Tu An's puppet

Regarding the current situation of Tu An, Rong Zheng, who had only walked through the novice copy, did not dare to assert anything. Hao Jie was also uneasy, so she proposed to go to the second floor with Rong Zheng. Rong Zheng looked at Bai Leshui: "You can't push the wheelchair up the stairs. Do you want to be carried on the back? Or do you want to be hugged?"

"Don't want any, I want to walk by myself. Help me up." Bai Leshui stretched out his arms and said.

Hao Jie glanced at Bai Leshui's legs and reach out to help. She wanted to know whether this man was lame, crippled, or just pretending. As a result, she was stopped by Rong Zheng. Rong Zheng said, "I understand," then he reached out and picked up Bai Leshui. Princess hug pose.

Rong Zheng said to Hao Jie: "I leave the wheelchair to you. Don't worry, it won't sink."

Hao Jie, who is obviously a beauty and is often taken care of in dungeons, but is reduced to a coolie this time: "...Okay ba."

Otherwise, what else could she do ne? Who would let her ask for help from other.

Hao Jie grabbed the wheelchair, lifted it up and said: "Hurry up ba, I'm a little worried about Nan Yun. I rarely move apart from her. Her physique has not been strengthened, she is too weak."

When Rong Zheng stepped onto the steps, he found that it was difficult to carry in princess hug upstairs, so he turned around and put the person on his shoulder. After hearing Hao Jie's words, he asked, "Physique strengthening?"

"Put me down, I want to go by myself!" Although the princess hug was a little embarrassing, in view of this very comfortable situation, Bai Leshui endured. Who would have thought that he would be put into the position of carry sack again? No, it's too uncomfortable and irritating to his stomach.

Bai Leshui patted Rong Zheng on the back wildly.

Rong Zheng patted Bai Leshui's butt: "Be honest, will fall down."

Bai Leshui:...

Hao Jie:→→

Bai Leshui: Your uncle! Playing hooligan again!

Don't think that he can't play tricks. Because his arms were long enough, Bai Leshui pinched Rong Zheng's buttocks hard.

Bai Leshui squeezed happily, but Rong Zheng couldn't bear anymore. He grabbed the handrail of the stairs and said in a low voice: "If you squeeze again, then I will be really rude."

Just when Bai Leshui was about to say 'how are you rude', he noticed Rong Zheng's tense muscles. He suddenly thought of something and was so scared that he became as quiet as a chicken.

Didn't dare to move.

Hao Jie: "...I said, now is the time to flirt ma?"

Rong Zheng: "It is, but it's a pity the location is wrong."

Bai Leshui: It is a fart.

Hao Jie:...

Hao Jie took a deep breath, endured the depression in her chest, and realized once again that she had found the wrong person. However, Rong Zheng is here now, and it is too dangerous to act alone, otherwise she will definitely turn around and leave.

No matter what you do with NPCs, there will be no results.

Seeing that these two people finally calmed down and walked to the second floor smoothly. Hao Jie put down the wheelchair and watched with cold eyes as Rong Zheng put the person on the wheelchair with very gentle movements and then pushed him away. She couldn't help but say: "Newcomers are ignorant. When we get out, there will be many handsome guys and beautiful women, there are many timid or lazy people looking for support ne, why bother looking here."

Hao Jie's words were very vague, but Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui understood. Rong Zheng replied: "No, I like more exciting one."

Hao Jie: Whatever you want.

Bai Leshui:...

So he's the more exciting one? Where is it excited?

No, for Bai Leshui who was always worried about whether he would be exposed, it was fricking too exciting ba!

After arriving on the second floor, they found that the degree of burns here was much higher than that on the first floor. If you can still find many traces of pre-burning and things that were not completely burned on the first floor, then on the second floor, at least in front of three people was a corridor and rooms all burned down pitch-dark.

Most of the things were burned to ashes, and only some of the remaining things still retained their past shapes, but they only retained their original shapes, they were so blackened that it was difficult to tell what they were.

Rong Zheng: "This should be very close to the fire point."

Hao Jie pointed to the left: "The fire point is over there, we have investigated it. This should be an incident caused by deliberate arson. Da Yang saw traces of □□ residue. In addition, there were also fragments of suspected gasoline barrels. "

So they unanimously concluded that someone, or some people, planned to destroy this place.

Hao Jie and Nan Yun think they should be the victims in this sanatorium. They are definitely the group of people who hate this place the most. So it's not surprising that they would blow up this place. Da Yang and Lin Song have other opinions. They feel that the prisoners who are closely guarded here should not have such conditions unless something special happens.

Emily several outsider NPCs didn't express any opinions. It seems that their mission is just to bring players to this map, and then focus on finding the vaccine.

Bai Leshui remembered what the two said in his heart. As a ghost, he knew a little more than these two people.

This explosion was not a leak. It was definitely caused by patients in the camp where his character is set. He was probably just a deputy, and the mastermind behind the scenes was the person named Ann. It's just that Bai Leshui didn't understand what the note left by Ann meant that the next stage had begun.

What kind of mission does he have here?

There was nothing on the first floor, and the second floor was also nothing special. Although he didn't go to the third floor, Bai Leshui guessed it would be similar to here.

Sure enough, the most suspicious thing is the underground floor.

However, no entrance was found.

Even if the entrance is found, it is not convenient to keep moving with players.

However, without Rong Zheng, it was even more inconvenient to have no one to push the wheelchair. After all, this is a building with stairs.

Why not send away this female player?

What would be the reason for sending her away ne?

While Bai Leshui was thinking hard. Rong Zheng had already pushed him with Hao Jie for a while, and entered several rooms that were once laboratories. Of course, now those rooms were all a burnt world, and nothing could be found.

Hao Jie: "We have already walked around here, so there is no need to look any further ba. There is nothing here. Although we saw a few places that might be freezers, there is no electricity. It has been so long. Is there really a vaccine ma?"

Rong Zheng: "It's hard to say."

Hao Jie started to get irritated: "It's better not to look for vaccines or anything like that. Anyway, Nan Yun and I are not infected."

Rong Zheng looked at Hao Jie. Hao Jie then remembered that Rong Zheng was also splashed with 'holy water'. Knowing that she had made a mistake, she said with a smile: "I see that you are fine until now. You should not be infected ba. How is your arm now?"

Rong Zheng was startled. Ever since he found the man in wheelchair, Rong Zheng had neglected many things, such as checking his own health. Hearing Hao Jie mention it, Rong Zheng rolled up his sleeves and took a look. Half of the red bags on his arm were gone, and the rest were fading away. There was no sign of infection yet. Are infections really random? Or is there something different about his physique?

While Rong Zheng was observing, Bai Leshui also followed extend his head tolook. Noticing Bai Leshui's curious gaze. Rong Zheng stretched out his hand to cover his eyes: "Ugly, don't look."

Bai Leshui: "No, it's very beautiful."

Rong Zheng:...

Hearing this, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Silently put down his sleeves and continue to push forward.

Hao Jie was too lazy to look at the 'loving affection' between these two people. This would be too harmful to a person who had a boyfriend before the travel through and became single automatically after. Hao Jie turned her head away and happened to see a room without door. She realized there was a person lying on the ground in the room over there, because she saw a pair of feet.

Hao Jie's heart skipped a beat. She soon realized that the person in question was not Nan Yun. For convenience, Nan Yun was wearing travel shoes like her when she entered the dungeon, and the feet in her sight, were wearing a pair of men's leather shoes.

Hao Jie pulled Rong Zheng's sleeve: "Rong Zheng, look there is a person lying on the ground over there."

Rong Zheng: "Who?"

Hao Jie: "I don't know. It was wearing men's leather shoes. It could be the few of them, or it could be Tom and his friends." She never paid attention to what shoes others were wearing. The most important thing in dungeons is how many clues there are, she doesn't care at all what kind of clothes and accessories any player wears.

Hao Jie didn't know, but Rong Zheng knew. When Hao Jie said men's leather shoes, Rong Zheng immediately understood: "That's Tu An."

Hao Jie: "Why?"

Rong Zheng: "He is the only one wearing leather shoes. Unless someone changes shoes with him, it must be him."

Hao Jie's eyes widened: "You remember what we were wearing?"

Rong Zheng: "Of course, it's not like I haven't seen them before. You and Nan Yun are both wearing travel shoes suitable for mountain climbing, and so are Da Yang and Aunt Ming. Lin Song is wearing ordinary cloth shoes, and Chu Wenhai is wearing a pair of casual sneakers. Only Tu An wears brand-name leather shoes or crocodile leather."

You can tell many things from the shoes. For example, Da Yang, Aunt Ming, Hao Jie and few people who are wearing hiking boots are either veteran players who have walked through many dungeons, or they are thoughtful and have already thought about the equipment needed in dungeon. As for Tu An, although he claims to have walked through many dungeons and received high praise, looking at his outfit, he doesn't seem to be as experienced as he says.

Hao Jie: "Can't it be Tom and others?"

Rong Zheng: "None of them wear leather shoes. In addition, the shoes and clothes they wear are all from the same brand, and the brands of the things used in the car are also the same. Someone may be sponsoring them behind the scenes."

Hao Jie was convinced.

She had done dungeons before and never thought of considering these details.

Bai Leshui huddled up silently, therefore, a guy who is so meticulous and wants to use a magnifying glass to observe you, he really hates.

Just like those people who watch dramas and have to carefully check whether there are telephone poles and air-conditioning boxes in the background, whether their mobile phone lights up when making calls, whether the position of blood stains changes, etc., etc., etc., can we just be casual? Can you please not be so serious?

Give people a way to survive!

Bai Leshui complained secretly. Rong Zheng had already pushed Bai Leshui and Hao Jie to the door of the room and looked inside. The three of them were shocked at the door.

Lying on the ground is Tu An's puppet.

This shows that Tu An has been eliminated, the corpse is lying here. Of course, there is no problem with this. When talking about the strange situation of Tu An, both Hao Jie and Rong Zheng thought that Tu An might have been ejected. What really surprised them was that there was a sharp knife stuck in the puppet's back.

Tu An did not exit the copy because of the epidemic, but someone stabbed him in the back.

Rong Zheng: "Can we do something to each other ma?"

Hao Jie was stunned, and nodded after hearing Rong Zheng's question: "Most of the things done here won't be managed, some of the things must not be done, but you can still do them. However, once out it's different, you will be punished. The sin of taking initiative will be very serious, no one can afford it."

Rong Zheng touched his chin: "So, who could have done it?"

Hao Jie shook her head unaware.

At this moment, a voice from behind sounded: "Rong Zheng? You are here too?"

The three of them turned their heads and saw clearly the person standing at the door.

Hao Jie: "Lin Song?"

Lin Song nodded, but his eyes glanced at Rong Zheng from time to time. His skin was slightly white, so his slightly red cheeks when he looked at Rong Zheng were clearly visible to several people.

Bai Leshui:...


Hao Jie:...


How come these days, all men a litttle bit attractive fall in love with men ne?

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: He likes you.

Rong Zheng: Don't worry, I only like you.

  1. The only thing I can think of is explosive residue. As for where they got this, who know.