Settled another one again

The topic of the past was only discussed here, Pearson obviously did not want to talk about deeper matters.

There may be something deeper that Pearson doesn't know about.

He has only one purpose in mind, to destroy this world that makes him feel sick.

Don't be the only one who is unfortunate.

They cannot be the only ones left behind.

Let the world take a good look, what is exactly the terrible human nature.

Rong Zheng asked about the next mission, and Pearson replied: "We have to leave here tomorrow."

Rong Zheng: "Go to town?"

Pearson looked at Bai Leshui: "Ann is still lurking, Green is leading us, we have to occupy the church first."

Then, there was the move to capture the entire town step by step.

From here as the center, the disease will gradually spread.

"Okay, it's almost evening. Let's have a good rest after dinner." Pearson estimated the time and said, "Let's leave early tomorrow."

Bai Leshui was startled. Is it almost evening ma?

Then, it's time for him to change his pattern.

After chatting with Green, Pearson picked up the information sent by Dora and flipped through it. Not knowing what he saw, he frowned and left quickly.

Only Rong Zheng, Bai Leshui, and Hasen three people were left in the same place.

Hasen's stomach growled, he looked at the two of them with a smile: "Would you like to go eat together?"

Thinking of tonight's 'menu', Bai Leshui's face looked a little ugly: "I don't want to eat that kind of thing."

Hasen's eyes widened in surprise: "That kind of thing?"

Rong Zheng briefly told Hasen what he had heard before, Hasen scratched his head with his fingers: "I just came here today, I didn't expect them to eat that kind of thing. To be honest, I don't dare to eat it. But fortunately, there is bread and water in the RV, would you like to get some ma?"

Bai Leshui originally planned to shake his head, but his stomach growled. Then he remembered that he didn't eat dinner and didn't fill his stomach properly at lunch, so he nodded in agreement.

Rong Zheng: "Is it convenient to go out now ma?"

Hasen waved his hand: "There's nothing inconvenient. It's not like we not familiar faces. Besides, there is water and fire in the RV. It's just right to cook something hot."

After Hasen said this, Rong Zheng naturally had no reason to refuse, the three of them walked towards the exit together. Just like what Hasen said, no one they met would stop them, many people even said hello to Bai Leshui. Some of them know Hasen.

Rong Zheng asked curiously: "Have you been here three months ago?"

Hazen: "I came here once and only saw a few people except my sister."

Rong Zheng responded casually.

Bai Leshui: "I remember there were three people with you. How are they?"

Hasen: "Still alive. That is just barely alive ba. Emily was originally infected, and her physical condition is not very good. Unfortunately, she belongs to the one-third group that will cause death. Now she is lying in prison barely breathing. The other two are okay, Tom is in the completely immune category. The germs don't react strongly to him. Can live a long time."

Bai Leshui: "You're not familiar with them? You're not sad at all."

Hearing Bai Leshui's words, Hasen smiled sarcastically: "Sad? For friends who has only known each other for less than three months? It's a pity, not at all."

His purpose of meeting these people was not simple, so he would not treat these three people as his friends from the beginning. Even if a person he doesn't care dies, he won't have whatever sadness or not.

Rong Zheng: "Who does your RV belong to?"

"Of course it's mine," Hasen said. "Those people are not easy to get along with. If I hadn't used my status as a rich man to buy an RV and some supplies, when I suggested coming to such a remote place, it would be impossible for them to agree."

The one with money is the uncle. Faced with Hasen who funded the trip to take them to various places, even the most grumpy Tom is willing to obey his request.

Because of money, they gathered around him and became friends.

Because of money, they followed Hasen to this place.

Therefore, Hasen felt at ease when he defrauded these people who were friends with him because of money.

Before the three of them reached the exit, they turned two corners and walked through a aisle with row of prison cells when Rong Zheng, who was pushing the wheelchair, stopped.

"What's wrong?" Hasen turned to ask him.

Bai Leshui also looked at Rong Zheng doubtfully, then followed Rong Zheng's line of sight and saw an empty prison with an open door.

In fact, it was not completely empty. There were also iron chains on the ground that were obviously used to lock anklets, as well as torture instruments. It looks like it has not been used for a long time and has long been dilapidated. Bai Leshui glanced around and saw nothing.

No one is there.

But Rong Zheng's eyes were always scanning inside, his expression was very serious.

"Is there anything here ma?" Hasen couldn't help but walked into the prison.

The sound of his footsteps echoed in the empty prison, then at a certain moment, he heard a sound other than the footsteps.

Hasen looked towards the place where the sound came from. It was just a wall.

"Mouse?" Hasen said to himself.

In this place where there is not much food, catching a mouse would hate to not cook it and eat it immediatly. Will there really be such a creature as a mouse ma?

"I must have seen wrong ba." Rong Zheng also walked into the prison. He picked up the chain from the ground and said to Hasen.

Even though he was doubtful about the sound just now, but it's true nothing could be seen in front of his eyes, so Hasen had no choice but to nod and follow Rong Zheng out of the empty cell. Then he looked at Rong Zheng with doubtful eyes as he closed the prison door and locked it tightly with the chain.

Hasen: "Does that have a sense ma?"

Rong Zheng: "Maybe not. But I think it's very uncomfortable with the door open like this."

Bai Leshui understood what Rong Zheng meant. Before entering the dungeon, he had browsed through the categories of cards. There were some auxiliary cards that could hide the figure. It's like invisibility, but no matter how hidden it is, the existence is real.

Bai Leshui couldn't explain the existence of the card, and there's no intention in breaking Rong Zheng's action, so he just said: "We'd better leave quickly ba. It's best to come back before it gets completely dark."

Hashen: "You're right, Green. It's scary here when it's dark. I heard there are wild beasts in the mountains ne."

The three of them left here talking and laughing just like that.

In the prison, after confirming that the three of them had gone far, two people appeared. They were the two people who had escaped before - Chu Wenhai and Da Yang.

Chu Wenhai quickly walked to the door of the cell, carefully checked the lock, and after confirming that it was really locked, he wanted to bang his head on the door, and complained to Da Yang: "What does he mean a? Aren't we all players ma? Ah? What is he doing? What's the point of killing us ma!"

Da Yang froze the [You Can't See Me] card to prevent any time from being wasted and put it away. After hearing what Chu Wenhai said, he said calmly: "It may be beneficial."

Chu Wenhai glared: "What's the benefit?"

Da Yang: "Maybe he found a way to pass the level by himself and get the true ending. With his own strength guaranteed, the fewer competitive players the better. It's also possible that he made a deal with the NPCs here. Although this is a game, but the degree of freedom is very good. You can become a good person, a bad person, a troublemaker who disrupts the plot of the game. You can do whatever you want. Focusing on becoming a villain and building a good relationship with the game BOSS and going through dungeons can at least guarantee survival, you can even know more truth therefore get a score bonus. Although such players are a minority, they are not without them." Especially in high-level dungeons, there are quite a few people doing this, so compared to forming a group with strangers to solve puzzles, players who enter the dungeon trust their teammates more.

At the same time, this is also the greatest significance of alliance.

In this kind of game, who says the only thing you need to be wary of is the BOSS? Don't think that people around you are really friends if they have the same purpose.

Chu Wenhai was stunned for a while after hearing this.

Da Yang observed the prison, looking for opportunities to escape, and explained by the way: "Of course, in addition to these possibilities, there is another kind of person who focuses on causing trouble for players."

Chu Wenhai: "What?"

Da Yang: "Ghost."

Chu Wenhai was so scared that he hugged himself: "Wait? Ghost? Possessed by ghost? Supernatural copy?"

Da Yang sighed and looked at Chu Wenhai helplessly: "I'm talking about the hostile camp, the players who are ghosts."

Chu Wenhai: "...Oh, that a. I've never met one before, but is it possible ma? Isn't he a player ma?"

Da Yang: "A ghost can become any identity, an NPC, a player, or directly a BOSS. However, the latter two are related to the level of the ghost. This is a primary-level dungeon. The possibility that the ghost can be upgraded to acting as a player all at once is very low. It's only possible in mid-level copies. It's unlikely."

Chu Wenhai asked carefully: "How about I try to report him? After knowing about ghost, do we have to report directly?"

Da Yang: "It's up to you. But if the report is wrong, you will be ejected directly from the game copy and fail."

Chu Wenhai fell silent.

He doesn't seek death.

"Then what should we do now?" Chu Wenhai squatted on the ground and sighed, "Big shot, do you still have any good cards that you can use ma?"

Da Yang: "No more. Unless buying it in the mall now. The price is too expensive. Compared with what you get from this copy, it's not worth it."

He will lose money.

The purpose of entering a dungeon is to earn coins. If you can't earn, you might as well admit failure and try your best in the next dungeon.

Chu Wenhai was dumbfounded: "Then what should we do? Wait to die?"

Da Yang: "..."

Why wait to die? Isn't it good to live well ma? Can you use your brain ma?

"Wait until they let us out." Da Yang said.

Chu Wenhai: "Will they let go?"

Da Yang: "...You shut up ba."

Chu Wenhai groaned, squatted on the ground and stopped talking.

Da Yang glared at him.

They will be release, at least take them to the laboratory.

Maybe, somewhere else.

Those people definitely did not arrest them to make them stink in prison.

Compared with those, Da Yang was more curious about another thing, how Rong Zheng managed to integrate with the NPC smoothly.

Is it because of relaying on Green's line?

An NPC in wheelchair, at first he thought he was just an ordinary passerby in the dungeon with a slightly different personality. The curly-haired female NPC looked much more important than him, unexpectly there's a hidden agenda.

He was too careless.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Meet a fool, hiding himself in a prison cell.

Da Yang:...

If the opponent was not a player, who would have thought that there was an invisible person in the prison.

He's not stupid.

  1. I'm sure the translation is not right but it mean: if you have money, you are the boss