgusting stuff that Bai Leshui didn't want to know what it was.

After finding a random place to stay, the man began to introduce himself.

The man's name is Fast and he is a medical researcher. The medical reseacher who was poached by Raphael Pharmaceutical Company more than ten years ago, his biggest dream is to develop a universal medecine, having his name go down in history.

Universal medecine, as the name suggests, is a medicine that can cure any disease. It sounds incredible, but Fast has theoretical support. The drug he wants to develop is not a drug that can kill all germs, but a drug that infinitely amplifies the body's own immune function. According to Fast, the human body has its own defense system that can expel and kill th vast majority of germs that enter the body. But if the vast majority of germs expand to all germs, then can we achieved not getting ill?

But this was Fast's dream, not Raphael Pharmaceutical Company's. The medicine that Raphael Pharmaceutical Company wants to make is a longevity medicine that can extend life indefinitely and meet the needs of many wealthy businessmen.

Fast believed that universal medecine and longevity medecine were not much different and could be developed together. He just needed experimental funds and conditions, so he accepted the pharmaceutical company's invitation. Research and development began more than ten years ago at Cross Sanitarium.

Using illegal ways to imprison living people for experiments.

Rong Zheng: "What are the illegal ways?"

Fast replied: "There are many. Some were kidnapped, some were sold, and some were sent here for some reason."

Rong Zheng: "Him ne?"

Fast looked at Bai Leshui and thought: "I remember that his brain is not good and needs to be sent to a secluded place for recuperation. His family's intention is very simple, as long as he is not released to lose face it's fine."

Then the company feels that such people will not be paid attention to by their families and can just be sent for experiments.

Rong Zheng looked at Bai Leshui meaningfully: "Oh, brain is not good a."

Bai Leshui:...

Th one with a bad brain is the character setting, not me!

By the way, are you qualified to talk about others ma?

Living in a place like this, claiming to be a God and conducting small experiments, how good is your brain ma? Everyone is the same! No one can speak about the others!

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: Actually, I think that among the three people in the room, none of them are normal!

Rong Zheng: Dear, I'm normal.

Bai Leshui: Pervert is called normal? !

Rong Zheng:...

  1. 蛇精病 (shé jīng bìng), slang for 神经病 (shén jīng bìng) = crazy people
  2. 不修边幅 (bù xiū biān fú) = not care about one's appearance
  3. 名垂青史 (míng chuí qīng shǐ ) = 青史 are records on bamboo slips in ancient times, because they are called history books / Record names and deeds in history books / Describes great achievements and eternal glory