Chickens and ducks talking, the communication is smooth.

The building of Cross Sanatorium is just like its name. The building is in the shape of a cross, with a total of three floors. It is difficult to find the specific location of the fire. It can only be determined to be in the middle of the cross, because the outer walls of the building there are the darkest, while the four corners of the cross are still fine. There were no signs of being burned.

Rong Zheng took a look at the scrawled map provided by Fast, but there is no special mark on where those places are. This guy Fast only marked the places where important documents and items might be placed, everything else was blank.

In addition... Rong Zheng took a look at the dark building, he really didn't think anything could be saved under such a fire.

Rong Zheng pushed Bai Leshui's wheelchair into the building and said as he walked: "Emily and others came here because of the news registered in the newspaper. The photo captured a person who was burned alive on the test bench. According to Fast's words, the angle and environment captured in the photo, it should be the corner of the second floor on the east side."

Bai Leshui: "I have absolutly not interested in the matter of the photo. We can go back."

Rong Zheng replied: "The location is on the second floor. There is no need to go there now. Why don't we search for clues on the first floor first. Well... I think you don't know anything more ba."

Bai Leshui raised his eyebrows: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm someone who know everything. If you beg me honestly, I will be willing to tell you with mercy."

"As expected you don't know. It seems that whether it's your side or mine, the innate condition is the same." Rong Zheng carefully put the map away and pushed Bai Leshui's wheelchair forward, "Although a few months have passed, but we can still smell a bit of burnt smell. The fire here must have been very big at that time."

Bai Leshui: "What smell, I don't smell anything. The air here is very good."

Rong Zheng pushed Bai Leshui and continued to walk forward. They came in through the main entrance. The first few rooms they passed were all in good condition, with no traces of being burned. Rong Zheng also took Bai Leshui to those rooms, and only saw some instruments in mess, which looked like warehouses.

After passing three or four rooms and moving forward, the white walls gradually turned black, and in front was the area burned by the fire. There were debris everywhere on the ground. Rong Zheng struggled to push Bai Leshui's wheelchair to avoid huge objects, and stopped from time to time to pick things up from the ground to observe.

"This is a medicine box." Rong Zheng looked at the unburned fragments in his hand, "It's a pity that they are all blackened and I can't see anything clearly."

Bai Leshui then stretched his neck to take a look, Rong Zheng gave the remains of the medicine box to Bai Leshui. Bai Leshui looked at it for a while and saw only a few vague numbers and letters, which were still intermittent. The information was too few to make any sense. Bai Leshui threw away the medicine box and rubbed the dust on his hands on Rong Zheng's arm a few times to wipe it clean.

Rong Zheng was good-tempered and allowed Bai Leshui to rub against him, staining his white sleeves black.

The room further forward is no longer a utility room, it looks like a bedroom. Because there was an iron frame bed in the house. Although the iron frame bed was half burnt black, the mattress that had been laid on it was also turned into black slag.

But saying it's a bedroom, it doesn't feel like one The small room was only a few square meters, and the bed was only about 1.5 meters in size. But there were four pairs of shoes of different sizes on the floor, as well as a half-burned wooden barrel. In addition, the windows were inlaid with bars. Rong Zheng was convinced that although this room was used to live people, it was also used to detain people.

Rong Zheng: "This is a prison."

Bai Leshui: "You're talking nonsense. You can tell this is an ordinary bedroom at a glance."

Rong Zheng: "Do you have any memory of living here ma?"

Bai Leshui: "Of course, cristal clear."

Rong Zheng: "Really ma, then that's good. It's much better to not have these memories than to know everything. Especially the memories of a place like this."

Bai Leshui held his chin up, looked up at Rong Zheng: "I'm not surprised at all that we can communicate smoothly."

Rong Zheng smiled: "I'm not very sure why you lie in every sentence? Is it a setting ma? But to understand what you mean, it's not difficult."

Bai Leshui:...

You are listening so it's not difficult, but actually it's very tiring for me as I talk.

This kind of troublesome setting, it's better not to have it in the future.

Bai Leshui looked around the dark room: "I'm not at all curious about what the underground floor is like."

Rong Zheng: "You want to go and see it? I heard Fast say that the underground floor is where failed products are kept. The failed products of this kind of experiment..."

Bai Leshui: "Are all still alive..."

Rong Zheng: "If you want to see, then go and see ba." Even if it's full of corpses.

In fact, he was also curious about what it would be like there.

It was very simple to say, but Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui almost walked through the entire first floor. He had already seen three stairs to the second floor, but he could not see the stairs to the underground floor.

Could it be a hidden secret door?

If he had known better, he should have asked Fast. However, it is also possible that Fast refused to tell him. After all, to Fast, it made no sense for them to go to the underground level to find important experimental data and information.

Just when Rong Zheng was about to take Bai Leshui for another round to find the secret door, a person hurriedly ran down from the second floor and almost bumped into Bai Leshui's wheelchair. Fortunately, Rong Zheng had quick eyesight and quick hands. He pulled the wheelchair back a few steps and escaped the disaster.

The person who ran down in hurry was not so lucky. In order to avoid Bai Leshui, stopping suddenly when there were still two or three steps left. But in that situation, how could is it possible to stop if wanted. The bottom plate was unstable and the next few steps directly just roll down.

The whole person fell next to Bai Leshui's wheelchair, falling with a aiyo aiyo.

Bai Leshui didn't get hit, but he was completely frightened. After he was safe, he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the person lying on the ground and said, "Rolling down is faster than walking down, but since you want to roll, why not roll from the first step?"

Hao Jie was feeling uncomfortable ne. When she heard Bai Leshui's words, her eyes widened in anger. She stood up suddenly and glared at Bai Leshui: "You are blind a. Where did I roll ma? I was felling down. You staying there is not good, what are you doing staying here a!"

Bai Leshui had an innocent expression: "I love it here a, I love it so much. That's why I'm here."

Hao Jie's face turned red with anger. She rubbed her arm that was red from being thrown. She sat on the steps with an aiyo and gasped. After she regained her breath, she suddenly raised her head: "Wrong, why are you here?"

Bai Leshui: "This is my home a."

Hao Jie opened her mouth in shock: "Your home?" She turned to look at Rong Zheng who was pushing the wheelchair: "Really?"

Rong Zheng nodded.

It's considered as true ba.

Fast said that Green was an experimental subject here. As an NPC who once resided here, he was half the owner of this sanatorium, right?

Hao Jie's eyes were full of disbelief. She didn't care about the pain. She walked to Rong Zheng and asked in a low voice: "Is what he said true? We came to this sanatorium earlier than you and found some information. This place is simply inhumane...."

"Who says it's inhumane?" Bai Leshui turned around and said loudly, "The food here is delicious!"

Hao Jie was silent. She reached out and tapped her head then look at Rong Zheng. She silently asked if this NPC's head was abnormal.

Rong Zheng shook his head.

Hao Jie didn't understand. Did this shaking mean the head abnormal, or does it mean there is no abnormality?

It's a pity that this NPC named Green is here, she doesn't dare to speak directly to Rong Zheng. As a player who has been through several dungeons, Hao Jie clearly knows how intelligent the NPCs here are. In the dungeon, many clues cannot be told directly in front of those people. It is best to treat NPCs as an anti-camp players who need to be dealt with, rather than NPCs who only answer a few questions and repeat words. Only this way you won't let down your guard.

Rong Zheng, however, had no worries and asked directly: "I saw your car parked at the door, where are they ne?"

Hao Jie looked suspiciously at Bai Leshui in the wheelchair. Bai Leshui turned to Hao Jie and showed a silly smile with teeth exposed.

Hao Jie:...

Suddenly felt like, this NPC's intelligence might not be that high ba.

Thinking that her friend's movements were not really a secret, and many things needed this person's help, Hao Jie briefly told what happened after they arrived here.

Hao Jie: "We are here to find the medecine. I don't know if you have ever visited the first floor. Most of the rooms here are that kind of houses, and the rest are basically used as utility rooms, so we went to the second floor to look for them."

Bai Leshui and Rong Zheng pricked up their ears when they heard the words "second floor". Fast said the second floor is the laboratory. If they want to find medicines and experimental materials, this floor will undoubtedly have the most.

As expected, what Hao Jie wants to talk about next is the second floor: "After we went to the second floor, we found that the second floor was basically full of experimental equipment and laboratories. The photos we saw before were taken in one of the rooms. But what is very strange is that the struggling body in the photo is missing. It may be that the reporter who took the photo moved and buried it for the sake of humanity, or it may be for other reasons. Of course, this is not important, what we are looking for is the vaccine."

"We found many cabinets that were suspected of containing medecines, but the fire was too severe. What was left was a pile of broken glass shards, we couldn't even find a complete medecine. And then... unfortunately, Tu An couldn't hold it anymore."

Tu An? Couldn't hold it anymore?

Could it be that he was one of the people who was unfortunately doused with 'holy water'? Bai Leshui recalled several players he met in the church. There were too many people there. He only knew Rong Zheng, so he didn't know which one of the remaining people was Tu An.

Rong Zheng only asked one thing: "Still alive ma?"

Hao Jie had a strange look on her face: "This...I'm also not clear. Maybe?"

Rong Zheng: "Maybe?"

Bai Leshui: "It's either alive or death, maybe? Could it be there's a middle line? Has he turned into a zombie ma?" Bai Leshui only intended to make a joke, but Hao Jie actually nodded.

Hao Jie: "I don't know if that's a zombie, but it's true that he can no longer distinguish between people. He only screams, runs around, and attacks people when he encounters them."

Bai Leshui opened his eyes wide.

Wait, he's never heard of this.

Hao Jie: "His body is still alive for the time being, but his brain must have been affected. He looks like he was poisoned and had hallucinations. Or maybe...possessed?"

Rong Zheng: "Possessed?"

Hao Jie: "He kept shouting, there is fire, run, kill people these few sentences. In addition, I don't know if he left. I have never encountered such a situation before." Hao Jie said very vaguely. But Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui, who was a ghost, understood.

What Hao Jie means is that it is difficult to tell whether the person here is the player Tu An himself, or whether the one who failed and exited copy that has long been replaced by the system.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: Do we look like chickens and ducks talking?

Rong Zheng: (smiling) Who is the chicken, who is the duck?

Bai Leshui:...

  1. interjection of pain
  2. Young girl with long hair
  3. 鸡同鸭讲 (jī tóng yā jiǎng) = people talking different language and not understanding each other