Look, he is so quick-witted.

Lin Song's eyes moved away from Rong Zheng with difficulty and fell on the other two people. He didn't show any surprise when he saw Hao Jie, but then frowned slightly, seemingly dissatisfied. The last one he saw was Bai Leshui.

"How could he..." Lin Song's words stopped here and looked at Rong Zheng with doubtful eyes, hoping that he could give him an answer.

Rong Zheng ignored him, but Hao Jie smiled and said, "What else could it be, just taken a fancy bei."

Lin Song's expression was stiff. Taken a fancy?

Is that the meaning he thinks?

"Do you like men?" Lin Song asked quickly.

Bai Leshui interrupted and said nonsense: "He doesn't just like men, he likes anyone with two legs. It doesn't matter whether they are human or not."

Rong Zheng:...

Lin Song said: "I didn't ask you."

"But I want to answer you." Bai Leshui asked with a smile, "Do you like men ma?"

Lin Song looked embarrassed. He glanced at Rong Zheng, after looking at Rong Zheng's face, he immediately turned his head and whispered: "No."

Bai Leshui sneered.

Hao Jie raised her head and said, "Okay, let's take a look at the situation here before discussing this issue, okay ma? If you want to fall in love, leave here and do whatever you want." Anyway, it has nothing to do with her at all.

Perhaps the words 'leave here' reminded Lin Song, he calmed down his emotions, but his eyes still looked at Bai Leshui from time to time, looking at the rival in love with a clear and scrutinizing gaze. He looked until Bai Leshui felt very uncomfortable.

Bai Leshui now has a Western face, with deep eye sockets and a high nose bridge, three-dimensional and straight facial features, the apparence is not low, but his figure is too thin, slimmer than Asians who are already thin, and his face is also very pale. One glance can tell that he is not in good health.

After looking at Bai Leshui, Lin Song subconsciously compared himself. When he entered the dungeon, he did not buy a disguise card and showed his true appearance. He had an oriental face, ordinary facial features, neither high nor low, and an average figure. Because he has gone through several escape copies, he has been paying attention to physical exercise recently, he also bought cards to strengthen his physical fitness. The belly that he used to have has disappeared, his abdominal muscles have not yet been developed.

In terms of ordinary people's aesthetics, Lin Song felt that his figure was better than this person's, but his face was worse than this person's.

However, most people pursue the face more than the body. He always feel like losing.

Lin Song remembered there were many female players in the game who had been saving coins to exchange for beauty cards and facial features fine-tuning cards among the life cards. Should he also buy one ne?

Lin Song didn't care much about that in the past, but now that he meets the type he likes, he feels a little ashamed of himself.

Fortunately, it's not too late.

Lin Song, who finally turned his mind back, heard Hao Jie complaining over there. When they talked about Tu An, Lin Song took a look and said, "It's a pity that he was eliminated."

Hao Jie crossed her arms and said, "He is one of your people. This kind of attitude isn't it a bit cold a."

"He was originaly in the inspection period." Lin Song said calmly, "He doesn't count as one of our people."

Rong Zheng: "Inspection period?"

Lin Song nodded, he was about to explain in detail when his eyes happened to meet Bai Leshui, who was staring at him with a smile, the words in his mouth changed: "Our rules are, it's not allowed to add random people to join us. Anyone who don't meet the standard and fish in troubled waters will not be accepted. He's unqualified."

Bai Leshui's eyes shone brightly: "Did you kill him?"

Lin Song glared: "What are you talking about? How could I kill him? What good would that do to me?"

Bai Leshui tilted his head and talked nonsense: "You all said he is one of yours a, maybe there is something going on between you guys ne. For example, he is your love rival, so you want to kill him to silence him."

Lin Song gritted his teeth angrily. If this is the case, then you will be the first one I kill!

"Tu An likes women!" Lin Song said one word at time. So there is no such thing as a love rival.

Bai Leshui turned around in shock and stretched out a hand to touch Rong Zheng's chest: "Don't tell me you are a woman?"

Lin Song: !

With a snap, Lin Song knocked off Bai Leshui's hand. Bai Leshui screamed, covering the red back of his hand and said aiyo, "It's broken, my hand is broken! It's over, now not only my legs are broken, but my hands are also broken. You are so cruel, you are indeed a murderer!"

"I didn't use that much strength at all." Lin Song's forehead was throbbing with pain, he felt that a thread called reason in his mind was about to break.

Rong Zheng was almost pleased to the sky when his sweetheart took the initiative to touch him. If possible, he wouldn't mind the other party touches him a few more times. As a result, before he could fully appreciate the taste, the person without eyesight next to him interrupted everything.

The smile that originally hung on Rong Zheng's face suddenly cooled down. He leaned over and carefully observed Bai Leshui's arm. After confirming it was only a little red, his expression softened, he said coldly to Lin Song: "If you can't get used to the behavior of the two of us, please leave."

Lin Song panicked: "No, I didn't, it was him..."

Rong Zheng didn't want to listen to Lin Song's explanation and was about to leave pushing the wheelchair. Lin Song was breathing heavily and was about to catch up, but Hao Jie grabbed his arm first.

Hao Jie asked: "Wait a minute, where did you come from? Have you seen Nan Yun? Also, who... killed Tu An?"

Lin Song broke away from Hao Jie's hand: "I came from the west stairs, didn't meet anyone. As for Nan Yun, maybe something happened. When we ran away separately, she was the one the crazy Tu An chased. Maybe she was also the one who killed Tu An."

Hao Jie didn't believe Lin Song's words, curled her lips and said: "Are you kidding? How could Nan Yun do such a thing? She is just an ordinary person who has not strengthened her physique. Let alone killing people, it's hard for her to defend herself! Are you hiding something?"

Lin Song: "What can I hide, everything I tell is the truth."

Seeing Lin Song's 'you are unreasonable' look, Hao Jie shivered with anger. She had no way to prove that Nan Yun was really weak, and she didn't believe Lin Song's words at all. She could only stamp her feet and said: "Okay, wait, wait until I find Nan Yun, everything will be clear." After saying that, she turned around and left, not intending to continue acting with them.

Bai Leshui trio watched her leave quietly, and no one opened their mouth to urge her to stay. Hao Jie only walked a few steps then stopped. She turned her head bitterly, glared at Rong Zheng and Lin Song, entered the room, she domineeringly pulled out the dagger from the back of the Tu An puppet, put it on her waist as a self-defense weapon, then really left.

Bai Leshui, who was ignored by Hao Jie sister from beginning to end:...

"It's rare to meet a beautiful woman, and she ran away in anger." Bai Leshui said hand on his chin, "What a pity, should we chase her back? Although there is no danger at all here, the road is very difficult to find, what to do if she get lost? Will starve to death here."

Rong Zheng: "Two person spending time together is good, I like it."

Bai Leshui pointed at Lin Song: "Two person spending time together? How can it be alone? Doesn't this poke a bit? The kind that takes root firmly. But I don't hate it. It doesn't matter if you stay a."

Lin Song, who is firmly rooted here:...

Rong Zheng looked at Lin Song and asked in surprise: "Why are you still here?"

Lin Song, who is still here:...

Any unpleasant words from others are not as heartbreaking as the words 'Why are you still here' from the person you like.

Lin Song was not that thick-skinned. He was beaten continuously by Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui. He do want to leave a bit, but he felt very unwilling to do so.

Forcing himself to ignore the NPC in wheelchair, Lin Song stood in front of Rong Zheng and asked seriously: "Do you know the Sheng Ba Alliance ma? We are ranked among the top three thousand."

Rong Zheng: "The top three thousand, are they very powerful?"

Lin Song said proudly: "Of course it is, the alliance is level three, the upper limit is one hundred people."

Bai Leshui: "Are you in the same class? A class with 100 people is not few a. Who are you, the deputy class monitor?"

Lin Song glared: "Don't speak."

"Why can't I speak?" Bai Leshui patted the armrest of the wheelchair. "Why can't I speak as a living person here? Do you think I like talking to you ma? Oh, I really like talking to you."

Rong Zheng: "Sorry, I'm not interested in you."

"It will be difficult for scattered people who don't join to survive. What I say is true!" Seeing Rong Zheng pushing the wheelchair away, Lin Song said loudly, "The difficulty will only get higher and higher in the future. You can't go on without the help of comrades!"

Rong Zheng ignored Lin Song.

Bai Leshui: "Don't you think a bit?"

Rong Zheng: "I'm not in the mood to wait for a good offer, and even less patient of other people's consideration. Not interested. What about you ne, do you plan to join any groups in the future ma? Do you have any groups over there ma?"

Bai Leshui: "I graduated from college a long time ago! Don't need to join any group!"

Rong Zheng: "I see, you are still a student a. Are you an adult ma? If not, am I taking action too early? Do I have to wait for you for two years ma?"

Bai Leshui's face flushed: "...not yet."

He has long since reached adulthood.

Rong Zheng smiled in a good mood.

Bai Leshui turned his head, looked back, and saw Lin Song following them from a distance, within sight but not very close. He looked a bit like a stalker.

Rong Zheng had already noticed the person behind him, after saying 'leave him alone', Bai Leshui turned his attention back.

Walking further, they came to a room. The door had been burned and deformed, but many items in the room were well preserved. Rong Zheng saw traces of water being splashed on the wall. He believed that most of the things in the room were not damaged because water was poured on them as soon as possible after the fire.

This was an office. The table against the wall was burnt black, but the shape of the table and the opened drawers could be seen. This room had been searched both before the fire and in the recent period after the fire. Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui didn't think that more information could be found here.

"This is the dean's office." Lin Song stood at the door and whispered, as if talking to himself, "We have rummaged through this place and only found some useless information. Half of it was burned."

Rong Zheng said nothing.

Bai Leshui: "Is it the doctor's information ma?"

What Lin Song wanted to hear more was Rong Zheng's question, but after waiting for a long time, Rong Zheng didn't say anything. Lin Song had no choice but to continue answering: "No. It's the patient's information."

This time Rong Zheng reacted and looked at Lin Song.

Lin Song straightened his back a little: "There is also something about medicine. The name is wssb. This medicine has been developed and reformulated more than hundreds times, and each trial medicine is named after the subsequent number. The patients are all mentally ill patients sent here, there's also abducted children, and lost elderly people."

Rong Zheng finally responded, inquire a sentence, "Where's the names ne?"

Lin Song quickly replied: "There are a few. Those pages of information were taken away by Da Yang, we were scattered, so..."

" Scattered where?" Rong Zheng asked.

Lin Song: "On the third floor."

Rong Zheng: "Let's go."

Bai Leshui: "Go for what? Go home for dinner? I'm hungry. What's for lunch? Bread and butter?"

Rong Zheng: "Go to the third floor to get something." He whispered in Bai Leshui's ear in a voice that could not be heard by the person at the door: "Your information can not be seen by them."

Bai Leshui raised his head and recalled.

His information? If not mistaken, that kind of patient file information has been retrieved long ago.

And he tore it into pieces and buried it under the roots of a tree, so no one would find it at all.

Look, he is so quick-witted.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: Should I bury the things, or bury them under the roots of the big tree, so no one would find out.

Rong Zheng: Dear, who did you learn this dog-like behavior from?

Bai Leshui:...

Isn't this what you forced me to do ma?

  1. The word 看上 can mean : to look upon / to take a fancy to / to fall for
  2. I had the same reaction
  3. 差点美上天
    美 (měi) usually mean beautiful so I was troubled by how to make it sound more right in english. Then I found it can also mean very satisfactory / good / to beautify / to be pleased with oneself.
    PS: 上天 (shàng tiān) can mean the sky above, but also passe away
  4. 两人独处 (liǎng rén dúchǔ)
    独处 = spend time alone (or with a significant other)