Go over

This was originally a sanatorium built by a wealthy businessman so his son could recuperate quietly. For this reason, he specially moved all doctors and medical equipment here. Conducting case studies and drug development on-site just to treat his son.

Of course, developing a treatment for a terminal disease will always take more time than the spread of the disease. The son of the wealthy businessman went away without waiting for his disease to be effectively treated, leaving his sad old father behind, half giving away and half selling the sanatorium.

The person who took over was a dean who specialized in brain science and psychiatry. He took fancy to the environment here and wanted to open a sanatorium here. It is specially designed to accomodate patients with various mental illnesses.

The original intention is simple, to allow those sick patients to receive quiet treatment in the beautiful nature.

The former dean always believed that mental illness can be cured with tranquility.

All kinds of patients are collected here, including paranoid patients, patients with severe depression, autistic children, fetishists, schizophrenics, delusions, emotional disorders...

In addition, homosexuality, which was still classified as a disease at this time, was also a patient.

During this period, the methods used to treat mental illnesses were very cruel, including the use of electric shocks, hormone injections, even cutting off part of the brain tissue or even destroying it.

People who have received these treatments have been brain-dead in mild cases and died in severe cases.

Many people know this fact. Therefore, if you find that a family member has a mental illness, if it is for their own good, the best way is to hide the matter and not let anyone know about it, so as to prevent them from receiving the harm called treatment.

Regardless of the dean's original intentions, at least the mentally ill patients sent here are people who are feared, disgusted, and ultimately abandoned by their families.

Being sent here means losing your future.

Fortunately, the former dean did not consider electric shock and destruction of part of the brain tissue as normal treatment methods, so most of the people here received drug treatment and did not suffer much torture.

However, those realities that were barely not considered bad disappeared because of the death of the old dean.

"I heard it was a few years before I came here." Pearson said the cruel truth with a smile still on his lips. "He jumped from the window upstairs, head down, he died on the spot."

Rong Zheng: "It's not suicide ba."

Pearson: "I don't know."

In addition to the old dean, there is only one deputy dean and three doctors in this sanatorium, the remaining few are nurses. Although the place is very big, since there are only a dozen patients, it can barely be managed.

"I heard the day the sanatorium changed hands, is the day after the old dean passed away. People who have been 'treated' here told me," Pearson said.

Not only this sanatorium, but also the patients staying here have changed hands.

Rong Zheng could probably guess the reason, it was for money.

Such a large sanatorium has to pay so many employees and only has a dozen patients. The original intention of the patients' families sending them here is to find someone to take care of them, so as not to be an eyesore in front of them. And not really for treatment. So the money given is not much.

In this way, employees' wages are not much higher.

If the money of the dean and deputy dean comes from profit sharing, then it is normal for the deputy dean to be dissatisfied with this situation. As the deputy dean of such a large sanatorium, his monthly income is actually less than that of a owner of a small bakery in the city.

Don't know if the relationship between the deputy dean and the dean is good, but it is certain that when the dean dies, this place will automatically belong to the deputy dean. The possibility of homicide is very high.

Rong Zheng: "And then it was sold to that pharmaceutical company?"

Pearson: "Yes, this place has completely changed since it changed hands."

It was still a mental hospital in name for the outside world, or a sanatorium at best, but privately it began to conduct experiments on living people. Today's psychiatric treatments use some special methods, so you wouldn't be surprised if you find that the sanatorium has purchased a lot of surgical equipment.

A dozen patients are not enough. There are not many mentally ill patients to be found, and even fewer will be given up and sent here to live or die without being cared about by their families. Soon the number of test products became too insufficient, and the person in charge here began to have other ideas.

This place is very remote. Few people come here, it's even more improbable for people to leave. The people in the town live in near isolation from the outside world.

Once you control the people in the town, many things can be done easily.

The drug in experimentation was thrown into the river, causing people in the town to fall ill. Get on line with White, the town's doctor, and use him to cure a large number of residents here, declare a non-existent sect, distort facts, create myths, then build a strange church specifically to house abducted children.

In order to have something to say even if a large number of children are discovered, the image of a mother who refuses children's filth was created.

The children who were sent here were all contaminated by evil, and they needed to be sent to the sanatorium for treatment before they could go home. That mother seemed to be cruel to her child, but in fact she was trying to kill the filth in her child. If the filth is not removed, it will be infected to the adults and will eventually die.

Because they have witnessed the horrors of the disease and 'miracles', the people here firmly believe in these words.

In order to prevent people in the town from having too much contact with people outside, they said that many people outside were filthy and should they try to interfere with them as little as possible.

Once everything was in place, their sinful deeds truly began.

Children were sent in large numbers, but not enough.

Slightly bigger one are okay too.

Orphanage adoption seems very convenient.

A little older, but with a very innocent temperament can also be kidnapped.

Also, can pretend to be a businessman and abduct adults without telling them. As long as the person has a suitable background, his disappearance will not cause too much trouble.

Added up, it's a huge amount.

Death, is also a normal thing.

They have done so much to control other people's lives and deaths, people here really regard themselves as gods. In addition to conducting experiments, they also committed many evil deeds.

Completely abandoning humanity, living like an animal without knowing it.

Taking pleasure in it.

But they forget that after being oppressed so hard and losing hope of life, people who are driven crazy can do anything.

Rabbits can bite people, let alone a bunch of crazy people.

The craziest ones became the leaders.

Ann, Green, Pearson, Bourne, Dora, House...

Ann is very beautiful, with thick golden curly hair, green eyes, thin red lips, and a mature charm.

She was also sent here as a mental patient, when sent here, the sanatorium had been turned into an experimental site. The cause written was exhibitionism.

But after getting to know her, Pearson knew that the so-called cause was complete nonsense. Ann didn't like to show her body at all. She even found it annoying to show her arms.

After getting to know Ann, Ann told her past experiences.

Ann's biological father passed away, and her mother took her and her brother to remarry. The man she married was not very honest, but nothing happened to Ann when her mother was around. But after Ann's mother passed away and the man married a new wife, he was no longer good. When her stepmother was away, her stepfather was always harassing her. Ann wanted to seek help, but her brother was still young and the neighbors were indifferent to anything, even if they saw the man bullying her.

One time, the stepmother came back and ran into this thing.

The stepfather and stepmother had a quarrel, after the quarrel, the decision was made to send Ann to a sanatorium on the grounds of mental illness.

'She was the one who seduced me. She took off her clothes first, I just couldn't hold back.' This is what the stepfather who is worse than a beast said. He doesn't want to be separated from his current wife because of such a trivial matter. After all, his current wife is very rich.

Then, the cause was written as exhibitionism.

No one listened to Ann's explanation. Pearson knew no one would listen.

If a mental patient says that they are not sick, who would believe it ne?

All the 'patients' in this 'sanitarium' believe.

Only a madman believes what a madman says.

If only there were only mad people in the world, Pearson thought so.

The person who encouraged Ann, was Green.

"You said back then - then let everyone who is not a lunatic disappear ba." Pearson looked at Bai Leshui with bright eyes, "I like what you said."

Bai Leshui:...

It was House who hated this place and wanted to burn it all down, it was Dora who knew about the existence of the underground level and wanted to tie down all the 'doctors'. It was Pearson who decided to continue working on a vaccine to give everyone a taste of it.

The one who puts it into practice is Ann.

Io, the assistant of the main experimenter Fast, is obsessed with Ann. Ann can escape from the murderous hands of other researchers time and time again because of Io's care. In order to facilitate planning, Ann won over Io and got rid of her identity as a test subject. In order to gain Io's trust, Ann joined the ranks of developers. She was originally a very smart person. Although she did not have much knowledge in medicine, she could understand what Io said and mastered it very quickly.

As she climbed up the ladder, she went from an ordinary small assistant to a low-level employee. Later, she was assigned an identity in the town to facilitate the exchange of information between the two parties.

Ann did a great job and she gained trust.

Afterwards, only then the plan begins.

Because the experimentation broke through a bottleneck, several years of research finally saw the direction. Everyone was celebrating, and Ann quietly dropped something small into the celebration meal. Some of the experimenters were put down, and the rest were difficult to deal with. House simply took the kerosene and blew up the others to death. Along with House himself, of course.

End in mutual destruction.

It was a crazy night, the flames burned all night long before they died down.

Then, the victims fought back.

"It's a pity that the most important researcher ran away." Pearson said regretfully. "I still don't know where Fast ran away that night. If he had been there, the experiment would have been smoother. However, it's not important now."

Rong Zheng: "Have you never been to the hut by the river ma?"

Pearson: "By the river?"

Bai Leshui replied: "When we went on the appointment, we walked over there and saw a strange guy. I don't know if he is the person you are looking for."

Pearson: "Oh, over there a. Because the corpse smells so bad, no one wants to go there. Is that guy's brain broken if he can live there for such a long time ma?"

Bai Leshui:...

I don't think you are qualified to say that.

"My sister just told me that she wanted to destroy the world. She didn't tell me anything else." Hasen said sadly, "I didn't expect that what she experienced was worse than I thought."

Bai Leshui: "Does your stepfather and stepmother know about you coming here ma?"

"I told them." Hasen replied with a smile, "They agreed."

Bai Leshui: "Huh?"

Hasen crossed his arms in front of his chest and said with a smile: "Actually, there is nothing they can do to object ba, because I cut them all into pieces and put them in a box. Even if they want to stop me, they can't do anything ba."

Bai Leshui: Wait, this sentence contains a lot of information.

Rong Zheng: "Are they still alive ma?"

"Don't know." Hasen raised his head. "The eyes are still open, haven't been closed all along. Should be alive ba."

Rong Zheng: "... Keeping your eyes open all the time is simply not something a living person can do. Then they must be dead ba."

Hasen said indifferently: "Oh, then consider them dead ba."

Bai Leshui:...

I thought this person would be normal ne, but now it seems that he may be the most seriously ill.

As expected, the only people who identify with madmen are madmen.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: I repeat one more time, I hope next world will be normal! Especially the people around, must be normal!

1069: Alright host, no problem host!

Ensure that the people and the world around host are normal.

  1. Do you sens the pit coming? I can see it from far away.