
Aunt Ming failed to go to the sanatorium with Rong Zheng before, and ran away after knowing that Rong Zheng was infected. She knew how powerful those things were and didn't want to take any risks.

When she introduced herself before, Aunt Ming lied about many things, but one thing was true. She did have a son who was about to take college entrance examination, she wanted to go back to see her son. To do this, she needs a lot of game currency.

Even if she only buys a temporary ticket and goes back to take a look from distance, she can feel much more at ease.

But it is really difficult to earn enough game currency in this world. It is not difficult to live a comfortable life. The trouble is the go home ticket.

First of all, there's a time gap to enter games. Even if Aunt Ming thinks she can do it, the system will reject her because she is mentally exhausted. It is inhumane to overstress players' mental energy.

Aunt Ming also questioned the system, wouldn't it be inhumane to drag her into this world without even saying hello ma?

The system shuts up, playing dead.

You can enter a dungeon with at least three days apart. If you only have the guaranteed minimum of 100 game coins, how long will it take to earn a ticket?

This does not include the need to convert game currency into money and daily expenses in the parallel world.

And not every level can be successfully passed.

The only way to earn the most game coins is by solving puzzles. Solving puzzles also comes with more dangers. If you are not careful, you will lose everything, nothing will be left.

Purchasing cards will also consume game currency, solving puzzles will get you a lot of game currency. If you don't grasp this ratio well, it will be a losing business.

It's like an endless loop.

In order to earn game coins, Aunt Ming did everything for self and selfish profit, she almost lost her humanity. All for the sake of going home and meeting her son.

Why she was chosen ne, Aunt Ming still can't figure out. The system was very cold, it never bothered to explain such 'small problems' to her. Maybe even explaning is of no use. Because nothing will change.

After leaving Rong Zheng, Aunt Ming wandered around the town. She didn't know where to go. She was gritting her teeth and prepared to buy a card and sneak into the town to look for clues. Then she met the woman who kindly gave them informations in the town surroundings. The woman who calls herself Yula.

Yula said that she escaped after discovering something happened in the town and did not dare to go inside. Because she discovered many secrets, she was being hunted.

Aunt Ming originally planned to run away, but after hearing secrets, the idea of solving puzzles to earn points occupied her mind, so she decided to take a chance. Yula said there were people she knew in the church, and many people who were not infected had hid in. She hoped that Aunt Ming could go with her.

Aunt Ming easily believed this NPC who had provided important clues many times.

As a result, she was ambushed in the church.

Later, Aunt Ming discovered that Yula went out to find the fish that had slipped through the net, sent them all to the church, then received vaccinations. And those people who don't know where they come from call Yula another name: Ann.

Aunt Ming didn't know what those people were injected with, for her own safety, she hurriedly escaped. To this purpose, she also used her only card, which was her secret hidden trump card.

She ran out of the town in a panic. Aunt Ming suffered many large and small injuries. The card was completely used up and disappeared. Being chased and escaping was not without its benefits. At least she got here and successfully reunited with Da Yang others.

Even though there are obviously a few fewer players.

Aunt Ming did not specifically ask about the whereabouts of those people. Judging from her past experience, those people were probably eliminated long ago.

It was right not to go to the sanatorium halfway up the mountain, by only taking such a trip, half of the number of people was lost.

Aunt Ming briefly told her story, then looked at the people in front of her, Da Yang sighed, briefly explained what happened in the sanatorium.

Aunt Ming was startled when she heard this: "Work with N... with those people? Is Rong Zheng serious ma?" She had never heard of such a method.

Never thought about it.

Thinking about it, no one stipulates that they must go against NPCs.

It's just that most of the villains first regarded them as prey, or their goals were opposite to their purpose of survival, so they continued to oppose them. Otherwise, there is still room for maneuver.

"What should we do now?" Aunt Ming asked Da Yang.

Da Yang looked at Fast: "Can you develop a new vaccine ma?"

Fast shook his head: "Without information about the new germs, even I can't study it directly. If only you give me a sample ne."

Da Yang groped his bosom, took out a pile of partially burned papers, and a tightly sealed germ test tube, sent it in front of Fast: "I only have these."

Fast's eyes lit up, he took it and observed carefully from top to bottom. The burnt paper was former patient's information. Fast only glanced at it and threw it aside. He entered the house with only the sample of germs.

Tom curiously picked up the things on the ground and looked at them page by page. There are black and white photos and experimental information printed on the document, although part of it was burned.

His expression didn't change at all when he flipped through the previous content. After seeing the last page, Tom's expression changed. He carefully identified the line of English letters and said to Nicole next to him: "Hey, look at this... "

Before he finished speaking, Da Yang waved his hand to keep him quiet for the time being, he turned his head to listen carefully to the sounds in the distance.

"Someone is coming." Da Yang said.

Not only did someone come, there was more than one, but the speed was not very fast.

"Coming? Are those guys chasing us ma?" Tom ignored the list, just folded the paper in his hand and stuffed it into his pocket, looked around, then picked up a stone from the ground, "Came just in time. Watch me open their heads this time."

"Calm down a bit." Nicole advised.

Tom roared angrily: "Why calm down? That guy Hasen deceived us, Emily is dead too, you still want me to calm down?"

Thinking of Emily lying in the prison slowly losing breath, Nicole stopped talking.

The few people who came were none other than Bai Leshui them.

After separating from Pearson and others, Rong Zheng few people walked over here. Because no wheelchair was found yet, only a wooden cart from the town was found. Bai Leshui only hesitated for a few seconds before choosing the latter between carrying or pushing.

However, even with the use of a cart, Bai Leshui's speed could not be increased, so the few of them could only rush here slowly. And just come at this time.

They weren't shocked when they saw Tom others, because those people escaped from the sanatorium in RV. Rong Zheng specifically asked Hasen how much gas was left in the car. At that time, Hasen said at most they could only run to a place not far outside the town ba. Rong Zheng did some math and found that it was very close to Fast's cabin. The likelihood of them coming here is extremely high.

Just as expected. Through the wall lamp at the door of the wooden house, Rong Zheng saw a group of people looking at this side intently.

The people who ran away were all there, including Aunt Ming, who had been missing.

Bourne: "With so many people, it seems that it will take a while to kill Fast."

Teni said calmly: "It doesn't matter if it's one or several. Just get them all done will be enough?"

Karl: "No, need to leave a few seeds."

Bai Leshui: "I personally hope you can solve them all." In this way, his score will increase.

Rong Zheng: "Then let's settle it all ba."

Karl: "Great idea!"

Teni: "I don't care."

Bourne: "It's a little troublesome, but it's okay."

Because of Bai Leshui's words, these people decided to kill them all after a casual discussion.

Chu Wenhai's eyes bulged out: "Can you be a little more humane ma? It's so easy to eliminate us all a! Can't you be a good person ma?"

Bai Leshui pointed to the faintly sparkling lake water: "That sentence, why don't you tell them again? Who is the most inhumane?"

"Ah?" Chu Wenhai turned his head and glanced into the lake, swallowing his saliva: "That, big shot, there are actually all... discarded parts there ba."

Nicole answered him on behalf of the silent Da Yang: "Corpses, all of them."

Most were rotten, a few were not, most were wearing ordinary hospital gowns.

Although the night was relatively dark, he was gifted with good night vision, he knew what was in the lake with just a few clues.

Chu Wenhai was so chilled by what Nicole said that he trembled: "I want to go home."

If future dungeons were like this, then he wanted to simply find someone to support him, or work for other players, bringing tea, cleaning rooms, cooking, then having a full meal.

No, it won't work, if possible, Chu Wenhai still wants to go home.

Sure enough, earning game currency is very important.

Tom: "That kind of thing has nothing to do with us ba. Isn't the person who did that kind of thing dead ma? Why do you want to search our heads?"

"Everyone in this world who is watching is not innocent." Bourne replied.

Tom: "It's so hard to communicate!"

Teni: "What are you telling him at this time ma? Won't it be fine to beat them to death ma?"

How simple and crude.

Rong Zheng: "I still have to take care of him, you guys charge."

Bai Leshui who's being taken care of:...

Karl: "I knew you were useless."

Rong Zheng smiled and said nothing.

Just when the tension was about to break out, the door of the wooden house opened, Fast walked out happily: "The new germ has been observed, it is a variant that enhances the ability to infect and develop disease. It is not difficult to make a vaccine, it just requires some gadgets."

Everyone looked at him. Fast was also surprised that there were so many people outside. He glanced briefly and barely recognized a few people clearly. Asked Rong Zheng, "Have you brought what I want ma?"

Rong Zheng replied: "Brought it, but what do you want to exchange for?"

Fast: "Oh, now are you talking about conditions? What do you want?"

Rong Zheng: "These people are an eyesore. Kill them all."

Fast smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Oh."

Chu Wenhai was so angry that he cursed his mother, but Aunt Ming and Da Yang didn't say anything. Tom was already furious. Not only did he regard people like Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui as enemies, he also looked at Fast with a very unkind look.

This is a scientist who once took the lead in conducting human experiments on living people. Such a person has little sense of right and wrong.

Not only did Tom think so, but in the eyes of Bourne and others, this man was nothing more than a lunatic.

However, Fast gave everyone a different answer. He smiled and replied: "If I promise you, when they die, I will be the one who dies."

Bai Leshui sighed: "Not stupid."

It's true that no one on their side wants Fast alive.

Since they have a disagreement then just fight. Everyone present was silent for a moment. Don't know who moved first, everyone started to move. Bourne took out an experimental knife and rushed towards Fast. Da Yang was the first to stop him, blocking the blow.

Chu Wenhai was startled. Ever since he knew the cause and effect of the incident, he had no good impressions of the old guy Fast at all. He quickly shouted: "Big shot, why are you saving him now a! Such garbage die early reincarn early! We might as well find a way to escape!"

Da Yang has always been unwilling to give tips to other unrelated players, but in this situation, he can't care about so many things. He needs help. Chu Wenhai may not be very smart, but after sneaking over, he is convinced that this guy's muscles are not in vain.

"Fast is useful, absolutly can't die." Da Yang said hurriedly, "Think about the third article!"

Article 3: Change the destiny.

Da Yang felt that if he guessed correctly, it was about germs.

If you remove the presence of players and only look at the combat effectiveness of Emily and Tom few people, then look at the comparison of forces between the two sides, as well as the spread speed of the germ. Da Yang believes that without them, the world will end up with germs spreading and infecting other places.

Just like the Resident Evil movie.

From a small place, it spread to a city, then a country, and finally the whole world.

That would definitely be the end of the world.

It's not like such a large background copy has never happened before.

Therefore, there will be one more condition for passing than normal copy.

Chu Wenhai was ignorant and still didn't understand, but Aunt Ming understood immediately. She had been holding a wooden stick, now she got up to fight against Bourne and others.

When an NPC takes the initiative to attack, players can fight back. She took advantage of this to carefully protected Fast.

Chu Wenhai still didn't understand, but it didn't stop him from helping. The three of them protected Fast. Under the attacks of Bourne and Karl, they managed to keep Fast safe.

Next door, Tom and Nicole were not so lucky.

It was Teni, the shortest boy, who was eyeing them. Tom didn't pay attention to him at first. He picked up a stone from the ground and rushed forward. Unexpectedly, Teni turned over and dodged. His movements were very flexible and neat, he still had the energy to attack Nicole.

One against two, easy.

Rong Zheng was pushing a wooden cart on the side, with Bai Leshui sitting on it. The two of them looked at this side leisurely, with no intention of taking action.

Bai Leshui is now a useless person. Whether Rong Zheng is a player or Green's bodyguard in the eyes of NPCs, it is natural for Rong Zheng not to take action. Therefore, from the beginning to the end, no one doubts Bai Leshui's true identity.

And they didn't have time to pay attention to them, so Bai Leshui had the opportunity to ask Rong Zheng.

"What's the third article?" Bai Leshui asked.

Rong Zheng leaned over, lowered his voice and said: "Conditions for passing the level. The first article is to survive, the second article is to solve the puzzle. The third article is to change the destiny. I think the third article, is to completely crush your wild scheme ba."

Bai Leshui groaned and touched his chin. In this way, he tried his best to help the people here achieve their ambitions. Did he also add obstacles to players' clearance requirements?

Not bad, don't know if he can get any points.

The higher the points, the higher the evaluation, and finally he can get more game coins, as well as a golden card fragment.

"Now the day is getting more and more late." Rong Zheng said, "Are you tired ma?"

Bai Leshui answered honestly: "I'm not tired yet." It's just that after sitting for a long time, the butt is a little numb.

The knife in Bourne's hand swiped a few centimeters in front of Chu Wenhai's neck. Chu Wenhai screamed in fright, Aunt Ming hit him with a stick on the side.

"If I can find some tea when I go back, I'll brew some for you."

Bai Leshui said disgustedly: "There is no such thing here. Besides, I don't drink tea, I don't need to maintain my health."

Teni's little hand grabbed Nicole's arm and twisted it hard, causing Nicole to scream.

"You can drink it without having to maintain good health." Rong Zheng said, "Have you never drank before ma?"

Tom grabbed a stone toward Teni's head to hit. Teni grabbed Nicole and blocked it, the stone hit Nicole's arm.

Bai Leshui: "Don't drink, I don't understand tea."

Rong Zheng: "It's hot now, you usually..."

Karl thrown Chu Wenhai out, only Aunt Ming and Da Yang were left in front of Fast. However, Aunt Ming always hid behind, only knew how to sneak attack never face the enemy.

Rong Zheng continued to chat with Bai Leshui when he heard Tom scream. They both came to their senses and looked over. Only to see Teni coldly pulling out the knife that had been stabbed into Tom's chest. That's the weapon he keeps hidden in his shoe just for the purpose of being able to stab someone unexpectedly during a fight. Just like now, Tom has been tricked.

This angry and vigorious young man, before he even had time to say his last words, lost his breath.

Shaking with fear, in one day, Nicole witnessed the deaths of two friends.

Teni turned his head to focus on him, Nicole turned around and ran away.

The boy did not chase, but joined the ranks that besieged Fast.

In his opinion, it's this guy who needs to be solved first.

Because of the addition of Teni, a fierce fighting force, the situation became unfavorable for Da Yang and others.

Bai Leshui: "It seems we can go back soon."

Rong Zheng responded a sound, slightly dissatisfied.

He hasn't had enough chat yet ne.

At this moment, Bai Leshui only told the truth. It would be a pity not to chat more.

Can go back soon. Even if the time of the dungeon is not over yet, as long as all players are eliminated, the dungeon will end directly and the ghost will win. Rong Zheng, who is now tied to the ghost, will naturally win the dungeon.

Then, his time with this person will be gone.

What a waste.

If it were him, he would...

As soon as Rong Zheng's thoughts changed, he saw a car rushing over there. Karl, Bourne trio immediately ducked and were not run over by the car. However, such a move gave Chu Wenhai and others a chance to breathe.

The car door was opened, Nicole's frightened voice carried impatience: "Come up!"

Those people got into the car one after another, before the door could close, Nicole turned the steering wheel and drove away.

The mission to murder Fast failed, they succeeded allowed the man to escape.

Bourne's face was extremely gloomy, Karl also said angrily: "The car still has gas? Didn't Hasen say that they would only run around here at most ma?"

Bai Leshui: "Maybe there is still a little bit left ba, but still can't run far."

Teni asked, "What now?"

Rong Zheng: "Can't catch up, go back first."

Came with excitement, return with failure. There is only one more body in this cabin: Tom.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: I choose the cart.

Rong Zheng: Actually, I can still carry.

Bai Leshui: I choose the cart! !

Even though it looks like he's being transported, he refuses to be carried around all the time.

After carrying for a long time, he doesn't know why, but the BGM of Bajie carrying his wife on his back echoes in his mind.

Bai Leshui: Even if you are willing to be a pig, I am not willing to be a monkey!

Rong Zheng:?

  1. 自私自利 (zì sī zì lì) = Selfishness is very heavy, only for personal benefit
  2. 漏网之鱼 (lòu wǎng zhī yú) = those people who escaped the disaster by chance
  3. 烟气 (yān qì) mean smoking but I don't see why it appear so let's pretend it's a typo (I also didn't fing any slang related).
  4. I'll assume it mean to inplicate us
  5. From "Journey to the West". 'Zhu (Pig) Bajie carries his wife on his back'
  6. In "Journey to the West", Bajie is a pig and Sun Wukong (the protagonist) is a monkey. Both are disciple of a monk.