
All the former members of the institute were executed, no one was left.

Bai Leshui couldn't bear to see this scene and turned his head away. As a result, he turned around and saw the town at the foot of the mountain.

Don't know what happened there, but a fire was blazing into the sky at this time. The fire broke out near the square, some distance from the church.

As for the cabin in the distance, perhaps because the woods in the mountains are too dense, it can't be seen from here at all. No wonder no one knows where Fast has been hiding.

Ordinary people would never go to such a stinky and threatening place.

Bai Leshui asked in a low voice in Rong Zheng's ear: "Fast's matter... what to do?"

Rong Zheng glanced at Pearson, who was mobilizing all the people to cause trouble: "Leave it to them."

Bai Leshui thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay ba."

As a ghost, his goal is to fight against players. What happens to Fast has absolutely nothing to do with him.

Rong Zheng walked towards Pearson and briefly explained what happened to Fast. After hearing this, Pearson lowered his head and pondered. The red-haired Bourne became furious first: "That guy, unexpectly he is still huddle up surviving."

Dora heard the conversation here and said: "Pearson, that guy can't stay, he is the leader. If he develops a vaccine and antidote, everything will be in vain."

Pearson nodded: "You are right, that man must not be alive. Do you remember his address ma?"

Rong Zheng: "I still remember. He asked us to bring the information to him as soon as possible."

Pearson hesitated after hearing this: "I originally planned to attack the town now, now solving him is the first priority. But Ann's affairs can not be delayed. It's terrible when she gets angry. Fast is locked up in that place and can not go out. No, there's rebels, if contacted by them..."

As Pearson talked and talked, he lowered his head and started mumbling just like that.

Rong Zheng said: "I will take you guys there."

Pearson stopped muttering and looked up at him with a little suspicion in his eyes.

Bai Leshui said, "I'll follow too. He won't rebel, I'm keeping an eye on him ne." The main thing is that he doesn't have a wheelchair now, and he can't move freely without following Rong Zheng.

Pearson: "We need your lead to the town."

Bai Leshui: "You know the way to the church. It's not a problem to lead them by yourself."

"But... it was you and Ann who led us to launch this protest. You are our leader, you must be present to..." Pearson answered uneasily.

Bai Leshui suddenly understood what Xiao Jiu once said there would definitely be more scenes. However, there's really no need for him to join the fun at this time. To be honest, he couldn't help much with his disability.

"It has nothing to do with leaders, we are not in an uprising." Bai Leshui said, "As long as the goal is achieved, why care about small details."

Pearson's eyes lit up: "What you say is right. Everything is for the final victory. Okay, I understand. Trouble you to lead the way please. But it is not that easy to kill Fast, you need to bring enough helpers. Bourne, you go together."

Bai Leshui, who knew he was the hind leg, looked at the red-haired Bourne, who nodded slightly to Bai Leshui.

"Okay." Bai Leshui agreed.

Even if he had an assistant, he didn't think that he and Rong Zheng could do anything against Fast.

"I'll go too." Karl said.

Rong Zheng glared: "What's the point of taking you? Go away."

Karl sneered: "More useful than you."

"Karl has been injected with medicine, his physical strength is much stronger than ordinary people now." Pearson said, "He can help."

Seeing that Rong Zheng was getting angry again, Bai Leshui comforted his arm, let him stop making trouble.

Follow is just to follow along, it's good to have an extra person helping.

"And Dora will come together ba. Also..." Seeing Pearson lower his head and start talking again, he said a series of names. Everyone who was mentioned by him would stand up. After a while, there were a bunch of people around Bai Leshui, by visual inspection there were about twenty people. Basically, everyone with strong mobility is here.

Rong Zheng: "Aren't we going secretly ma?"

There are so many people, no matter how hidden they are, they will be discovered ba.

Bai Leshui: "Pearson, that's enough. Bourne and Karl two people are enough. There is only one person on the other side."

Pearson: "How can that be okay? That is the most dangerous guy, must be killed effectively."

Bai Leshui: "That doesn't require so many people too."

After a brief discussion with Pearson, the number of people was reduced. In addition to Bourne and Karl who were going there from the beginning, there was also a young boy named Teni who looked to be only in his teens.

He looks very thin.

It is said he is also a person who has been transformed, but it seems that the boy has not been transformed much, it's just that there is a small horn protruding from the side of his forehead. Seeing Rong Zheng glance at him from time to time, Teni replied in his childlike voice: "That's what was left after the experiments. My cuticles have increased." The little boy stretched out his two hands, and his fingers pad, also has a horn as small as the forehead. It looks like a small snail shell upside down on the pad of his finger.

"There are some here too. It's very hard and can cut open glass." Teni said.

"Oh." Rong Zheng asked, "Did the experiments last for a long time ma??"

The young man nodded: "Should be a long time ba, I can't remember clearly. I just remember that it hurt."

How could this kind of experiment that deliberately mutated the body be comfortable?

Bai Leshui slapped Rong Zheng's arm, and Rong Zheng, who was about to continue asking, closed his mouth and stopped talking.

He was just curious about the experiments.

The most curious about, is the time when the experiments started.

As a matter of habit, when he encounter a problem that he doesn't understand, he always want to break the casserole and ask questions to the end.

The other side.

Cabin by the lake.

"I thought it was the two people I sent who came back. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be unfamiliar faces." Fast sat at the door of the cabin and looked at the people in front of him with a smile, "Who are you guys a?"

There is a lamp hanging at the door of the wooden house. The weak light can only allow the people here to see the faces of both parties clearly.

Chu Wenhai: "I also want to ask who you are ne? Why are you here? It smells so bad here. Is there something floating in the river? No, it's too dark to see clearly. Big shot, can you see clearly ma?"

Da Yang glanced at the river: "I advise you that it is better not to know."

He couldn't see clearly, but the smell was very familiar to him. It was corpse odor. In a previous escape world, he had to avoid being chased by murderers, and went to a warehouse full of corpses. The smell of that place was very similar to this one.

There is an underground prison in the sanatorium, but no bones were found. It must have been that all the bones were thrown into the river for disposal either during previous experiments or after the accident.

Then, follow the river and flow here.

Tom was very irritable: "Whoever he is, we have nowhere to go now. Something happened in the sanatorium, and the town is in such chaos. Where else can we go but here?"

Fast's eyes lit up: "Something happened to the sanatorium?"

Nicole asked, "Why do you care about sanatorium? Who the hell are you?"

"Me?" Fast stood up and said excitedly, "I am the greatest medical scientist in the world. The future."

The four of them stared at him in confusion.

Fast: "I am also from that sanatorium, the main researcher. You are the experimental subjects, no, not right, you are all unseen faces. Unless they also start to conduct experiments. Otherwise there will be no... Are you all outsiders? There have been so many outsiders coming here recently a."

After talking about being a researcher, Fast noticed the eyes of these people changed. Especially Tom, he stepped forward very excitedly and grabbed Fast's collar, roaring angrily: "Did you develop that germ that can kill people?"

Fast smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand to grab Tom's arm, and lifted it with his left hand. He grabbed Tom then spun once, easily breaking away from Tom's grasp. He also threw him away, pressed him to the ground, and grabbed both of Tom's arms from behind.

In just a few seconds, Fast finished all this and said slowly: "Young man, don't have such a impatient temper a. Speak proprely."

Tom moved his hands vigorously and found that he couldn't get away at all. Then he angrily began to curse, full of swear words.

Fast couldn't bear to listen, so raising his head and pressed the man's head to the ground, successfully making Tom's foul mouth take a mouthful of dirt.

Because Tom receive a setback, no one else dared to act rashly, and just watched Fast sitting on someone's back.

"I've already said, don't be so impatient. I have no ill intentions towards you guys at all. It's you who want to come to my place to cause trouble for me." Fast said as he leisurely tidied up his messed up clothes.

Nicole: "I know, we won't do anything."

 Da Yang asked: "You said you developed the germs, so concerning that germ's matter, are you very clear about it ma?"

"It seems that someone has asked me this before." Fast said while holding his chin, his eyes swept over the faces of several people, then stared at their arms, "Clear, I still have that kind of thing here. However, you don't look like you are infected."

Da Yang told what happened in the basement of the sanatorium, then stretched out his arm. Although it was still clean, Da Yang, who had been injected, didn't think it was that simple.

"You mean, those poor experimental subjects are still studying germs?" Fast's expression turned serious, and he said, "I don't know how the riots happened in the first place. Unfortunately, I went back home at that time, when I came back, the sanatorium became like this. And the people above want me to stay here. Their attitude is very tough a."

"Those guys are definitely not interested in immortality or anything like that." Fast scratched his head and said, "It's really bad, they want revenge. Although I made those things, I also value them very much. But it is undeniable that they are very dangerous. Especially mutants. I should have destroyed all the mutants. Looks like I was betrayed."

"Green, Pearson, Tu An, Dora, Ann..." Da Yang read out the names he heard one by one.

"Ann." Fast said resolutely, "It must be that woman. I still don't know what that woman is thinking? She was not an experimental subject in the first place, but she insisted on accepting the experiment. I don't know why, don't know what experiment she underwent, after the experiment was completed, she switched from a experimental subject to a researcher. She even hooked up with my assistant."

"The Ann you are talking about, what does she looks like?" A woman's voice came from far to near.

Several people turned their heads and saw Aunt Ming walking towards this side in a mess, covered in blood. She asked, "Does she have curly blond hair?"

Fast said with sorrow: "Yes, a very young and beautiful woman with golden curly hair."

Aunt Ming sat on the ground slumped: "As expected."

Da Yang: "Why are you here?"

Aunt Ming: "I've been hiding around the town all along, the people there are all crazy. It's not important, I know who Ann is. We have all seen that person."

Chu Wenhai immediately asked: "Who?"

"We met her on the first day we came here." Aunt Ming said, "Have you forgotten ma, she was the one who suggested we stay in the square, to not go anywhere else."

But at that time, she said her name was Yula.

From the very beginning, the biggest BOSS of this dungeon appeared in front of everyone leisurely, pretending to be a kind person and told them many clues.

She is truly an enigmatic woman whose thoughts are hard to guess.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Dear, should I carry you there on my back, hold you in my arms, or carry you between my arms?

Bai Leshui: I believe there must be a way to find a second wheelchair.

Otherwise, labor and management (laozi) will ride you over.

  1. I guess he mean he is the future of this world.
  2. I don't know why he is on the list. Maybe to make up the number.